
Quintessential Quintuplets: Live Life To The Fullest

One day, an 11 year old Uesugi Futaro received a system that popped out of nowhere. Futaro did not know this, but this one small change would impact his whole life forever. Warning: This is a Crossover fanfic that has Quintessential Quintuplets+ Tokyo Revengers + Haki Powers + some weapons from other anime + some other logical ones. Don't say I didn't warn you. Ps: Takemichi doesn't exist

some_writer · アニメ·コミックス
63 Chs

First Day

"Guess what?"

"What's up? Tell me?"

"Guess what!?"




" I'M—Ayo what the fuck?! Nah..... Nah! I know you didn't just say that." Fuutarou looked at Shinichiro weirdly. Shinichiro laughed and patted his back.

"I'm joking man. What is it you want to tell me, Fuutarou?" Shinichiro asked him. Fuutarou grinned.

" I got a tutoring part-time job now." Fuutarou revealed happily. He then proceeded to explain who he was tutoring, how much he was getting paid and some other details.

"I can tell you're very eager, Fuutarou." Shinichiro pointed out. Fuutarou nodded.

" I promised their dad that I would help them graduate with high marks and happy smiles on their faces. I will not let that guy down even though I've never seen his face before." Fuutarou replied to him. Shinichiro then whistled.

" Man, quintuplets! You're one lucky guy, Fuutarou. It's like you're the main protagonist and we're just the side characters or something. " Shinichiro complimented. Fuutarou shook his head.

"You got it all wrong man, everyone's the main protagonist of their own different journeys. " Fuutarou corrected. Shinichiro smirked, impressed with how much Fuutarou has grown physically and mentally over the years.

"You know, I fixed a guy's car this morning. I didn't even know what I was even doing. But that got me thinking, what if I can run a shop that fixes motorbikes and cars?" Shinichiro wondered. Fuutarou hummed, thinking with him.

"If you wanna expand your business, then this space isn't it. It's just too small for cars to fit in here." Fuutarou looked around the motorbike shop he has been working in for over half a decade now.

"Then I'm glad I bought this place years ago." Shinichiro opened his phone and showed Fuutarou a picture of a giant empty building that was larger than the shop they were in.

"This place is perfect. It has enough space for anything. And the best part is Fuutarou, it's in front of Revival, your dad's cafe. "

" Huh?"




The next day, class just ended and it was a lunch period for everyone. Fuutarou was sitting alone as Itsuki went to sit with her sisters, but she did promise him that she would be sitting with him tomorrow.

Itsuki had gotten her lunch tray and took her seat at a table with her sisters. "Thanks for waiting. Now let's eat! Itadakimasu!" After showing a deep appreciation for the food received, she immediately began digging into her lunch like a monster on a rampage.

Her sister sitting on her right sighed in defeat. "You know Itsuki, if you keep eating like that, you'll lose your curvaceous figure. And then none of the boys will want you!" She teased Itsuki with a grin on her face.

Itsuki blushed in embarrassed and glared at her sister Nino, who is the second eldest of the quintuplet siblings.

"What did you say Nino!? I'll have you know that just yesterday, a cute and handsome guy called me beautiful! Twice may I add!" Itsuki told her sisters with a smug grin on her face, Nino almost choked on her food when she heard that.

"Y-You're lying! There's no way that happened! What is his name?!" Nino asked her with a look of disbelief.

" Why should I tell you huh?!"

"So I can confront him and tell him to stay away from my sister!"

'I'm supposed to be the popular one here damnit!' Nino shouted in her mind.

"Face it Nino, you just can't deal with the fact that I got complimented by a boy before you." Itsuki teased Nino as she continued to eat her lunch.

"Why you—

" Ara Ara~ I think it's great that our little sister Itsuki is getting compliments from boys. They grow up so fast!" The first sister Ichika giggled at the scene.

"We were born literally minutes apart!" Itsuki yelled, angry at being treated like she was a child. They then resumed fighting. The fourth sister, Yotsuba noticed a piece of paper falling out of a student's pocket while he walked towards his seat.

Being the person she is, Yotsuba immediately went to retrieve the paper and return it to its owner. She did this unbeknownst to her sisters who were still arguing. She picked up the paper and saw the name of the owner. The name made her gasp in utter shock.

"Uesugi Fuutarou! 100 points! No way, can it be?!"

Meanwhile with Fuutarou, he had taken his seat and began eating his lunch while im deep thought at the same time.

'I will start tutoring the girls today. I better make a good first impression.'


'I'll try to be nice and charitable to them. The first day shouldn't be too hard. I should try to take it easy and get to know them as people.'


'Itsuki already knows me so she shouldn't be a problem. It's the other four I gotta worry about. What if one of them is extremely protective and is also a massive tsundere?'


