
Happily ever after

Hmm ...I never knew what would happen next in my life I mean no one knows that . I wanted to know it but unfortunately I can't.My name is Chloe Baster,quite funny right?☺️.I am 16 years old.Doing my high school.I wanted to say the story ..not a story kind of how I got here.

Family is one of the best thing in your life until I understood the fact that they could backbite you.I still love them.A lot.Family that I meant is except your mom,dad and if a sibling then they.these three people I mentioned is not your family it's your heart. It is placed in 2 or more bodies. Without them you will be not even reading this. The factor which ruined my life #1 Family

I am very beautiful in appearance I am fat 88kg. I am brown. I don't know how I got that.People always made fun of me. I liked it. bullying and calling a slut can never bring a person down. Example me! #2 Body Shaming

I am this great fool. If I love someone I love him/her with my whole 💓.I don't see that coming. A person should never be like that.I did their homeworks if someone didn't bring their notes I help them, what a tragic state. But I still love them no matter what . maybe they are gonna backbite me for sure , I don't know what I will do but this is my prayer to God that if something happens like that please give me the strength to face it. that's it.

Disney Movies like Beauty and the Beast is my favorite movie of all times.Maybe because of Emma Watson. I hate the fact that why would they say anything like "and they lived happily ever after".Hate it. Life is this huge bombardment of happiness and sadness.

Now the moment of Truth,

No one will ever find your goodness but always your flaws. I think that's nature law. By the way the only goodness that I have is to love everyone blindly. That's the only thing that I could give people which requires no 💰.

All these things are true about me. Now you know me well. To know me well is very important for the ahead journey of ours.

God is someone important in my life.he keeps knocking at my heart asking me, "can I come in?" me saying a complete "NO".He is the who I am so..he gives love unconditionally , care and protection that no boyfriends could ever give.

At last, I am sick of this thing called LOVE what is it? I still didn't figure out. No clue what L-O-V-E means. But I know it's everywhere I go . No clue what it is.