
Rain World: The Knight

I stumbled upon this captivating game known as "Rain World," and an overwhelming desire to craft a fanfiction story about it immediately welled up within me. As I delve into this creative endeavor, I'm utilizing ChatGPT to enhance and refine my writing. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the result. ps. this synopsis is even edited by ChaTGPT

chaoticCatholic · ゲーム
43 Chs

Injured SpearMaster

Following the blood trail, Finn and the group found themselves unable to catch up to the spearmaster. No matter how long or how fast they moved, they always found themselves falling behind. They attempted to catch up to the spearmaster, who, in Finn's opinion, was far too active for someone who had an orb pulled out of their chest. If events went as they did in the game, with five pebbles retrieving the orb from the spearmaster's chest, it would be quite a challenge to move as fast as he does.

{Master we have been running for a day now can we please rest!} As they ran, Crescent's tired voice cut through the connection, and Finn noticed the visible fatigue in his expression and that of his siblings. This sudden exhaustion puzzled Finn because stamina had never been a problem for them until now. The uncharacteristic weariness of the slugcats raised concerns.

{How are you tired? This is not the first time we spent a day running!} Finn stopped running, allowing the group to rest, and then he asked them all what was wrong. The only response he received was a strange look from the group of slugcats.

{We have not eaten anything....} Crescent's words hit Finn like a revelation. He suddenly realized that the slugcats, much like himself, required a substantial amount of food intake to maintain their activity levels. He had never noticed this before because they had always hunted and eaten right after their training sessions.

Now, with the realization that they hadn't eaten anything for a while, it became clear that their lack of sustenance was likely wearing them down. Finn understood the importance of addressing this issue immediately to ensure the slugcats could continue to perform at their best. It was another factor he needed to consider in their journey within Moon's body.

{Here eat this} Finn wasted no time in retrieving two vulture corpses from his inventory and offered them to his clones, who eagerly devoured the creatures. However, it quickly became apparent that their hunger had not been fully satisfied. Finn realized that they needed more food to regain their energy.

Without hesitation, he took out one more vulture corpse and provided it to his hungry clones. As they continued to eat, their strength gradually returned, and Finn could see the vitality returning to their exhausted forms. It was a crucial thing finn needed to remember so he made a mental note to ensure they had an adequate food supply moving forward.

{Thanks chief, we can continue moving now} Crescent said as they resumed their run to follow the blood trail. However, their progress came to a sudden halt as they stumbled upon a small purple figure lying in a pool of blood. Horror washed over Finn as he quickly rushed to the figure's side, realizing with dread that it was Spearmaster. The sight of his fallen comrade filled Finn with deep concern and urgency as he knelt down to assess the situation and provide whatever assistance he could.

'SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! He's bleeding too much! ' Finn's mind raced as he wasted no time flipping Spearmaster onto his back. What he saw was deeply unsettling—a massive hole located just below where Finn knew Spearmaster's heart should be. The sight filled him with shock and concern as he assessed the extent of the injury. It was a critical wound that needed immediate attention, and Finn knew that time was of the essence to try and help his fallen comrade.

'I need something to block the wound!' Finn's panic grew as he frantically searched through his inventory and the surrounding area, desperately trying to find something to use to block the massive wound. But as he attempted to create a makeshift cover for the injury using his shield creation powers, he was met with disappointment. The shape he conjured soon reverted back to his default shield shape, which proved ineffective in properly covering the wound.

Frustration and helplessness welled up within him as he realized that his abilities were inadequate for this situation. Finn knew that he needed to find a solution quickly to stop the bleeding and provide Spearmaster with the critical help he required.

{Here master use this} As Finn was in the midst of his panic and desperation, he suddenly turned around to find Minus extending a piece of vulture skin towards him. He immediately accepted it, recognizing it as a potential solution. With quick thinking, Finn ripped the vulture skin into several strips and began to carefully wrap them around Spearmaster's wounds.

To his immense relief, the makeshift bandages seemed to do the trick, completely stopping the bleeding. Finn couldn't help but feel gratitude towards Minus for her quick thinking and resourcefulness in this critical moment. They had bought Spearmaster some precious time, and Finn knew they needed to act swiftly to get him the medical attention he so desperately needed, which only moon could provide.

'This was not apart of the story' finn though before he hefted spearmaster upon his back and signaled for the others to follow him as they began moving quickly to get to moon.


kinda liked this chapter


so I dont forget the genders and weapons of the slugcats which follow mc

crescent..male.. the broadsword wielding front liner

star..female...dual wielding axe beserker

diamond..male...The skillful glaive user

minus..female... The short bow wielder

add..male... The long bow wielder



Name: Finn martin

Race: Slugcat(The knight)

Level: 9(389.2/900)

HP (Health Points): 162

MP (Magic Points): 58

STR: 16.35

AGI: 8.9

END: 16.35

WIS: 5.9

INT: 5.9

skill points: 1

stat points: 2.25


[Bone shield(LV 8/10)]- allows the user to create a shield of bone with size determined by amount of mp used.

[Indomitable(Maxed)]- You shall not bend....



[Name: Echo]

[level: 11](215.8/300)

[Skills: vision share,stealth,High speed flight,Bash]

(Note: none)