'Who the fuck is calling me?' Fuutarou narrowed his eyes and looked up. His face immediately went bright red when he locked eyes with Yotsuba who had no idea what personal space was as her face was mere inches away from his.

"Yay!! You finally looked up!" Yotsuba giggled and smiled cutely at him, making Fuutarou blush harder.

Yotsuba is a fair-skinned teenage girl with short, straight hair that stops just around her neck. She had a light-orange hair color. Her most notable accessory is a bunny ear-shaped ribbon, which can change forms depending on her emotions.

Like her sisters, she has dark blue eyes, an average height, a well-endowed figure, and large breasts. Yotsuba wears her uniform with a large butterfly-shaped tie.

"Hey, you're getting too close here. Do you want a kiss or something? I don't mind kissing a beautiful girl like you." Fuutarou teased her with a raised brow and an amused smirk.

His words made Yotsuba widen her eyes and realize how close she was to his face. She blushed vividly and started mumbling incoherently.

"KYA!!" Yotsuba squealed and sat back down on the seat in front of Fuutarou. Fuutarou chuckled to himself, finally regaining his composure with a good tease.

"You look a lot like Itsuki, so you must be one of the quintuplets. But how do you know my name?" Fuutarou asked her. Yotsuba grinned at him.

" That's an excellent question, Uesugi-san!" She pulled out two graded test papers and showed it to him.

"Did you happen to lose an exam paper with a perfect score? Or was it this one with a zero?" She asked him.

" Ah, my exam paper. How do you have that?"

" I saw it fall out of your pocket! So I came to return it! So now here we are! So, which one is it?" Yotsuba asked with anticipation. Fuutarou chuckled and pointed at the exam paper on her left hand.

"That's mine."

"Wow! You're so honest!"

" Um.....Why would I lie about this?"

Yotsuba handed him both of the papers, "Since you're so honest, I shall grant you both!" She declared and shoved the two exam papers into his hands. Fuutarou hummed as he looked at the zero mark exam paper.

"Hm? Why both? And who scored a zero on this test? Is that even possible?" Fuutarou asked her. Yotsuba grinned cheerfully and pointed at herself.

"It was me! And I could say the same about you scoring a perfect score!"

" I think getting a zero is a more impressive feat than scoring one hundred…"

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!" Yotsuba pouted cutely at Fuutarou, just like how Itsuki did to him the day before. Fuutarou chuckled as he could definitely see the similarities between the two.

'So cute.' Fuutarou thought before narrowing his eyes.

'On a more serious note, one of the quintuplets must be Rena. Their eyes and hair color are too identical to Rena's.' Fuutarou added before pointing at Yotsuba.

"Hey, do we know each other? I think we've met before." Fuutarou asked the pouting red headed girl sitting in front of him.

"Huh? W-W-What do you mean, Uesugi-san!" Yotsuba nervously stuttered out.

'There's no way he remembers, right? It was so long ago, and I looked completely different than back then.' She thought to herself while her heart was beating faster.

Fuutarou resisted grinning smugly. 'Why did you have that reaction huh? You could've just said that normally, why are you stuttering all of the sudden?' He thought before continuing to tease her.

"Yeah, you remind me a lot like this cute and beautiful girl I met in Kyoto six years ago, when I was 11." Yotsuba blushed when she heard that. Her brain fried as she could barely form words in her mouth.


"Mhm, we even made a pinky promise together. We promised to study like our lives depend on it, get crazy smart and make us some money. She even gave me a kiss on the cheek, but she didn't explain why she did that though. " Fuutarou hummed to himself. Yotsuba widened her eyes as she saw him have a smug smirk on his face.

'He knows!! He knows it's me and he's teasing me!!! Hmph!!!' Yotsuba pouted at Fuutarou. Her puffed up cheeks made Fuutarou chuckle.

"Was it something I said?" Fuutarou asked, unable to hide his smirk anymore.

"N-No no, nothing's wrong! I-I was just thinking about something else, that's all!" Yotsuba stuttered and refused to make eye contact with him. She looked down to the floor in complete embarrassment.

Fuutarou laughed, making Yotsuba blush even more. "You're a really bad liar....But that's a really good thing.... " Fuutarou whispered the last sentence as he brushed a loose strand of Yotsuba's hair to the side. He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.


Yotsuba widened her eyes and her blush immediately became as bright as her hair. She stared at Fuutarou in shock as he sat back down on his seat.

He grinned warmly at her.

"Found you, Rena." Fuutarou whispered to the extremely flustered Yotsuba who started stuttering incoherently.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!~~~~~" Yotsuba squealed loudly and covered her beet red face. She got out of her seat and dashed away from him at record speed. Fuutarou chuckled evilly while palming the top half of his face, only revealing his savage grin.

"Oh...I'm an asshole indeed..... "

To be continued.....