
Chapter 96: A comedic situation

Race to the


Chapter 96: A comedic situation

Next morning-

"ahhh man… this is the reason why you should never drink… Ahhh my head, it feels like it will explode in any second… I am never gonna drink again" Hao Jiazhi said as he gets up and grabs his head

Right now he is in his room and on his bed

He looks around him, the whole room has curtains over the window so no light is coming in right now. There is a small ray of sun that is coming from in between two curtains

That one ray was enough to light up the whole room, its morning time

"Time to get up and get the job done" Hao Jiazhi said as he remembers that he is not here for vacation but for some serious work

Hao Jiazhi removes the blanket above him and walks to the windows, and slides the curtain away to let the sun rays come in

"ahhhh…. What a gooood morning… As compared to Province Zhenzou, I can see the sun here properly" Hao Jiazhi said as he looks out of the window