
Rakudai kishi no cavalry: Persona

human soul finds themselves trapped in an endless void after their death. With nothing around them, they are forced to confront their own thoughts and feelings, causing them to spiral into madness. They spend thousands of years in this state until, finally, they begin to regain their sanity. His memory shattered and forgotten. As they try to make sense of their surroundings, they slowly start to move and suddenly find themselves thrown through a light door, entering a new world. The world is unfamiliar to them, and they are filled with a mix of fear and excitement. His memory shattered and forgotten. With no cheat ability and only his wits, how will he thrive in the new world? After being thrown into a new world, the soul finds themselves in the body of Kurogane Ikki, an infant with a troubling future and a strong desire to prove himself in the world of "Blazers" - individuals who can manifest weapons using their souls.

Sky_Demon_Order · アニメ·コミックス
47 Chs

Tender peace, a warm awakening

Ikki felt a wave of tiredness sweep over him as he slowly awoke from his dream. He wiped his eyes and extended his arms, his muscles tense from the previous day's exercise. He inhaled deeply and stretched like a cat, arching his back and feeling his spine pop. He couldn't stop thinking about how fantastic it felt to be alive and in command of his body.

But as he turned to his right, he noticed that Shizuku was nowhere to be seen. They used to be close, but ever since the family elders had taken control of the heirs' training, they had been forced to keep their distance. He couldn't help but feel sad at the notion of his adorable sister being so far away.

He got out of bed and began to get dressed, his mind still lingering on the issue. He knew that it wasn't Shizuku's fault, but he couldn't help feeling frustrated at the situation. He wondered if there was any way he could get through to her, to remind her that they were siblings first and foremost, despite the elders' interference.

Ikki was doing his stretching routine when all of a sudden he felt someone close by. He turned his head and saw Sora walking in, watching him with a strange glint in her eyes. Ikki felt a little uneasy, but he quickly got over it because he thought Sora was just interested in what he did in the morning.

However, as Sora approached him, she whispered something that made Ikki's heart race and his palms sweat.

"Good morning, Sora," Ikki greeted her with a cheerful smile. "Thanks for keeping me company."

Sora's face changed when Ikki spoke in a friendly way, and she gave back a small smile. "Good morning, Ikki," she said, her voice laced with a hint of playfulness. "You're looking pretty lively there. Did you have a good dream?"

Ikki's cheeks turned red at the implication, but he quickly got himself back together. "Actually, I did have a good dream," he replied, trying to keep the embarrassment out of his voice. "I was training with my device in my dream, and it was amazing."

Ikki sat on the edge of the futon, fidgeting nervously with his hands. He had been hesitant to share his love of sword fighting with Sora, afraid that she would think it was silly or childish.

But as he looked up at her, her eyes sparkling with genuine interest and her grin widening, he felt a sense of relief wash over him.

"That's great, Ikki," Sora said, leaning closer to him and gently patting his arm. "I've always thought that sword fighting was really cool. Maybe you can teach me some moves sometime."

Ikki's heart leaped in his chest at the suggestion. He had never had anyone show such interest in his passion before, let alone someone as cool and confident as Sora.

"Really?" he asked, his voice cracking slightly with excitement.

"Of course!" Sora replied, her warm smile filling him with a sense of comfort and belonging. "I'm always up for learning new things, and it sounds like you're really passionate about this."

She leaned in closer, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. Ikki's breath caught in his throat as he felt her warmth and strength surround him, and he couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence in his life.

As they pulled away from each other, Ikki felt stronger and more sure of herself. He knew that he had found someone special.

"Thank you, Sora," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Sora beamed at him, her eyes filled with a deep sense of understanding and compassion. "Anytime, Ikki," she replied. "I'm always here to support you."

They left ready to explore the day's fresh possibilities.

He could feel his limbs responding to his every instruction as he moved. For a brief minute after waking up, he was hyperaware of the feeling of blood rushing through his veins, sending little electric currents that tingled his nerves ever so slightly. He could feel each muscle tightening as he moved.

