

As the soul finally opened its eyes, it became aware that it was actually a living human being and not just a soul. He took in the sterile environment, listening to the whirring of the equipment and the beeping of the monitors. He cast a quick glance in the direction of his parents, who were seated in the far corner of the room; his father was staring at him intently, while his mother appeared uninterested.

The infant is said to be in excellent condition by the physician, and the nurse has informed the child's parents of this news.

"Excellent?" The statement was reiterated by Kurogane's father with an expression of slight surprise. "What, exactly, did you just say? He was delivered before his due date."

The nurse gave a confident response, saying, "Yes, we've been following him very closely, and he's doing fairly well."

The conversation was going on, but Kurogane's mother was too preoccupied with gazing at her phone to pay attention to it. When everything was going on, Kurogane's father went to the nursery to check on his new son who had just been born.

After seeing his father's gaze, Soul experienced feelings of acceptance and safety for the first time since millennia he felt his heart warming and a homely heat cursed through his body.

As he continued to take in his surroundings, all of a sudden, he became acutely aware of an odd sensation. It appeared as though there were two spheres resting on top of his head, which constrained the range of his view, his once full degree had become restricted. He furrowed his brow carefully as he attempted to comprehend the gravity of the issue.

Soul was still pondering his predicament when he suddenly became aware of the sound of approaching feet and looked up just in time to see three bipedal figures enter the room.

Two of them were dressed head to toe in white coats and blue mask. soul, upon seeing them, had what could be described as an electric jolt in the form of a wave of recognition that washed over him.


When his father, a human with black hair, stated,

"Anata no musuko wa kore kara Kurogane Ikki to natte naraimasu,"

He felt a stirring in his heart.

"Kurogane Ikki so that's my name ." When he finally understood that this was indeed his name his soul trembled and you could see a pure small diamond on which was engraved the name KUROGANE IKKI, he felt a sense of fulfillment.

Kurogane was able to detect the scent of the people who had gathered around his cradle as well as feel their presence. He couldn't stand the itchy feeling of his clothes or the piercing volume of the sounds that were getting into his ear, so he just laughed it off. The void it was once was place he never wanted to go back his sensation were a breathtaking experience.

He was conscious of the prickling sensation that was caused by his blood flowing through his veins as well as the astringency of the liquid that was in his mouth.

One of the humans dressed in white said, "Oh, he's so cute!" as they cooed over the other.

The other person remarked, "He's very little," regarding the boy.

The very sight of his second son filled Kurogane's father with such an overwhelming feeling of pride and joy that he was unable to suppress a smile. On the other hand, his mother gave off the impression that she was unconcerned.

As Kurogane's eyelids began to become heavy and he began to nod off, he was aware of the electric cloud performing its function. As he drifted off to sleep, he thought about the fact that this was, in fact, the beginning of his life and looked forward to all of the fascinating possibilities that lay in store for him in the days and years to come.

Viewpoint of other individuals

When the physician and nurse had left the room, the father, Itsuki Kurogane, turned to his wife and whispered, "The doctors say that he was born prematurely, but he's in excellent condition."

[After the physician and nurse had left the room]

The mother, who had been looking at her phone the entire time, hardly glanced up once during the conversation. "I see, well, excellent for him. Since I have a meeting in an hour, I'll leave you to finish what you were doing."

Itsuki's demeanor did not shift in the least as he watched her walk away from him. Neither of them loved the other.

Itsuki reflected on the weight of the expectations placed on him by the illustrious reputation of his family as he made his way out of the hospital. Being the patriarch of the Kurogane family, he presided over the affairs of the household, and his sons were destined to carry on the family legacy. 'Let's see the first obstacle is going to be the elder council and then I will let him meet his older brother. Ah I can't wait to see them together ' he chuckled to himself and sighed sadly.

The butler was there to meet him at the door when he got back to the house. "Thank you for your service, sir. How was your experience there?"

"The physicians all agree that the newborn is in good health. Name him Kurogane Ikki."

