
Chapter 24: Plan B

Race to the


Chapter 24: Plan B

It's a 2 day's journey from Province Jinmen (mc's base) to Province Kuwon (Hao Tai's base) as you have to cross the capital city in between

Hao Jiazhi could ask his mother's help in this but why would he do so?

Saving her or her land has nothing to do with him or she had anything that could make him want to save her

After 2 days long journey, Hao Jiazhi reached the house of Hao Tai

She lives alone with her servants; though her mother told her to live with her in the outer palace area of the imperial palace, but she refused and said that she doesn't want to depend on anyone

She wants to live her life in her own strength

The chariot of Hao Jiazhi stopped in front of Hao Tai's house and then Hao Jiazhi enters the house with a crow on his shoulder; he never forgets to take a crow with him

Hao Tai is at the entrance waiting for her brothers' arrival and after seeing that he is here, she gave a warm smile and welcomed her brother

Hao Jiazhi is not an emotional kid, so he just went straight to the point

"Big sister, you know that I don't have any power with me so why did you even bother asking help from me?" Hao Jiazhi asked as he walks towards Hao Tai

This open question made the smile of Hao Tai disappear and also made her attendant angry with him

But Hao Jiazhi is not done with his words

"But as you know that my mother is a rich personality and the one who holds money also holds power, there is a way that I can help you" Hao Jiazhi said to her

Hao Tai gave a confused expression

"I'll take a look around the city and if possible, I will try to find something that can make my mother think that it's worth to save this place" Hao Jiazhi said to her

"um" Hao Tai don't know what to say or do here as she doesn't have any political or business skills

She just nodded

As for her servant's, they all clearly hated Hao Jiazhi's way of speech and his attitude

Hao Jiazhi took his time and explored the capital city of Province Kuwon, Lingyi, and other districts also

And so far, he didn't get anything that could make him feel that it's worth his investment

One thing Hao Jiazhi did notice was that this whole Kuwon Province is really big and it has 4 districts (including the capital city/district)

Though the population is really low, only 50k, but the whole province is plain dry land.


Hao Jiazhi came back from his journey around the province but he didn't really get anything

Dinner time-

"Did you find anything?" Hao Tai asked Hoa Jiazhi

Hao Jiazhi took a big piece of leg from the pig's meat and started eating wildly

He said "Nothing…. "

Hao Tai nodded silently and ate her food

While eating Hao Jiazhi asked about the border situation and also the size of the enemy

"At first we thought that the enemy army is in thousands but when we looked carefully, there were only 500 men or so…

All of them are land unit (swordsmen and horsemen)

It seems like the Liaohua Kingdom just wants to tease us, they don't seem to be really looking for war" Hao Tai said to Hao Jiazhi

Hao Jiazhi nodded and asked, "But they are moving towards the border right?"

She nodded to his question

"What about the father? Did you send this information to the imperial palace?" Hao Jiazhi asked

Hao Tai nodded and said "Yes, but I don't think they will provide any help, after all, Kuwon province is just a barren land to them so there is no use to fight over this place"

The enemy knows the internal conflicts and that's the reason why they send very few of their soldiers as they know they can win the war with this much

As for the soldiers in this whole province, it's barely 200 or even 150 as no one wants to get enlisted in the military and also because the province is covered with deserts and full plains only, only a few soldiers are enough to keep an eye on the border

This clearly shows that the emperor wants to cut this province from his kingdom, something Hao Jaizhi don't know why

The current size of the kingdom is already too small than other kingdoms and if this Kuwon Province is also cut then the size of the kingdom will get smaller

And also, the enemy will now be very near the capital city as after one more district, it's the capital city/province of Tengyuan Kingdom

The next day, Hao Jiazhi visited the army camp size and looked at the enemy size

Yep, they are very few of them

"Is this the regular state of soldiers?" Hao Jiazhi asked Yao Tu, general, as he saw soldier just down on the ground here and there

It is as if they don't give a shit about the enemy and have long accepted defeat

"No, prince Hao Jiazhi, actually they are just emptying their mind before entering the battlefield" Yao Tu said to Hao Jiazhi

Hao Jiazhi looks, with wide eyes, at the general

'You think I will buy that?' Hao Jiazhi asked Yao Tu in his heart

He didn't rekt his brain much and left the place, exploring the area around the border

From behind, came a female soldier and said "Please Prince Hao Jiazhi, help Princess Hao Tai in this dire need"

It's Bai Hong

"And who are you?" Hao Jiazhi asked jer as he walks around the area

While walking by his side, she told him her name and also that Princess Hao Tai had done a lot for her and many other orphan people

That's the reason why even though the war is ahead and people know that they will lose their home, they are still staying here

This information was different than what he had gathered so he doesn't know whether she is saying the truth or false

She also said that there are people who hate her but still the number of people who love her are more than those who hate her

"Even though I know that you respect her a lot and even if I want to save her, I can't…" Hao Jiazhi said to her

He continued his steps and said "I may have a big support of my mother but she only supports me not others and I also don't have my own military, so it's impossible to help he---"

Hao Jiazhi was saying something but he stopped as he saw something

He walked near a certain flower field and when he takes a closer look at the flower, his eyes go all wide and a big wide smile appeared on his face

"I guess plan B has to be implemented first than plan A" Hao Jiazhi said as he looks at the flower field

. . .

To be continued-