He couldn't help but notice how vibrant and fresh the colors around him appeared. The noise of the waking household seemed to fill his ears; each sound was so distinct and clear that he was aware of this moment with no memory of the past or future troubling him. The breeze that flowed through the room made his body shiver, sending goosebumps up his back.

Ikki couldn't believe how clear every little thing in his world had become. He felt as though he was experiencing everything for the first time, as though he had been living in a muted world before and was only now seeing and feeling things in their true form.

He took a deep breath, feeling the air fill his lungs and energize him. He could feel his heart beating in his chest, a steady rhythm that gave him a sense of calm and control.

He closed his eyes and focused on the present moment, letting go of any worries or distractions. With each exhale, he felt a sense of release and clarity wash over him.

It was strange; being under house arrest had made him feel trapped and helpless, but now he felt more alive than ever before. Perhaps it was the dream training that had awoken his senses and made him more aware of his own body. Or maybe it was the determination to overcome his limitations that gave him a sense of purpose.

"I can't believe how fantastic this feels," Ikki said as he crossed his arms over his head. "I had no idea how much stress I was carrying around in my body until today. This stretching and freedom were just what I needed."

Ikki's thoughts started to wander as he continued to travel. He reflected on his dream training and how it had opened up a new world of possibilities for him. 'Maybe I could include it in my routine... but what do I need to do so?' He reflected on the many methods and positions he had studied, and yet no manual he had read had that kind of esoteric expertise written into it.

'I have to make the most of this,' he reasoned. 'Being limited to this place does not mean I am stuck; all I need to do is train what I can.'

Ikki inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, his wants and oath strengthening his resolve.

POV Shizuku

Shizuku had always understood that becoming the Kurogane family's next heir would come with a lot of responsibilities, but today had been especially daunting. She had been busy from dawn until dusk with numerous meetings, training sessions, and tasks that came with being the next in line to represent the family.

As she made her way back to her room, she couldn't help but feel exhausted and drained. The weight of her responsibilities seemed to be crushing her, and she longed for a moment of peace and quiet.

But as she opened the door to her room, she found one of her cousins, Ayane, rummaging through her belongings. Shizuku was taken aback; she had always gotten along well with Ayane and couldn't understand why she would be snooping around in her room.

"What are you doing?" Shizuku demanded, her voice betraying her annoyance.

Ayane looked up, a guilty expression on her face. "I was just looking for something," she muttered.

"Well, you shouldn't be," Shizuku replied curtly. "This is my room, and you have no right to go through my things without my permission."

Ayane shrugged, looking sheepish. "Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I was just curious."

Without thinking, Shizuku grabbed Ayane's arm and pushed her towards the door. "Get out," she snapped. "And don't come back."

As Ayane left the room in tears, Shizuku felt a rush of satisfaction. She had put her cousin in her place and shown her power. It was fantastic to have that type of control.

Shizuku felt no shame or regret at that time; she acted without hesitation on her feelings. She hadn't considered the implications of her actions or how they might affect her relationships with others. All she knew was that she had the capacity to make Ayane leave, which gave her a sense of power and control.

Shizuku couldn't help but grin as she lay on her bed. She was the Kurogane family heir, and she had the ability to make anybody do anything she desired. It was a thrilling experience she would enjoy and savor for years to come.

Shizuku observed that Ayane was avoiding her over time. She didn't mind since she was preoccupied with her duties as the Kurogane family's next heir. But Ayane's mother approached her one day and begged her forgiveness.

"I'm sorry about Ayane," her aunt murmured softly. "She's been feeling a lot of remorse about what occurred in your room. She couldn't bring herself to apologize to you, but she's cried every night since."

Shizuku's heart remained unmoved as her aunt continued to plead for Ayane's forgiveness. She didn't see the need to forgive her cousin for her trespasses, and she didn't care about Ayane's guilt or remorse.

"I appreciate your apology," Shizuku said coldly. "But what Ayane did was disrespectful, and she should know better. don't let her come near me."

Her aunt bowed her head once again, apologizing profusely before leaving the room.

