
R.O.A.N.G : Awakening

Rise. Of. A. New. God. When Raymond thought his life was all set, fate decided otherwise. Little does he know that his existence isn't as simple as he thinks. Without any warning, his reality is shattered and his world thrown upside down. Now Raymond has to battle with forces that defy logic, bend the rules as he knows them, defeat enemies that are seemingly unbeatable and all for what? Life was much easier when he was still an ordinary human. Can Raymond overcome his obstacles and change his fate or will he fail as is expected of everyone? Will his legend transcend everyone's expectations or will he be another statistic?

macleen · SF
58 Chs

Death of an immortal 1

In a flash of lightning , Zeus appeared and walked forward without missing a stride as he marched past the large heavy doors of Poseidon's throne room, scaring several of its occupants.

As he approached a group of creatures before him, they quickly parted and giving him a much bigger wide berth than necessary, but given his mood, no one wanted to draw his attention towards themselves. The room fell silent as sounds of static crackling permeated it.

On the throne was Amphitrite, gracefully poised on the oversized throne. She had her gaze trained on Zeus and grew wary with each step he took towards her. Reaching the base of her throne. He took three stairs up leaving four more before he turned and faced the multitude of lesser gods and other supernatural creatures, he could barely keep track of.

"Where is he?"

No one needed an explanation for whom he was referring to, but silence still prevailed. Not because they didn't know but because the answer wouldn't have been what Zeus wanted to hear, judging by his demeanor.

"He is not here my lord." Amphitrite tried to remain calm and collected. She was well used to dealing with hotheads with too much power.

"I can see that," Zeus' voice was filled with venom as he hissed back at her.

Turning to face her. "I'm going to ask this once-"

"He left for the summit," Amphitrite answered before he finished his threat.

"What summit?" His eyes narrowed as he hovered in the air and zeroed in on her until he was a few feet away from her face.

"The one you called."

"Do I look like your grandmother?"

"No milord," Amphitrite's calm was starting to wear off, and a bone-chilling fear began taking over.

"Then I'm going to ask again, where is he?"

"I don't know my lord. He didn't tell me where he went. I thought he was with you all this time; I swear by Styx. You can come for him later if you want, he shouldn't be long."

"Oh, I have no intentions of leaving until I find him."

Amphitrite looked pleadingly at Zeus, but he didn't budge. She turned her gaze to the others in the room and indicated them to leave, which they did quickly leaving the two to glare at each other.

"What are you going to do to him?" Amphitrite asked, and an awkward silence ensued. Zeus didn't answer instead he descended gently to the floor and marched past her to the balcony situated behind the throne, where he raised his hand containing the thunderbolt and made it disappear.

Amphitrite rose and joined him, keeping her distance and her mouth shut, she watched him as he forced himself to calm down.

"Out of the two, I suspected him the least, at least Hades doesn't try to hide it. But him? I suppose you've also heard the rumors?"

"I try not to take any of them seriously, but yes. You don't really believe there is a god out there who has the means to end us all, do you?"

"You're asking all the right questions, just not to the right person. If your husband has the God-Slayer, I will kill him. It's non-negotiable." He added after she saw her open her mouth perhaps to defend her consort.

"And what happens after you kill him? What would you gain, huh?" Her anger began to rise.

"Know your place little nymph. I still have enough anger to make you wish you were dead by what I would do to you. Your husband is conspiring to kill me, that's treason.

"Since he has so graciously found a weapon that could kill him too, I won't have to send him to Tartarus. No, I will swiftly end him and anyone who defends him." He stressed the last part as she locked eyes with him.

"You're insane, you all are, killing your brother is madness, you know what—"

The attack came quicker than she could react. Effectively trapping the proceeding words she was about to speak. "I told you to watch your place. Now I'm going have to teach you a lesson about station, little nymph."

