
Rage of the titans

In the world of Titans, they arrived on Earth as aliens with the goal of conquering the planet. Humans, gifted with elemental powers, fought back fiercely. Although the Titans were a common threat, the elementals' spirits, corrupted by the elemental tree, led to a division among the Titans. They split into clans and eventually cohabited with the elementals. A prophecy foretold the resurrection of Centro, the most powerful Titan from the clan of the Original Titans. Centro's plan was to open the gates and let the elder Titans conquer Earth. However, another prophecy spoke of a young Titan from a forbidden clan who would rise to stop Centro's plan. This young Titan would have to embark on a journey to fulfill the prophecy and seek revenge for the death of his clan.

Vicky_Styles · ファンタジー
6 Chs


Kiich-ten was still in the arc section, discussing with Elmael. Elmael had shared everything Kiich-ten needed to know about the emergence of the Dark Acres. Now, it was up to Kiich-ten to prevent their rise. Only he and Princess Vegian could stop them, but he doubted they had the power to do so. From what Elmael had told him, stopping the Dark Acres seemed nearly impossible.

It would be him against the Dark Acres. Elmael had explained all he needed to know about defeating them, but Kiich-ten felt he had already wasted too much time. Still, he needed this knowledge to succeed. He hoped Vegian wasn't waiting for him too long.

"There is one thing left," Elmael said as Kiich-ten prepared to leave. "King Leo is the key to something he doesn't know about. He must be taken there without knowing why. You must discover what it is and stop him before it's too late. They also speak of the red blood that awakens the tree. You must find that as well. Go now, before time runs out."

With those words, Kiich-ten left the arc section and headed behind the city. He summoned his Centaurus with a whistle—a massive, six-legged horse-like creature. He could feel the ground vibrate as it approached. He was near a sparsely treed land, a long way from the palace where his battle awaited him.

The Floral Titans, also known as the Purple Titans, had the weakest Ralli energy. They were the shortest Titans but considered the wisest among their kind. Unlike other Titans who thrived on violence, the Floral Titans lived in harmony with their energy source and instinct spirit—the Uricinfluorescent, a six-foot-tall and four-meter-wide flower. This flower revealed truths, foretold the future, and granted every newborn their instinctive weapon.

After the Wind Titans attacked them, driving them from their homes, the Floral Titans lived under the protection of the Jegonee Titans, who had defended them.

"Something is not right. The Uricinfluorescent is giving us strange signals we can't decipher. It's warning us of potential danger. We must learn what's happening in the palace. Remember why you're pretending to be the prince's lover. If you fail, you risk everything. Are you listening, Nicora?" Nimena said.

"I hear you, Papa. But what about the fortune the flower spoke of? Are we still safe?" Nicora asked.

"We don't know yet. That's why you must go to the palace. Prince Lawrence is close to the queen, and I know she despises the Floral Titans. You might learn something from him," Nimena replied. "Your mother hasn't returned from the Toric. She should be back by now."

"I'll go check on her. She might need my help or be lost. I'll be back soon," Nicora said, heading toward the Toric.

"Don't you think you should wait a little? She might return soon!" Nimena called after her.

"You're not as worried as I am," Nicora replied as she entered the Toric—a place of ancient buildings and scattered trees.

Nicora ventured deep into the Toric, calling for her mother. She found herself in an unfamiliar part of the forest, where the air felt heavy with the remnants of past rituals. The grass-covered houses had an eerie appearance.

Just as she was about to leave, she stepped on a hidden trigger that opened the ground beneath her, and she fell into a deep pit. After what felt like minutes of falling, she landed in water. Looking up, she realized the surface was far above. Diving into the dark, murky water, she searched for an exit, hoping to find a light to guide her.

Suddenly, the water began to drain rapidly, pulling her deeper into the underground. She fought against the current, reaching for anything to hold on to. Finally, she grasped a ledge and climbed out, finding another opening into an underground city.

Armed with her two swords, which could transform into a staff weapon, she cautiously advanced. The sound of growling echoed nearby. Moving toward the noise, she broke open a door and found herself face-to-face with a Titan's nose—a mutated Original Titan.

Before she could react, the Titan sensed her presence and smashed through the walls, pursuing her. The Titan's massive size and Ralli energy shook the underground city. As the city collapsed, Nicora leaped onto the Titan's head, using its momentum to propel herself upward.

She managed to wedge her staff into the wall, halting her ascent just as the Titan reached her. It glared at her, green Ralli energy glowing ominously. She knew it was about to unleash its power. With a quick move, she dodged to the side as the Titan struck the wall, using its force to reach the surface.

Nicora landed above ground, facing the fifty-meter-tall mutated Titan. Though trained as a warrior, she hesitated, unsure if she could defeat it. As the Titan charged, she activated her weapon's floral instinct and leaped toward its head. The Titan's Ralli energy pushed her back, demonstrating its superior strength and control.

Realizing she couldn't win, Nicora turned to flee. The Titan leaped after her, ready to crush her. She braced for impact, closing her eyes in fear.

At that moment, Kiich-ten arrived on his Centaurus. He leaped from his mount and channeled his bright red instinct into a powerful punch, striking the Titan and sending it tumbling hundreds of meters away.

The Titan rose, glaring at Kiich-ten. He stood, his body enveloped in red light, a rare and powerful instinct. As he prepared to confront the Titan, Nicora watched, realizing Kiich-ten's true strength.

Kiich-ten moved with incredible speed, ready to attack the Titan head-on.
