
Quirkless Hero

What if Midoriya Izuku stayed quirkless? What if he could become a hero without any powers? Or even more shocking—what if he became the successor to All For One?

Ginormous_Madman · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Chapter 13 Stop Talking Nonsense 

The butcher, whose wounds healed after breaking free from the steel wires, charged at Midoriya Izuku with great momentum!

Although Midoriya Izuku was shocked by the enemy's actions, he didn't freeze and immediately launched a counterattack.

The steel wires wrapped around the butcher like a snake, binding him tightly again, but it was useless!

The butcher didn't fear the injuries at all, breaking the wires forcefully, even if it meant cutting his flesh. The terrifying wounds quickly healed.

"Darn it!"

Midoriya sighed inwardly, realizing the situation was bad. The butcher had broken free from the steel wires twice, and the wire net he had set up was now useless. Only a few wires were left, making the situation dire!

He quickly turned and retreated. The traps he had set up couldn't stop the enemy, so he had to run!

The butcher's toughness was beyond Midoriya Izuku's expectations. He didn't know the enemy's Quirk had this effect. Attacking without knowing the enemy's abilities was a mistake.

"Brat, I'm going to swallow you whole!"

The butcher, with a ferocious face, had lost chunks of flesh to break free from Midoriya Izuku's steel wires. The pain made him even more violent, chasing Midoriya with bloodshot eyes!

Running towards the slaughterhouse gate, Midoriya's plan was to retreat since the wire traps couldn't stop the enemy. He didn't think he could subdue the butcher without other means.

As he was about to reach the gate, a meat hook suddenly attacked from behind. He turned to use the steel wires to intercept the hook but realized the butcher's target wasn't him!

Midoriya's moment of hesitation caused him to react slowly. The butcher's hook hit its target, the slaughterhouse gate!

The hook caught the iron gate, and the enemy pulled it back, closing the gate tightly. The gate was sealed shut.

"Brat, don't think you can escape!!"

The butcher roared angrily, running towards Midoriya Izuku after sealing the slaughterhouse gate. He wouldn't let the kid who embarrassed him get away easily!

The gate was sealed, and the path to the exit was a straight road for trucks. Midoriya Izuku was now facing the gate with no way out, while the butcher was closing in on him, making the situation extremely dangerous!

Despite the danger, Midoriya Izuku remained calm. He still had a plan.

Facing the charging butcher, Midoriya did something unexpected and ran straight towards the enemy!!

Is that brat crazy? The Butcher didn't care. He wouldn't miss out on the delicious meal that came to him. In front of Midoriya Izuku, the enemy's stomach opened up into a big mouth, with teeth like a meat grinder that could completely tear apart any prey that fell in!

"As expected!"

The enemy's actions were within Izuku's expectations. The Butcher's Quirk, "Two Mouths," meant he was used to eating prey with the mouth on his stomach. With Midoriya's suicidal behavior, the Butcher would definitely open the mouth on his stomach and swallow him whole.

But! This was exactly what Midoriya Izuku planned to use!!

He reached behind his waist, took out a prepared secret tool, and focused as he rushed towards the Butcher!

When he got in front of the Butcher, the stench from the mouth on the enemy's stomach was overwhelming. Just as he was about to be swallowed, Izuku made a beautiful dodge, avoiding the enemy's hands, and threw the items in his hands into the Butcher's stomach mouth!

Then, with a sliding move, he went under the enemy's legs. Compared to the Butcher's huge two-meter-tall body, Midoriya Izuku's middle school height made him much more agile.

Reaching the Butcher's back, Midoriya Izuku rolled several times to create distance. He didn't know if his secret tool had worked yet!

"You brat... you!!"

It seemed to work very well. The Butcher in front of Izuku now looked terrible. The mouth on his stomach was twitching, and even yellow stomach acid was coming out!

"What did you throw into my mouth!!"

The Butcher fell to the ground, both mouths vomiting. The sight was so disgusting it could make anyone lose their appetite!

"Onions, chili, pepper..."

Midoriya Izuku listed the ingredients. He had forgotten how many things he had put in there. They were all irritating spices, ground into powder and made into something like a tear gas bomb that could explode!

Safe, simple, and effective! Midoriya Izuku's homemade prank bomb, called the "Home-style Bomb."

When testing this tool, Midoriya Izuku himself had been choked to tears and snot, feeling awful. Now, throwing it directly into the Butcher's stomach and detonating it, the feeling was indescribable!

"I'll kill you! Brat, I'll kill you!!"

