
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · アニメ·コミックス
63 Chs

New Classmates

"Good memories." Fuutarou smiled to himself as he remembered last night. He looked at his right hand, the hand that slapped Ichika's ass.

"It's soft like jelly. And I'm never washing this hand ever again." He joked before chuckling. He looked up to see Itsuki approaching him.

He smiled and waved at her. Itsuki blushed and shyly waved back, the events last night still fresh in her mind.

She sat down on her seat and got her textbook, workbook and pencil case out, getting ready for her first class of the day. She jumped a little from Fuutarou tapping her shoulder gently.

"Wh-what is it?" Itsuki stuttered as she looked at him. She can't even look at him in the eyes no more, what was wrong with her?

Fuutarou leaned into her ear.

"I love you." He whispered warmly. Itsuki gasped and covered her mouth. Her face was redder than her hair.

She jumped out of her seat and ran out of her classroom. Fuutarou leaned back against the chair and smiled widely.

The ever serious Itsuki would likely take it as a joke which was fine for now. But Fuutarou isn't playing games, he'll make her realize that he was serious.

His classmates started whispering amongst each other, wondering what Fuutarou said to make the studious Itsuki react like that.

Fuutarou sighed and closed his eyes, taking a little nap before Itsuki came back.

Meanwhile with Itsuki, she was making a run for the girls' bathroom. She entered it and immediately shut herself in one of the toilet stalls.

She sat on the seat of the toilet while the blush on her face remained. The bathroom was silent with only Itsuki's heavy breathing from all the running she did the only sound in the bathroom.

Her expression quickly turned into a joyful one while she smiled brightly. She covered her blushing face and squealed loudly.

"KYAAAA!!!~~~" Her heart was beating crazily, like it was about to pop out at any moment. This was the first time a boy has ever said 'I love you' to her, and it was making her mind go crazy.

The last time she heard those three words come out of someone's mouth was from her late mother, who would always say that to her and her sisters before she tucked them in bed at night.

She was addicted to this strange feeling. She wanted to feel more of it. She wanted Fuutarou to make her feel this way even more.

She wanted him to make her melt like an ice cube with those sweet words of his.

She wanted it now.



After a few minutes, a somehow composed Itsuki returned with a small blush on her face.

She sat down on her seat again and breathed out before she looked at Fuutarou who was already looking at her.

"I take it you meant what you said as a joke r-right?" Itsuki asked, stuttering at the end because she still couldn't get over what he said to her.

Fuutarou grinned broadly at her.

"Maybe, maybe not. Figure it out yourself, Itsuki-chan~ " Fuutarou laughed as Itsuki blushed and pouted at him.

"Hmph! If you won't tell me the truth, there will be no more invites to Nintendo Night for you!" Itsuki replied angrily before she looked away from him. Fuutarou chuckled before shaking his head.

"Whatever you say, Itsuki-chan~ You'll want me back later."



" Everyone! Before we start class, we have new students joining us!" The homeroom teacher announced, surprising all of the students except Fuutarou who only smirked as he leaned back against his chair.

"Please come in!" The teacher looked at the sliding door with a small smile ln her face.


The sliding door slid open quickly, hitting the wall making a loud bang that made everyone except Fuutarou flinch at the violent way of door opening.

Two people walked in the class. They had their hands in their pockets while draping their Toman black jackets.

They also wore the Asahiyama school uniform under their draped jackets. Everyone was focusing on their hair color and their attitude, immediately guessing them as delinquents.

'Did and those two seriously wear their gang jackets to school?' Fuutarou grumbled in his mind while he looked at Kazutora and Chifuyu who stood in front of the class confidently.

"Good morning all you beautiful ladies! I'm Kazutora Hanemiya! The only thing I hate about this school is how they forced me to take the midterms exams when I've already taken them in my old school!!" Kazutora declare while grinning savagely. Fuutarou chuckled to himself while some girls giggled at Kazutora's words.

"Other than that, there's nothing to dislike about this school. The food is good, the teachers are nice except for that weird Bald Rat Toothed history teacher dude. He's depressed for some reason and whenever I mention a certain someone's name, he starts crying like a girl! "

The class laughed, knowing exactly who Kazutora was talking about. While some of them, especially Itsuki were curious about how Kazutora knew who Fuutarou was.

"And also, the girls are very pretty here! Like the captain from the basketball club. Hongo was her name I think. Anyways, that's all you're gonna het from me, I hope we get along." Kazutora stepped back, letting Chifuyu take the stage. The whole class looked and smirked slyly at Hongo who was blushing up a storm from Kazutora's words.

Chifuyu stepped up and smiled at the ladies before he started speaking.

"Hello ladies with gentle hands, I'm Chifuyu Matsuno. I like cats and have a black cat named Peke J. One time I fell from the second floor of the apartment complex while running after Peke J, but I wasn't injured at all."

"Oh, and I also like girls with dark hair who can run very fast. Like that girl sitting over there with the green eyes and dark hair. I heard she's the captain of the track team." Chifuyu added bluntly before he pointed at Eba, the captain of the track team.

