
Rain World: The Knight

I stumbled upon this captivating game known as "Rain World," and an overwhelming desire to craft a fanfiction story about it immediately welled up within me. As I delve into this creative endeavor, I'm utilizing ChatGPT to enhance and refine my writing. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the result. ps. this synopsis is even edited by ChaTGPT

chaoticCatholic · ゲーム
43 Chs

Start of the timeline

just comment if you need a image for certain creatures as i can easily provide it. .


{ECHO HOW ON EARTH CAN YOU SAY YOU WON WHEN I CLEARLY GOT MORE KILLS THAN YOU} Finn's internal world erupted in a cacophony of frustration as his gaze fixated on Echo, who hovered effortlessly beside him, sporting a smug expression,

{GG bro just get gud} Echo responded with a graceful glide through the air as he floated around Fin, who made valiant attempts to dislodge the pieces of meat resting on him. These morsels were the remnants of the group of lizards he killed.

{DO you even know what those words mean?} Finn's calm inquiry caused Echo to momentarily freeze in his tracks. However, this brief pause was short-lived, as he swiftly countered with his retort.

{Me knowing words does not change the fact I beat you} Echo responded with a hint of smugness, a fleeting moment of self-satisfaction that swiftly dissipated when a meatball, crafted from the remains of a slain lizard, collided with his face.

{You forget! Vultures are worth 5 points which if added on to my current total of 10 from the 10 lizads I killed earlier makes it 20! 8 more than yours } Finn, adopting an eccentric stance, placed one hand against his face and extended the other outwards as he remarked.

{Dang it} Echo, still recovering from the meatball hurled at his face, found himself gazing at Finn's self-satisfied expression as the latter descended from a gruesome mound of lizard carcasses.

{FINN WATCH OUT} Hearing the scream, Finn's instincts kicked in, and he immediately conjured a protective shield above himself. The deafening shriek echoed through the air as an immense, ominous force collided with his hastily summoned barrier. The impact was so powerful that it sent shockwaves through his body, threatening to bring him to his knees as he struggled to withstand the attack.

{ECHO WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!} Finn's cry rang out, echoing through the battlefield, as he grappled to regain his footing after enduring a relentless assault. The ferocity of the attack had etched a complex network of spiderweb-like cracks across his shield, an imposing testament to the considerable investments he had made to reinforce it with skill points.

{FINN ITS A KING VULTURE!} Echo responded by attempting to approach Finn for a closer examination, yet he found himself compelled to swiftly sidestep as yet another harpoon-like spine descended upon him with a velocity so blinding that even Finn struggled to perceive it.

{Echo run} Finn ordered a swift retreat, sensing a compelling force tugging at his shield. He released it without hesitation, immediately conjuring a fresh one. His eyes remained fixed on the remnants of his shattered shield, now ensnared by the harpoon-like horn of the king vulture. The majestic creature hovered serenely above, exuding an eerie tranquility.

{But Fi-{I SAID RUN}}Before Echo could complete his response, Finn raised his voice through their mental connection, sending a mild jolt through Echo's consciousness. Echo floated there, bewildered and uncertain about what to do next. Unbeknownst to Echo, the king vulture had finally retrieved one of its two horn spikes and launched it toward the unsuspecting Echo.

{Above} Finn's voice reverberated through the connection, a thunderous cry that triggered the activation of Echo's high-speed flight mode. In an instant, his body blurred into a streak of motion, carrying him several meters away from his prior position. This display vividly demonstrated the dynamic aspect of Echo's power – an ability known as "Instantaneous Movement," allowing him to traverse considerable distances within a few meters in the blink of an eye. However, this incredible feat could only be accomplished once every 30 seconds.

{That was close} Noting the gradual resurgence of strength within himself, Finn observed the majestic presence of the king vulture, gracefully gliding near the earth's surface.

'Too far for me to throw a spear but not for echo' finn noted as he brought out the explosive spear he got from the merchant last time he was at the stronghold.

Before Finn could formulate a coherent plan, his attention was abruptly drawn to a pair of bone-white spears flying from behind him. These lethal projectiles had emerged stealthily from the shadows behind him, aimed with precision at the majestic king vulture. The regal bird, caught off guard and unable to evade, soon found its majestic wings pierced by the relentless assault.

Unfortunately for the malevolent king vulture, the ordeal did not cease at that moment. With relentless ferocity, additional spears hurled through the air, perpetually launched in pairs. The majestic king vulture, overwhelmed by the unyielding assault, found itself unable to mount any defense. Gradually, it succumbed to the relentless barrage, eventually plummeting from its once-graceful flight.

{The hell was that!} Echo exclaimed, her eyes darting in Finn's direction. However, it soon became apparent that Echo's focus was not on Finn, but rather behind him. This unexpected shift in attention prompted Finn to pivot around, his curiosity piqued. To his surprise, he was met with the sight of a slugcat, a creature he could quite easily place from memory.

'The spearmaster' Finn thought as he stared down at the slug cat that stood a whole head shorter


Feels like i shoved this down yall throat but its better to do it than to take 100 chapters to do it