

This book is just a collection of my dreams that I decided, after a very long time, to turn into a book with each dream being a chapter, some dreams will be longer than others and some will be shorter but they are all connected to each other, like a roll of film. These dreams are derived purely from my mind, please do not copy them into your stories or try to take credit for them in any way whatsoever, they are mine and only mine. also p.s please don't read this if you are easily triggered by things such as suicide, gore, blood, self harm and such stuff like that, there will also be pictures of gore art as well just warning you.

irl_azrael · 若者
4 Chs

Dinner (pt 1)

It was a dark night, the stars shone brightly as did the moon.

But their beams of etheral light barely pierced through the treetops of this dark and damp forest.

The leaves crunching under my boots as I walked, the wind whistling a ghostly tune as it weaved its way through the forest.

Suddenly a snap sounded nearby followed by the loud shuffling of leaves and a small string of curse words, it grabbed my attention, judging from the noise I assumed it to be a few metres northwest from where I was.

Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I caught wind of their scent, since it was dark and the only source of light was the scattered rays from the sky above piercing through the thick canopy, they wouldn't be able to see where they were running or where I was for that fact, I had an advantage over them as always, which is why I chose the cover of darkness.

This forest was my hunting ground, the animals my friends and family, my senses were adapt to the environment around me, my eyesight and hearing were incomparable and my agility amd strength was unmatched by humans, only equal to the animals I shared this area with.

Breaking into a run, I pursued their trail, getting closer and closer to my prey until they were within a few feet of me, observing them I saw it was a female with blonde hair, she was wearing a beige puffy jacket with dark brown tracksuit pants.

Unsheathing my dagger, careful to not make a sound, I creeped up behind her, a single slash was all I needed, a soundless kill.

Her body slumped to the floor, eyes looking up at me as tears fell down her face, blood gushing from the wound in her throat as soft gurgles and spluttering noises resonated from her blood coated mouth.

Eyes glazing over, her body lay like a rag-doll on the underbrush as her crimson blood pooled around her, staining the leaves red.

Looking down into her lifeless eyes, it was a quick death albiet a messy one, but it wouldn't be in vain, she would be cherished, as are all my victims.

I gently stroked her cheek before cleaning up the blood on her skin, the more meticulous cleanup will come later.

The scalpel made contact with her skin as I created an incision down the centre of her chest, bloody oozing out of the wound, breaking her breastbone and prying her ribs open, I extracted her heart.

Putting it in a ziplock bag, I sealed it and put it aside for later.

I put her ribcage back into place and stitched up the incision, before getting to work on the other organs.

Two hours and eleven full ziplocks bags later I was finished, her body was stitched up and organs removed and neatly packed.

The table was covered in blood as surgical tools lay in the sink, her lungs, stomach, brain, heart, liver, kidneys, tongue and large chunks of meat from various parts of her body lay on the table, stacked neatly amidst the bloody mess.

Picking up her body which I had cleaned of all blood, I made my way towards the back of the kitchen, opening the back door, I walked down the steps and placed her body on a nearby rock before whistling loudly. Moments later I heard rustling in the nearby bushes and a large brown furry snout appeared, I smiled and headed back inside to clean up the mess I had made, hearing the growling and chewing of them digging into their meal as I turned my back to them and closed the door behind me.