
Finding Nick

Echo and Dylan looked at each other before turning down into the little nook and stopped in front of a red door.   She took in a deep breath and stepped inside the building, the second she did she could hear a woman talking to herself.

She catches the name of Nick from the woman and tilts her head while Dylan walked over to converse with the woman.


The next thing Echo knew after Dylan had walked over is that they were headed off to find the detective, Nick, at the last mentioned location.  

She sighed after taking care of a pack of wild dogs and continued the journey down to the downtown area of Boston.      She comes to a stop once the little metro/train station and the park come into view. She looks around before quickly darting across the road to the station, Dylan and Dogmeat close behind, and jogged down the steps to the doors of the station.   


"Why did I agree to help with this!" Echo yelled as she ducked for cover, they had found a bit more trouble than what they were hoping for. Turns out a whole gang was down in the station and they were now having all out war with them.  She pops back up and manages to shoot down a good handful of them before ducking back down to avoid getting shot.

The three pushed through the large group gaining a few nicks and cuts. Echo had taken a bullet to her calf that just barley missed a main artery. 

She ducks behind a wall and quickly uses a stimpack that she had found, it was weird to her on how magically it seemed to heal the wound for the most part.  Once she deemed herself ok she jumped back out into the fight and the trio pushed forwards. They eventually come across a room with a vault door, they took care of the few guys that were outside and opened the door.


"I saw him writing your name in that black book of his."   A male's voice rang in her ears as they drew closer to what looked like a man guarding the overseers office. It wasn't the guy's voice who was standing outside, no it seemed to be coming from inside the overseer's office.   She pulls out the silenced pistol that she had taken off of a body and shot the guy after the little conversation was over, Dylan tan over to a terminal while she just strolled into the room and stopped upon seeing something she hasn't seen before.  It was a robot of some sort but it was male and dressed as a detective, she tilts her head as Dylan walked into the room and of course as usual that's when what she supposed was Nick started talking.