

  Chapter 112 Mysterious Ice Dragon Soars (First Update!)

  The two of them confronted each other in the sky above the imperial capital with their majestic momentum. The terrible fluctuations spread, and the strong men in the entire imperial capital could sense it.

  In the Yunlan Sect next to the imperial capital, a figure looked at the place where Hai Bodong and Jia Xingtian's aura burst out.

  The woman was dressed in a white dress, standing elegantly, with a head of black and smooth black hair sliding down her shoulders. The breeze on the top of the mountain gently caressed her, and her clothes fluttered, and she was extremely graceful.

  This woman was the leader of the Yunlan Sect, the Douhuang strongman, Yun Yun.

  Yun Yun's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and a trace of sadness flashed across her pretty face.

  Troubled times.

  A Douhuang and a sixth-grade alchemist had a great impact on the pattern of the Jiama Empire.

  At this time, a figure flashed behind him.

  An old man with the peak cultivation of Douwang said respectfully to Yun Yun.

  "Sect Master, should our Yunlan Sect try to win over the new sixth-grade alchemist in the imperial capital?"

  Yun Yun lowered her eyes and pondered for a while after hearing this.

  "Our Yunlan Sect already has Elder Guhe, but the etiquette still needs to be in place. You can select a few precious medicinal materials from the inner storehouse and go there on behalf of our Yunlan Sect."

  The old man hesitated for a moment.

  "Sect Master, Elder Guhe seems to want to visit Master Zhang."

  "Then let him go."


  Above the imperial capital, the two people's momentum confronted each other. Surprisingly, the momentum rising from Hai Bodong was not much weaker than Jia Xingtian, and he was not at a disadvantage at all.

  Jia Xingtian was surprised that there was something strange about the strength of this old man!

  After a stalemate, Hai Bodong couldn't bear the resentment of being beaten before, and took the lead!

  Hai Bodong's eyes flashed fiercely, and the fighting spirit in his body became more and more vigorous, gushing out like a fountain, and a cold ice fighting spirit as cold as a blade rushed towards Jia Xingtian!

  Jia Xingtian's face was solemn, and the terrifying fighting spirit burst out instantly. The fighting spirit in his right hand quickly condensed and hit out a fighting spirit.

  The two collided in the air, and the energy explosion sounded like thunder.

  Jia Xingtian's hands under his sleeves were tightly clenched. From the casual attack

  just now, he had already discovered the details. Hai Bodong's strength is not weaker than his now!

  Jia Xingtian was shocked, what happened!

  Hai Bodong narrowed his eyes slightly, a faint indifference flashed across, and a cold color flashed across his old face.

  The eyes of the two met in the air, one was surprised, and the other was proud.

  Hai Bodong moved his body, leaving a trail of afterimages in the air, and rushed towards Jia Xingtian.

  Jia Xingtian's heart sank, and the fighting spirit in his body surged out, and his figure disappeared on the spot.

  The two suddenly collided in the air, erupting a terrifying aftermath, and the energy ripples were like waves in the sea. After

  the two fought a few moves in the air, their figures separated again.

  What a strange fighting spirit.

  Jia Xingtian looked at his hands that were slightly numb with cold air, and his face trembled.

  Hai Bodong's icy fighting spirit was different from before. In addition to being cold, it also had a sense of extinction and coldness.

  Before Jia Xingtian could think about it, Hai Bodong's attack came again.

  Dozens of terrifying ice blades condensed from icy fighting spirit shot out from Hai Bodong's side and killed Jia Xingtian!

  Xuan-level advanced fighting skills, "Xuanbing Xuansha"!

  Jia Xingtian's face changed, and khaki fighting spirit gushed out, condensing into a khaki rock shield in front of him.

  After the terrifying attack was taken, the rock shield was already riddled with holes.

  The two rushed out again, fists and feet met, and a terrifying energy wave was emitted.

  Su Yun used the Purple Cloud Wings and watched the two fight in the air.

