

This book is just a collection of my dreams that I decided, after a very long time, to turn into a book with each dream being a chapter, some dreams will be longer than others and some will be shorter but they are all connected to each other, like a roll of film. These dreams are derived purely from my mind, please do not copy them into your stories or try to take credit for them in any way whatsoever, they are mine and only mine. also p.s please don't read this if you are easily triggered by things such as suicide, gore, blood, self harm and such stuff like that, there will also be pictures of gore art as well just warning you.

irl_azrael · 若者
4 Chs


Opening my eyes I could see nothing but black, moving my arms I could feel the cold hard metal of the cuffs around my wrists, the metallic clinking sounded, breaking the silence as I moved my arms to prop myself up on my knees, it took a little bit more than the push from my hands to lift myself up as my skin was stuck to the floor by a strange substance.

In this dark room, I could feel the cold air biting my skin as goosebumps began to form, my clothes ragged and rough as they barely covered my shivering body, the smell of the air was sweet but rancid, how long I was here for, I do not know.

I attempted to move my legs, but to no avail as they were also chained to the floor, I was able to move, but it was limited to the small space around me.

The metal cuffs on my ankles knocked against my bone as I tried to move to a more comfortable position where I wouldn't be burdened so much by the chains against my skin or the cold hard floor and walls that surrounded me.

The creaky hinges of a door resonated throughout the room as a blinding beam of light shone through the crack of a barely open door, it was enough for me to make out my surroundings and the shapes that advanced towards me, the shuffling of feet becoming louder, the voices that spoke where muffled so it sounded like a foreign language

Looking around as the light flooded into the room, I realised what the substance was that glued me to the floor, it was blood, a brown, dried up pool of it was sitting where I lay only moments earlier, it covered my clothes, my hands and my immediate surroundings as well.

I could hear the shuffling of shoes coming closer to me, I looked up to better see who was standing in front of me when I got knocked to the ground, a sudden, lingering pain on the side of my abdomen meant that I got kicked.

I curled up into a ball when another blow landed in the exact same place, wincing in pain I tried to crawl away but the chains restricted me from doing so.

Another hit landed but this time it was to the side of my head, the throbbing pain made me cover my head with my hands in a protective stance, a loud ringing noise chimed through my head as the throbbing only got worse by the second.

I could feel rough hands grab my neck tightly and push me against the wall behind me, the rough bricks raking at my skin and grazing it, their words sounding muffled as they spoke to me, the ringing in my head sounded louder with each word they said. I tried to keep my focus on their face and try to decipher what they were saying but everything was blurry and I felt myself slipping in and out of consciousness.

I felt his hand loosen after a few more unintelligible words that I couldn't decipher, my body dropping onto the cold floor once again.

Propping myself up with my elbows I was trying to keep my conscience awake before I felt the hard rubber of a boot making contact with my face, The roaring of noise filled my head as I choked, feeling my lip slice open from the impact of being lodged between my teeth and the boot, the metallic and salty tang of blood filled my mouth as I collapsed to the floor, my mind blanking out as I felt myself falling into an endless pit of darkness.