"Ooooo!!~ Eba!!!~" The male and female students cheered and whistled at Eba who blushed brightly and covered her flustered expression with a textbook.

"I hope despite me and Kazutora's appearances, everyone can accept us both as we are all here to study and forge a better future for us and our loved ones! I look forward to be friends with you all!" Chifuyu bowed respectfully at his classmates while Kazutora standing beside him did the same albeit only bowing a little.

The classroom erupted in loud cheers and applause, with Fuutarou clapping his hands while smiling warmly at the two.

Even the teacher was applauding them.

"Everyone, this is a great reminder to not judge a book by its cover. Matsuno-san is right, we are all here to study and make friends no matter our background. And I sincerely hope everyone can make him and Hanemiya-san feel accepted here." The teacher announced before she assigned the two new students their seats.

Chifuyu was sitting on Fuutarou's left while Kazutora was sitting in front of Fuutarou.

Fuutarou smiled at Chifuyu who smiled back. He subtly fist bumped Kazutora who took his seat.

Itsuki witnessing this transpire, was ecen more curious about Fuutarou's relationship with them now.

School's about to get more interesting that's for sure.



It was time for recess, Kazutora and Chifuyu got up from their seats as soon as the science teacher left the classroom.

Kazutora grinned as he turned around to look at Fuutarou who was busy completing the homework the teacher assigned them.


Everyone froze at the sound and looked at where it came from. They gasped as they saw Kazutora having his foot on Fuutarou's table while staring at the man menacingly.

Chifuyu stood on Fuutarou's left, blocking him while staring at him with a stoic expression.

Fuutarou smiled to himself before he looked up at Kazutora. Itsuki gulped to herself, praying for Fuutarou's safety.

"Can I help you two?" Fuutarou asked Kazutora who grinned savagely at him.

"I didn't know you were in our class, boss. What a coincidence, am I right?" Chifuyu replied, making the class gasp louder at how he called Fuutarou.

Fuutarou smirked at the two Toman members.

"Welcome to Asahiyama High, you two." Fuutarou stood up and dapped up Chifuyu and hugged him like a brother. He released the hug and dapped Kazutora and hugged him too.

"Thanks man, this school is already nicer than my previous one. The teacher's back in the previous one saw me as a lost cause since I have a cool tattoo and different hair color." Kazutora replied before putting his hands in his pockets.

"Who's the pretty girl sitting beside you?" Chifuyu asked him while looking at Itsuki who became shy instantly at the piercing gaze.

It wasn't warm and addicting to stare at like Fuutarou's, it was instead the scary kind of gaze, the 'say one bad thing about me and I'm gonna kill you ' kind of gaze.

Fuutarou noticed her expression and patted her shoulder, assuring her that she's gonna be fine.

"Itsuki, meet Kazutora and Chifuyu. Chifuyu and Kazutora, meet Nakano Itsuki, one of the quintuplets that I'm tutoring." Fuutarou introduced them to each other. Kazutora widened his eyes in surprise.

"Really?! Wow!" Kazutora grabbed Itsuki's right hand forcefully and started shaking it with a happy smile on his face.

"Ever since he told me about you and your sisters, I've been wanting to say this for a long time when I got the chance to meet you and now I finally can! Thanks for taking care of Fuutarou and making him happy!" Kazutora thanked her gratefully.

Uh... Y-you're welcome I guess.... " Itsuki titled her head in confusion, wondering what Kazutora meant by that.

Chifuyu noticing her confusion, smiled a little.

"It's a long story, Itsuki-san. You don't need to go into it that much. But seriously, thank you. I've never seen him that happy to meet someone for years." Chifuyu thanked her while Kazutora stopped shaking her hand and stepped back.

While still pretty confused, Itsuki could only smile at the two delinquent's words. Whatever Fuutarou went through in the past, she was glad she could help him with it.

"You don't have to tell her everything, I can do that myself." Fuutarou grumbled. Kazutora and Chifuyu deadpanned at him.

"It would likely take years. No offense, but ain't nobody got that much patience." Kazutora replied bluntly, making Fuutarou sigh and chuckle.

"Um, I have a question..." Itsuki raised her hand, nervous about what she was going to ask.

"Ask away." Kazutora smiled at him her.

"Are you two apart of the T-tokyo Manji Gang?" Itsuki asked nervously.

Kazutora and Chifuyu looked at each other before looking at Fuutarou.

" You told her about Toman already? Damn, I thought you didn't. I was gonna scare her about our origin story. I have a made up story and everything." Kazutora grumbled. Fuutarou deadpanned at him.

"Not my fault she and her sisters saw that picture we took in Shibuya."

" Ah, so it was through that. I thought you revealed Toman to them by yourself, you're a chicken." Kazutora commented before laughing. Chifuyu smiled at Itsuki.

" Itsuki-san, how about we talk about it over lunch?"

To be continued...