
Jungle Experience 2

Marx's body tilted to the right.  His left hand was trying to grab a branch or anything that could break his fall but he only grasped air.  He looked down and it was only a steep slope and not a cliff and there were a lot bushes that could break his fall.

Two strong hands grasped his hand to steady him.  "Careful Boss."  It was Valdez.

Marx nodded at Valdez.  It was his way of expressing his thanks to his subordinate.

At the same time.  Amaya landed in front  of him.  She was still holding the vine she used to transport her body to where Marx was.

"I just lost my footing."  Marx was embarrassed but he still kept a cold face as if nothing happened.

"I just saw you looking at that tree.  Is something wrong?"  Marx diverted the topic so Amaya will stop inquiring about his near fall.

"I thought I heard something but maybe I made a mistake."