Shizuku sat alone in her room, feeling content with the power she had over others. She was the Kurogane family heir, and no adult or child would disrespect her.

As she sat there, she couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness. She knew that her actions had isolated her from her own family, but she couldn't bring herself to care.

Pov Ouma

The training grounds were filled with the raucous cheers of the spectators as Ouma, the young prodigy of the Kurogane family, stepped into the ring. The children in the audience were particularly excited, chanting his name and urging him on.

Ouma strode into the ring with a cold frown, his opponent looking at him with a mixture of anger and apprehension.

Ouma's undeniable talent shone through, and he knew it. He had been working hard for this moment, and he was determined to show them what he was capable of.

From the very start of the match, Ouma launched into a flurry of attacks, catching his opponent off-guard. The spectators roared with excitement, urging him to deliver the final blow. Ouma's opponent, however, was not going down without a fight. The two fighters traded blows, each landing with heavy force. The crowd gasped with every hit, but Ouma remained unflappable, even enjoying the thrill of the fight.

As the match wore on, Ouma began to dominate, with his opponent struggling to keep up.

Ouma saw his opportunity and seized it. With lightning-fast reflexes, he lunged towards his opponent, his arm extended and his sword aimed straight at the head. The crowd held their breath as they watched the tip of the blade approach its target, anticipating the satisfying sound of metal clashing against metal.

But Ouma's opponent was able to dodge the attack at the last second, barely avoiding the devastating blow.

The audience let out a collective gasp as Ouma took a step forward, his balance thrown off by the force of his attack, which missed his opponent's head by inches.

For a moment, everything was still. Ouma stood frozen in place, his sword arm still extended, while his opponent stood beside him, staring at him with a mix of shock and fear.

Kisu Shadis, one of the trainers of the Kurogane family, stormed into the ring, his expression one of anger. "What do you think you're doing!?" Kisu murmured harshly. "This is not how we fight in the Kurogane family. We do not beat our opponents senseless for the sake of showmanship."

Ouma stayed cold and didn't apologize. His pride kept him from seeing what he had done wrong. "Winning is everything," he replied, his voice cold. "If I have to make my opponents unable to fight, then so be it." His words sent shivers down the spines of his teammates, who had never heard him speak with such cold determination before. They knew then that they were in the presence of a true competitor.

Kisu shook his head in dismay, realizing that Ouma's attitude was far from what was expected of a mage knight. "That's not what being a mage knight is about," he said sternly. "It's about using your skills to protect others and defend the weak. It's not about using your talents to hurt and dominate others."

But Ouma remained unmoved, his eyes fixed on the ground. "I don't care about any of that," he replied coldly. "All I care about is being the best. And if that means crushing anyone who stands in my way, then I'll do it."

Kisu had seen enough battles to know that a cold heart and a thirst for dominance often led to destruction and chaos. He had seen too many young warriors fall prey to their own pride and arrogance, causing harm to themselves and others.

He looked at Ouma with a cynical eye, wondering if the young prodigy would ever understand the true meaning of being a mage knight. He knew that Ouma had immense talent, but talent alone was not enough to win every fight.

"Remember, Ouma," Kisu said, his voice firm. "The strength of a mage knight is not just in their sword arm, but in their heart. You must learn to fight with honor and respect for your opponents, not just for the sake of winning." "Only by mastering these qualities can a mage knight become a true leader and inspire others to follow in their footsteps, creating a legacy that will last long after they are gone. It is this combination of skill and character that sets the greatest mage knights apart from the rest. "

Ouma remained silent, his eyes still fixed on the ground. Kisu sighed, knowing that changing the young boy's mindset would not be easy, but it was necessary.

"Think about it.... just think," Kisu said, his voice softer this time. "Do you want to be remembered as a warrior who brought glory and honor to your family or as a cold-hearted fighter who cared only for himself?"

The crowd fell silent as they watched the exchange between Kisu and Ouma. It was clear the tensions wouldn't go away.

As Ouma left the ring, Kisu watched him go, his mind already working on a plan.