
Movie Queen 21

Qin Si looked at Xiao Wang and stood up carrying him away from the assistant. The two other people in the room also helped the assistant stand up.

"What's wrong? You can't play with them, Alright? I will play with you later if you're bored again" Qin Si rubbed Xiao Wang's fur but the wolf pup just looked at the assistant who gave the coffee in malice.

Seeing that he is not calming down Qin Si decided to call Feng Shi. The phone only rang twice and the call was already picked up.

"Are you done yet?" The lazy yet cold voice of Feng Shi was heard and Xiao Wang perked up as well and looked at the phone.

Qin Si put the pup in the table and sat back down. One hand holding a phone the other calming down a wolf pup.

"No but soon the meeting is going to start later but Xiao Wang seems to be stimulated. How can I calm him down?"

The other side was silent for a while before a dark and even colder voice was heard again. "What angered him?"

Qin Si was worried that Feng Shi might have misunderstand and think that he did not take care of her wolf so he immediately explained. "I don't know everything was fine until he sniffed my coffee. I didn't know that he hates the smell of coffee sorry. I will throw it out now."

"Take that coffee to get check for poison and apprehend the daring fool. Now!" Feng Shi angrily ordered angrily which shocked Qin Si and the others while Assistant Ran immediately started to sweat nervously.

"Did you drink it already? Are you alright? Do you feel anything? Shall I meet you in the hospital? No, it's best if we go have a check up. I'll just change and meet you later" This time her voice was laced with strong worry and fear not for herself but for him.

"I'm fine Xiao Wang stopped me from drinking it. I'll be home later than expected then. Do you want me to go buy you anything?"

"No need. I'm coming over there. Am I in speaker?"

"Yes and there is no need I'm fine"

"This is not up for discussion. After the investigation we are taking you to a doctor to get check-up for anything. Xiao Wang stay with him and protect him from anything, Got it"

Xiao Wang howled in return and standing up looking like a Wolf guard.

Qin Si could not smother the smile that appeared in his face at Feng Shi's concern over him. It actually feels nice to know that she cares so much, it makes his heart feel full and flattered. Before, Qin Si could say anything the phone was already hanged up. He looked coldly at assistant Ran before looking at his other assistant. "Go take this woman away but don't let her escape cancel the meeting as well"

"Cousin what if this is just a false alarm?" Qin Xiao was hesitant to believe in a wolf however Assistant Yu shook his head.

"While we were looking after Miss Feng the wolf pup have shown intelligence and it looks like he have also been trained to detect poison" Qin Xiao looked at the wolf pup in amazement temporarily forgetting his fear of it.

The Doctor didn't take long and they set up another room for his equipment and other materials. In order to focus no one was allowed to enter. Qin Si knows that this doctor can be trusted so he just let him be.

Xiao Wang however didn't trust the doctor so he secretly monitored his movements from the door.

Feng Shi arrived and immediately went to Qin Si and hugged him before looking at him up and down. Qin Si just let her be and moved accordingly letting Feng Shi check him for any anomaly.

When Feng Shi finished her movements he smiled in assurance. "See I'm alright. Everything is alight no need to be worried anymore"

Feng Shi didn't look convince and Doctor Shu just confirmed her suspicion. The door opened revealing a doctor with a graved look. "I don't know how you manage to find out but the coffee contained a slow acting poison. From young master Qin's blood I can concur that the poisoning have been happening for years. Young Master we need to go back to my hospital as the equipment here is insufficient. In small doses the poison should not be harmful but if it accumulate in the body it would destroy the person from the inside"

"I understand. Qin Xiao you look after the investigation of this matter'' Qin Si ordered his face hardening. He have been drinking poison for years without even knowing it. He clenched his fist eyes blazing in fury before he took Feng Shi's hand and pulled her for a hug trying to calm himself down and led her out and to his car.

Feng Shi didn't talk and he knew that she is a bad mood due to this matter so he just continued holding her hand throughout the whole ride. When they got there Qin Si didn't make a move to get out and just hold Feng Shi's cheek and made her look at him. He smiled in assurance and rub her cheeks affectionately.

"Feng Shi, you're not going to lose me I promise. I will be fine" Qin Si promised and Feng Shi let out a small smile.

"You better be fine. You are not allowed to leave me. Your mine" She declared and Qin Si nodded his head. "Yes my queen. Yours, no one else but only yours"

"I don't want to lose you" Feng Shi mumbled in his arms, her voice so soft but the fear and worry in it was as clear as day to Qin Si.

Qin Si hugged her tight in order to assure her that he is still there, that he is alright and will be alright. It's okay, Feng Shi, I'm okay. Don't worry"

Feng Shi took a while before she let go and nodded with a smile.

Feng Shi stayed outside the room and patiently waited while they examine Qin Si. Xiao Wang nudge at her and rub himself on his master as a sign of comfort. The whole examination took an hour and Feng Shi just read a book while waiting. Now, she knew why Qin Si died in the plot and the male protagonist took advantage of it to rise. It was because of poison but who is the one that did it is something she will find out. No one will get away harming what is hers.