"Yes, sir. I will see to it that all of the prerequisites are met."

Itsuki gave a satisfied nod before heading off to his study with a sense of relaxation from his mouth. He was aware that becoming a parent came with a significant amount of responsibility, but he was dedicated to giving his son the best possible upbringing he could provide.

The Kurogane estate was a sizable, historically significant Japanese residence that had been handed down from the Meji era!! It was a massive Japanese-style mansion that had been there for generations.

A stone path led up to a wooden gate that bore the family crest in gold lettering, and the path was paved with stones. As Itsuki approached the residence, he was met with the soothing noise of a water fountain located in the courtyard as well as the cheerful chattering of birds that had made the verdant garden their home.

Inside the mansion, the walls were covered with old scrolls and beautiful wood carvings that depicted mythological and historical events from Japanese culture. The furnishings were hand-made from high-quality woods and silk, and the spaces were accessorized with porcelain vases that were filled with fresh cut flowers.

As Itsuki made his way to his study, he walked through a chamber that was devoted to displaying the armor and weapons that belonged to his ancestors. As he stared at the gleaming samurai swords, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as well as a sense of duty.

This was especially true because he was the one who had made them.

Itsuki was well aware that simply educating his child to become a formidable mage knight would not be enough to ensure the child's success. It was imperative that he instill in his son the fundamental virtues of dedication, loyalty, and self-control so that he could bring up a respectable and disciplined son.

And he was focused on having it done.

POV next scene

Itsuki Kurogane showed up at the meeting of the Elder Council with his sleeping son cradling him in his arms as if to protect him. He went up to the gathering of seniors and bowed in a respectable manner.

"Respected members of the Elder Council, I bid you a warm welcome. I am here today to make a formal request for your assistance in the furthering of my son, Kurogane Ikki's education and training."

The elders exchanged suspicious glances with one another. One of them questioned, "And why should we support the training of your son, Itsuki?" Itsuki was one of the people that was trained by them.

Itsuki boldly stated, "Because I believe he has the potential to become the best mage knight," indicating his conviction in the statement.

"The best knight mage? That is an extremely lofty objective, "A second wise person shared their thoughts.

" I think your blinded by your love towards your sons" said Akeno-sama.

A third elder stood forward and said, "In fact, and based on what I've observed, I have serious doubts that Kurogane Ikki possesses what it takes to accomplish something of this magnitude."

The look on Itsuki's face became more ominous. "Miyamoto-sama, what gives you the right to say that?"

"First things first, he's barely a child at this point. It is far too soon to determine whether or not he even possesses the ability to become a mage knight, "

the explanation came from the third wise man.

Itsuki rebutted such statement by saying,

"But I have seen signs of his ability already."

"And I am willing to commit the time and resources necessary to guarantee that he receives the highest quality education and training that is available to him."

The oldest man in the room raised his voice once more. "Regrettably, we've seen a number of talented young blazers who showed promise fall short of their goals and ambitions. The development of a mage knight is not a straightforward process. Is it really the case, Itsuki, that you wish to accept this challenge and put your skills to the test?"

It was clear from Itsuki's voice that she was resolved. "I would be grateful for the chance to demonstrate my worth. The future of my son is too crucial to me for me to take any chances with it."

Itsuki was met with doubtful scrutiny from the leader of the elders Mizuki-sama. "Itsuki, I'm sorry to say this, but I have to agree with our other wise man. I do not believe that your son possesses the necessary skills to become a mage knight. It is in everyone's best interest to let him explore other options."

Itsuki's jaw stiffened. "I am respectful of your viewpoint, but I am unable to agree with it. It is my goal to raise my son to be a mage knight, and I intend to do everything it takes to make that goal a reality. I am hoping to count on your assistance in this quest."

The Elder Council looked at each other with some degree of uncertainty, but Itsuki's determination was unmistakable. Even though they had their doubt regarding Kurogane Ikki's talents, they decided to support his proposition for the time being and agreed to do so.