
Rage : Crossworlds

Jordaine_Raphael · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1 : A Sad Ending

Mornings, don't you just love them? No? Same. I took a breath in and out as if to say this would be my last, I was never a fan of the break of dawn. Getting out of bed was always a mission for me but nevertheless I climbed out of my bunk bed every morning, this morning being no different than the rest. My feet dragged across the floor, my window calling to me because well, really what else would I do?

Our front yard really was something to admire thanks to mum's love for gardening and her green thumb. The grass was fresh and lush with little plants growing all around and a row of trees around the driveway separating us from the neighbours. I looked at the houses across the road, every one of them mirrored my own with very slight differences. House 201 had a basketball hoop on the garage door, house 203 seemed a bit worn down and seriously needed a new paint job, house 205 had a tiny tricycle thrown on the driveway. I'm usually not the type of guy who pays attention to most things so I had never even known that our neighbour had a little kid. Guess it's too late now though, on our front lawn in big, bold, red letters, the word "SOLD!" stood our proudly and though I knew it meant change, I never knew how right I would be.

"Kleolin!" my mother's voice boomed, for some reason she always chose to yell at us from downstairs whenever she needed something rather than walking into our rooms to have a civilised conversation.

"Yes mum?" I called out, "Get your lazy brother out of bed!" That's just what I needed, "Will do!" I responded with a groan.

You see, usually I would not mind doing whatever the hell my mum needs me to do but Jamie was a pain to wake up. If there was a waking up race between a sloth and Jamie, the sloth would win.

Taking one last look outside, I pulled myself away from the window and made my way towards the bottom bunk where my brother Jamie laid sound asleep.

"Jamie, wake up." No answer.

"Jamie, mum wants us up."

"Jamie, would you get up already?"

"C'mon man."

"JAMIE!" I yelled after reaching my breaking point, he is so frustrating sometimes.

"Ofkay - k chwill mm already wake" his voice came out muffled due to the fact that his face was still squished against his pillow.

"Have you packed all your stuff away? It's moving day today and I don't want you forgetting anything." Jamie is really is irresponsible as well as which shouldn't be surprising.

"Dude, like the only thing left in this room is the bunk bed, either than that, this room is pretty much empty." Even after knowing this, I still don't trust Jamie with his forgetful nature. However, looking around I realised that he's probably right about this. With a deep sigh I agreed with him,

"Yeah, I'm going to miss this bed. This room, the house." We both took a look around, our eyes briefly meeting before turning away. It was Jamie's turn to sigh now,

"Can't believe we're selling it." A deep frown settled on his brow.

Though he frustrates me often, my brother and I have an unbreakable bond. My dad's often busy at work so being the first born, I tend to parent Jamie a lot. My mother's voice disrupted my thoughts once again,

" Guys! The moving truck is here, please come down."

Making our way downstairs, towards our kitchen where I noticed all the brown boxes scattered all around but my eyes didn't linger for too long because just outside the moving truck pulled into our driveway. Grabbing boxes and carrying it outside, Jamie and I helped load the truck with all our stuff along with the driver and his coworker.