
Prolouge or is It?

Time: 2022 of the standard year ATDOC 23 December.

Location: Near the Red Sea, Planet Earth, Solar System, Standard Universe.

In the cloudy sky, there was a small flashing light, alternating between red and blue, slowly flying through the air towards its destination. Inside the plane, there was a scene of various people of different ages, colors, and genders. One guy had just finished watching a James Bond film, while another enjoyed kicking the seat in front of him, as usual. There was also a person who wanted to watch some interesting "stuff" but had forgotten to plug in their headphones. Unfortunately, there was no Ishigami to save the day. Time was slowly passing by.

In one of the rows near the front of the business class, also known as "economic class H," there was a diverse group of people, including a Polish, an Asian, probably Korean, and an Arabian. In the white space at the front of the plane sat a young man reading an interesting novel about Murim. The boy was in love with the concept of a world where a fantastic world existed. He had watched a multitude of anime in his home language, but it wasn't enough. So he learned English, which was easier than Japanese, and dove into the fantastic world of manga, but it still wasn't enough.

You see, a good manga is a truly rare thing, and I'm not talking about the "decent" stuff. I'm talking about masterpieces where you watch anime, read manga and light novels. As the boy traversed through the fantastic world of Japanese pop culture, he met a new beauty that was Solo Leveling, and he truly enjoyed it. He finished it in one day and one night. He wanted more of that kind of cool protagonist. You see, the boy loved Batman and heroes from the comics of DC and Marvel, but he always thought that their ideologies were pretty weird.

"Why do you keep Joker alive? What the hell?" he thought. "Yeah, Japanese novels were better, but why are they so wimpy?" In short, J-pop (Japanese pop culture) had only one cool protagonist for every 50, for example, Killua, Hisoka, Iwatani, Tatsuya, Cid, Acnologia (not a protagonist, I know), and that one guy from a slice-of-life anime who was the president of the classroom and just went with his confession to that girl you know.

"Yeah, good times," mumbled the boy.

Slowly looking around, the boy thought, "Yeah, I ate too much." ' No shit Sherlock, you're not Goku, no shonen power for you. ' "Yeah, yeah, you're right. I should have just gulped it down like that." Suddenly, the plane trembled slightly. "Oh, turbulence. I welcome you anytime, you adrenaline junkie. Hey, no screaming! You know that I can't run on a plane, unless I want to look like that weird guy on the right who has some kind of white panties on his head. So, turbulence, in my theory, is great to digest food, you know, like that machine that trembles your stomach and you lose weight. " 'Hah, no, I call bullshit! ' "Geez, don't be such a stuck-up."

Slowly bantering inside his head, the boy didn't register the fact that something flashed on the left wing. But who could blame him? Being in such a colossal plane would do that to anyone. "I ought to sleep a bit more," he thought, and fell asleep.

Fifteen minutes later, in the cockpit, an unassuming man took care of the hundred people aboard. "Captain, I think we have a problem,"

in the low voice the second capitan voice spelt a death flag.



the sudden sensation of vibration send anyone over the edge waking up everyone. The boy confusedly looked around rubbing his eyes-'yeah why do I expected anythink...' but suddenly the orange light as ripe as orange shined on his cheek he mechanically turned his head and saw that there was a problem -'{No shit the engine went down } yeah it's time to raise my flags {N..}' tuning the voice down he screamed -" There is no need to panic everyone, everything will be okay we just need to land!". The people that were in shock thrower his some incomprehensible stares as if their brain needed some time to reboot. And than suddenly one person started to scream-"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" and as expected of human group sheep mentality some people joined in the fun. -'Ah it's truly annoying but I understand someone needs to fill the shoes of the mob characters { hah why are you so excited} you see if the truck death is isekai ticket than raising death flags in plane crash will give me an absolute win{ yeah I understand that you need to cope with situation but what's with this disgusting optimism}'. slowly the orange flow of flames went down but it suddenly exploded sending the plane in spiral. -'Yeah not even capitan could calm those people down' though one of the stewardess. That thought went down fast when people got thrown around unless their belt were locked they went flying.


-'that's some nasty noices, so get a grip on yourself , and ah It's a bit too late for this but...'