The Butcher, with tears and snot flowing, kept vomiting as he struggled to get up and charged at Midoriya Izuku, completely losing his mind!


The best plan was to run away. The enemy was now completely confused, so escaping was the best option!

Without hesitation, Midoriya Izuku turned and ran. The Butcher, already slow, was now even more hindered by the "Home-style Bomb"! He could barely see the road, only chasing after Izuku's blurry figure!

"Go through the small door on the other side!"

Planning his escape route, Midoriya Izuku prepared to run!

"Brat, I've remembered your face. Even if you escape, I'll find you and eat you alive!!"

The Butcher, unable to catch Midoriya, shouted. As a cruel and bloodthirsty enemy, what do you think would happen if you offended him?

"Pro heroes don't dare to catch me. I'll find you and eat your whole family!!"

Midoriya Izuku, who was about to escape, slowed down. The Butcher's threats made him unable to ignore it.

"Just a young brat!"

Seeing Midoriya Izuku stop, the Butcher knew his words had worked and spoke even more proudly:

"Do you know why I became a criminal? Someone offended me and called me a two-mouthed monster. So, I went to his house, and in front of him, I ate his son and wife. In the end, he also became my meal!"

Midoriya Izuku lowered his head, hiding his expression. The butcher thought he was scared and threatened loudly:

"I've remembered your face. If you let me eat you now, your family will be spared. If you run away, I will find you, and you will end up like that man. I will eat your parents alive in front of you!"

"So, you have no regrets at all?!"

Midoriya Izuku's voice was chilling, but the butcher didn't notice and continued proudly:

"Regret? I only regret not savoring it longer. The taste of that man's fear as he slowly went into my mouth was unforgettable!"

"Is that so... I understand now..."

Midoriya Izuku finally understood that there was no need to show mercy to such enemies!!

"Steel Wire Technique! Strangle!!"

Midoriya Izuku swung his right hand and quickly retracted it, making it hard to see what happened.

The butcher was stunned, then felt a sharp pain in his right arm. He turned to look!

His right arm had fallen to the ground, with a smooth cut on his shoulder, and blood was gushing out!

"My hand! My hand!!"

Seeing his right arm cut off, the butcher quickly activated his Quirk, "Two Mouths," which allowed him to store eaten flesh and bones in his body, increasing his strength and healing wounds.

But since it was a whole arm, it was hard to fully recover. As his right arm slowly grew back, he suddenly fell to the ground!

A sharp pain came from his thigh, and the butcher looked over in horror! His lower legs had been severed!

"You! It's you!!"

Only a fool wouldn't understand now. The butcher looked at Midoriya Izuku in fear, as if seeing a grim reaper!

"So, your severed hand can grow back?"

Midoriya Izuku looked down at the butcher on the ground. The once over two-meter-tall butcher was now lying on the ground, no longer looking fierce and bloodthirsty.

With another swing of his right hand, the steel wire quickly shot out and retracted, cutting off the butcher's remaining left arm! The once fierce criminal was now a limbless ball!

"Stop! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!!"

The once fierce and bloodthirsty butcher was now pathetically begging for mercy, having lost all his limbs and turned into a ridiculous clown.

"Did you ever spare those who begged you for mercy?!"

Standing in front of the butcher, Midoriya Izuku wanted to use the steel wire to strangle his head. Such a person, if left alive, would only harm others!

But Midoriya held back. He wanted to be a hero and had no right to judge criminals. The butcher would have to be punished by the law!

"Then that's it! I won't kill you!!"

The butcher looked at Midoriya Izuku with some fear, surprised that he was spared. Unable to stand up without his limbs, Midoriya wrapped him in steel wire and dragged him like a ball...

"If you dare to move, I'll strangle your head right away!"

After warning the butcher, Midoriya dragged him to the center of the slaughterhouse, where there were many meat hooks!

Using steel wires, Midoriya Izuku hung the Butcher high up, with all the meat hooks hanging below him. If he accidentally fell, he would be pierced all over by the hooks!

Satisfied with his work, Midoriya Izuku clapped his hands and prepared to leave. He left the Butcher with these words:

"Wait here for the pro heroes and police. If you try to escape and die, it's not my fault!"

Packing up the Butcher's meat hooks, although heavy, wasn't a problem for Midoriya Izuku, who was stronger than most adults due to his long-term training.

Looking back at the Butcher hanging high up, who didn't dare to move at all for fear of falling to his death, Midoriya Izuku said:

"Disgusting scum, wait for the law to punish you!!"

Will the Butcher end up hanging on the meat hooks?


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