The door opened and Qin Si smiled at her before looking at the doctor. The doctor coughed and smiled at her as well. "Miss Feng the young master will be alright he just need to be careful from now on"

Feng Shi looked doubtfully at Qin Si but he just ruffled her hair not daring to look at her in the eyes. Feng Shi gave him a cold smile "Oh?"

"The doctor already said it. I am alright so there is no need to worry anymore Feng Shi" Qin Si assured looking everywhere but her.

Her smile became more prominent yet also even colder before pinching his chin and made him look at her in the eyes but he just look away. "You know that I hate it when you lie to me Qin Si."

Qin Si laughed nervously still not daring to look at her in the eyes. "What are you talking about Feng Shi? You can even ask the doctor I'm fine"

Seeing that he does not intent to answer her the truth she grabbed his chin tighter in warning. "You don't dare to look at me when you lie. You avoid eye contact and bite your lower lip after telling a lie to me"

She let him go and looked at the doctor who is pretending to not seeing anything like his young master being forcefully grabbed by a girl and acting like a kid who was caught eating too much sweets.

"Are you going to tell me the truth or do I have to force it out of you?" Feng Shi threatened with piercing eyes making the doctor feel like she is staring right through his soul. He shivered at the thought and swallowed in fear at this girl's gaze. The doctor looked at his young master who was silently looking down in guilt before at the girl but before he could answer another voice was heard behind Feng Shi.

"I would also like the truth this time Doctor Shu." Feng Shi looked behind her and saw an older version of her man. In fact, she have noticed his presence coming when Qin Si decided to lie to her.

Qin Si looked at the man in shock before revealing a cold look. "Father what brought you here?"

The man looked at him with a raised brow before ruffling his hair making Qin Si frown in annoyance. The man showed a smile at him first before turning serious again. "Qin Xiao told me what happened. If I didn't come would you also hide it from me?"

The man then turned to Feng Shi and showed a fatherly smile. "Hello dear, I'm Qin Zenan this brat's father. Welcome to the family Miss Feng you can just call me father as well. I always did want a daughter. I know that my boy could be troublesome at times so please just understand him or just beat him to his senses whichever works"

Feng Shi revealed a smile liking this man a little. "Nice to meet you then Sir"

"Your too formal father is fine" Qin Zenan looked at Xiao Wang who was sitting at the chair. "This must be the amazing wolf Qin Xiao told me about. Xiao Wang, right?"

Feng Shi nodded before looking back at the doctor. "Are you going to tell the truth or not"

"I'm fine Feng Shi. I already told you" Qin Si refuted earning a glare from Feng Shi and he immediately clamp his lips tight.

"But I really..." before he could finished the sentence Feng Shi glared at him in warning and cut him off. She sneered and coldly told him "Shut up and just sit down while we talk if you're not going to tell the truth"

Qin Si just pouted and sat down beside Xiao Wang while looking down at the floor looking like a scolded child. Qin Zenan have never seen his son so obedient and act like this before. He have always worn a cold and detach expression and was even more thankful that Feng Shi came to his life.

Under the glare of Feng Shi the doctor sighed and told the truth. "The poison had already penetrated deep into his bone marrow. If he can sustain his health well he might live up to sixty but if he will not be able to do so he would only have maximum of ten years left to live. I will give you his medicine later that can help in strengthening him"

"Give me his medicine I will make sure that he takes it every day" Her voice was as cold as ever but Qin Si knew that hidden in that emotionless face is anger, fear and concern. He knew that he have angered her when he lied so he didn't dare to look at her and just silently followed behind as they went to get the medicines.

The Doctor handed her a bunch of medicine. I have arranged them by their bow colors and written the time they have to be taken. "The blue box is his vitamins. The Red must be taken every meal as it will help him fight the poison in his blood. The Green is every twelve hours. This way it will be impossible to mistake them. He have to eat healthy from now on and have a proper amount of exercise everyday"

Feng Shi nodded and look at Qin Si who didn't dare to raise his head at her. "I got it, Thank you. Qin Si, Let's go. We will see you around Sir...I mean father"

Qin Zenan nodded and waved at them before looking back at the doctor and catching up on old times. Qin Si silently followed Feng Shi. None of them talk but as Qin Si got into the car Feng Shi sat in his lap with an angry glare.

Without saying anything she harshly kissed Qin Si on the lips before going to his neck. He revealed a pained expression but he didn't stop her even when she bit his lips until they bled. This is his punishment so he must accept it. Feng Shi pulled out and went back to her chair. "Drive, Let's go to the park I need fresh some air"

"Alright" He softly agreed and started the car again. This was the first time Feng Shi ignored him like this and in a way their first argument. His heart ache in pain not liking this one bit but he knew that this was all his fault for lying and trying to keep a secret from her. Those are the things she hates the most being lied to as she would feel betrayed yet he actually managed to screw up this bad.

An uncomfortable and cold silent reign in the car. Feng Shi is in no mood to talk to him while Qin Si didn't dare disturb her.