  To be honest, if he didn't use the Bone Spirit Cold Fire and the Green Lotus Earth Core Fire to cast the Buddha's Wrath Lotus, I'm afraid he wouldn't be a match for the two.   

  He might not have reached the Douhuang level yet.

  After all, his current true cultivation is only a five-star Douling.

  Su Yun had a headache. This guy Hai Bodong was indeed a peak match madman.

  The Douhuang level battle lasted for a long time, and the two were inseparable.

  In the air, Hai Bodong's Dou Qi was surging, and he kept urging the Dou Qi in his body.

  He put his hands together, and the terrifying Dou Qi gushed out. A trace of excitement and a grim smile flashed across his old face, and he shouted sternly.

  "Mysterious Ice Dragon Soar!"

  Seven ice dragons condensed by ice Dou Qi surrounded Hai Bodong, and the majestic Dou Qi fluctuations spread out, giving people a suffocating sense of oppression.

  Under such terrifying pressure, the people watching the battle on the ground, those with slightly weaker strength, breathed rapidly.

  Feeling such terrifying fluctuations, Jia Xingtian's face suddenly changed.

  Mysterious Ice Dragon Soar is Hai Bodong's self-created fighting skill. Under normal circumstances, it is only at the advanced level of the Xuan level.

  But as the caster's fighting spirit increases, the number of ice dragons that can be condensed increases, and its power will also increase exponentially!

  When Hai Bodong condensed five ice dragons, the power of this move was enough to rival the low-level earth rank. Now there are two more, and the power is so strong that I don't know how strong it is.

  "Hahaha, old monster, this is the first time I cast seven ice dragons, take it!"

  Hai Bodong laughed old and waved his arm, and seven ice dragons rushed towards Jia Xingtian.

  Jia Xingtian looked solemn, and his fighting spirit was running wildly, condensing a huge fighting spirit phoenix and crashing into Hai Bodong's ice dragon.

  Then his hands continued to move, and he used his strongest defensive fighting skills to protect himself.

  The ice dragon and the phoenix collided, and the energy fluctuations resounded through the sky. After only a few seconds of stalemate, the phoenix turned into pure energy and dissipated between heaven and earth.

  The ice dragon attacked Jia Xingtian fiercely, and the harsh explosion sounded over the imperial capital. Everyone looked up at the sky.

  The palace.

  There was a flash of uneasiness between Yao Ye's eyebrows, and his jade hands were clenched tightly, with a trace of sweat appearing on his palms.

  We must win!

  This battle will play a vital role in the situation of the Jia Ma Empire. If Jia Xingtian loses, the deterrent power of the royal family will be greatly reduced!

  The aftermath of the energy explosion lasted for a long time, which made people sigh, Dou Huang strongmen are so terrifying!

  A trace of surprise flashed through Su Yun's mind.

  Although he only has a five-star Dou Ling cultivation, the soul power of the perfect mortal realm must be true.

  Judging from the situation he perceived, Jia Xingtian was defeated.

  Is Hai Bodong so fierce?

  The aftermath dissipated, and Jia Xingtian's figure also appeared.

  At this time, he was quite embarrassed, his hands couldn't stop shaking, blood on his forehead flowed down his wrinkles, his old arms were covered with bloodstains, and his face was pale.

  Seeing this scene, everyone who paid attention to this battle was shocked. Jia Xingtian... lost?

  In the air, Hai Bodong was panting heavily, his face was not very good, and there was not much blood.

  Obviously, after such a high-intensity battle and performing the Black Ice Dragon Flying that was comparable to the Earth-level fighting skills, he consumed a lot of energy.

  Seeing this scene, Su Yun touched his smooth chin and was amazed.

  Not bad, after so many peak matches, I finally won one.

  Su Yun was a little greedy for the Black Ice Dragon Flying.

  Although this fighting skill is not very strong, it is very handsome.

  Su Yun made up his mind to learn this trick.