Raising his arm, he effortlessly hoisted her up past his broad shoulders as she struggled to pry his thick fingers from her throat whilst kicking wildly at him to no effect.

"Let her go."

Without turning, Zeus smiled, "or what?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

Throwing his arm out, he threw the queen, and she went through one of the pillars only to come to a stop on the outer walls but leaving a large a spider web crack.

"You're going pay for that."

"I told you not to marry mortals," Zeus shrugged.

"I will kill you!" Poseidon fumed.

"Is it before or after I end you, you ungrateful little piece of shit."

Faster than any most gods, supernatural or mortal could see, Zeus covered the distance between him and Poseidon who was standing at the entrance of the throne room and spear tackled him out and into the vast ocean surrounding them.

Poseidon grabbed hold of Zeus by the waist and tried to lift him over his shoulders to break their momentum but he was too strong for him, and sooner or later they would resurface.

Thinking quickly, he started freezing the ocean behind his back which slowed them down giving him the chance to knee him in the stomach. Zeus let out a grunt as his hold on Poseidon broke ruining his initial plan.

Forcing air out of the water he created an air bubble around his head and renewed his onslaught. More prepared and alert this time Poseidon anticipated his move and brought his two hands together for a block.

The impact created a massive shock-wave that displaced large volumes of water all around them creating a tidal wave stretching out on both sides, the ground far beneath them shook violently as the shock-wave reached it.

Pulling his fist back Zeus span around to deliver a low sweep with his right leg, the attack came quick Poseidon had to freeze all the water in its path before slowing it down enough to dodge. Deciding to utilize his advantage over his brother's slowed down movements by the water surrounding him, he sent two razor sharp water slashes at Zeus who dodged and shot again for Poseidon to try and force him out of the ocean.

Anticipating a repeat of the move, Poseidon de-materialized and became one with the water forcing Zeus to slow down his momentum and turn to have another run at him. He quickly realized the danger he was in as the waters started freezing all around him, trying to go for the surface he was easily slowed down to a complete stop before being frozen in a block of ice.

For about a minute the ocean remained frozen for miles and calm; everything was completely quiet.

Then thick gray clouds started gathering, they were so massive that they covered the whole of Pacific, thunder and sparks of lighting crackled throughout the sky as they charged each other before it all stopped.

A massive bolt of bright lighting zapped through the air from the heavens and smashed through the frozen ocean and all the way down to its bottom in a fiery display shattering miles upon miles of ice as it cracked with a sickening sound.

There was an ear shattering scream as a giant Poseidon materialized and surfaced from the ocean. While in the air he held out his hand and his trident appeared, he then deflected the next super bolt and directed it to the east and it screamed its way across the horizon.

"Now you are on my turf,"

Poseidon heard a thundering voice coming from no discernible direction. Realizing his mistake, he nose-dived for the waters, but his motion was stopped entirely. Something grabbed him, and in a flash, they were off the earth and rocketing into space at superhuman speeds before crashing into the moon.

The landing on the moon was so violent that it sent Poseidon bowling over a couple of miles. He easily stopped his rapid rolling using his trident by piercing the rocky surface and got into a crouching position to face his opponent.

Zeus had a feral smile as he slowly walked towards his brother. 'I take it you're the one to kill me. Here is your shot.'

He then also grew into his titanic form, easily marching Poseidon's fifty-meter height. Poseidon's fury began to rise again. He smacked his trident on the ground sending out a forcefield that shook the ground it covered and rippled throughout the moon's surface.

Summoning both his thunderbolt and the aegis Zeus did a quick b- twist and slashed into the empty space sending out a lightning-arc slash that easily sliced through Poseidon's rapidly oncoming force-field and went on to further sever Poseidon's left arm cleanly through.

Poseidon let out a painful howl as is hand dropped on the moon surface together with the trident which caused huge tremors that threw Zeus off balance. He quickly recovered by taking off to the empty vacuum and went for another spear dive at the unguarded Poseidon.