
Movie Queen 12

After several days, Feng Shi still looked the same. Qin Si has always been with her not leaving even for a bit as he is afraid something will happen to Feng Shi and he wouldn't even know. While his assistant on the other hand simply came to give him food and change clothes once in a while.

He could barely eat or sleep because he is concerned for her.

They have barely interacted with each other face to face due to their busy schedules but the time they do make for each other was one that he enjoyed most.

To lose her is something that he cannot even think of. His feelings towards her are something that he cannot fathom but he truly does love her with all his soul and from the bottom of his cold heart.

Xiao Wang also stayed nearly without being seen by others waiting for Feng Shi to wake up. It wasn't any different from the past but this time it was more agonizing. He finally got to meet and bond with her. He finally got to have her with him only to probably lose her again. Just thinking of it,

slight tears appeared in his eyes.

Xiao Wang covered his eyes with his paws whimpering sadly to himself. Unable to take it anymore, he walked towards her and nudged her with his nuzzle opting for her to please wake up.

Qin Si looked at her with his tired eyes before caressing her hair and kissing her forehead "Please wake up soon I promise this time I will protect you well"

After saying that, a crying woman that looked almost the same as Feng Shi only older walked in followed by another man. This two are Feng Shi's parents in this world.

The woman was stunningly beautiful and almost look just like a slightly older version of Feng Shi.

The woman went to the other side of the bed and hugged her body "Baby, Mommy is so sorry. You can act as much as you want just please wake up and be alright"

The woman cried while the man comforted his wife while he is also in grief. They were both sad and worried for their daughter as well as guilty.

If they supported her and instead of obstructing her, would she still end up like this? If only they tried to stand by her side as she pursued her dreams. They could have prevented this from happening. Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in this world. Their precious princess is now in danger because of their negligence.

When they both calm down they finally noticed the extra person in the room.

Upon seeing his face they immediately recognize him. Feng Fu coughed slightly "Young Master Qin, what is your relationship with my daughter?"

Feng Fu has a good impression of Qin Si as he had never been in a scandal before and his achievements speak for his capability. He wonders how his darling daughter could have been connected with this man.

Qin Si coldly glanced at Feng Fu not bothering to respond to someone insignificant to him before remembering that this man may perhaps be his future father-in-law so he decided to answer "Her Lover". He unashamedly responded.

To say that Father Fu was shocked was an understatement. The good impression was immediately popped with a bitter needle.

What good and capable man?! This stinky boy stole their daughter behind their backs!!!

Father Feng glared at Qin Si like someone staring at the pig that ate their good cabbage.

"Mister Qin, even if we have a misunderstanding with my daughter but I am still her father. If you ever hurt my daughter I will do everything I can to make sure that you pay" Feng Fu warned immediately.

Normally, if others dare to threaten him he would destroy them but Qin Si just nodded and solemnly promise "If I ever hurt her, you wouldn't need to do anything I will just beat myself up. I promised to myself to love and cherish only her"

Feng Fu nodded and the room regained its silence again. As in the first place, it was them who turned their back on their daughter.

Xiao Wang stayed by the window however, he became vigilant when a nurse went in again as her smell is way too familiar to him.

The nurse staggered as she had not expected anyone here. Based on her observation, Qin Si was supposed to be eating out and handling documents at this time by now. However, she could only grit her teeth and continue. She already accepted the money, if she backs out, she would be as good as dead.

Xiao Wang stood vigilantly, ready to maim this stranger if she dares to harm his master.

The nurse glared at Feng Shi and then picked up a syringe. Her eyes revealed a dark gleam but before she could inject it into Feng Shi, a hand grabbed her wrist. Qin Si looked at her coldly "This is not on her schedule".

The nurse's eyes widened anxiously and her nervousness did not go unnoticed by Qin Si but in the end, she managed to compose herself. "It is to help her fasten her recovery" The nurse answered trying to act calm however her nervousness had already been seen through by Qin Si.

He grabbed her wrist tighter as he emitted a very cold and dangerous aura "Who are you and what is your purpose?" Qin Si asked about the pressure in the room turning as cold as ice.

The nurse struggled, sweat starting to drop from her. Fear immediately engulfed her as she stared fearfully at this demon-like man before her. Noticing the strangeness in the situation, the couple also stood up looking at her angrily. Feng Fu went to push the bottom from the bedside table to call the doctors and almost immediately doctors also rushed in. They dare not neglect Feng Shi due to her apparent background.

"What's wrong? The patient seems to be stable?" The doctor who checked Feng Shi asks with a frown.

"Check what the syringe contained and detain this person" Qin Si ordered and the nurses immediately moved as the nurse struggled.

The doctor took the syringe and nodded at them before going out. The Feng mother and Father looked at Qin Si with gratitude as if it weren't for him something bad might have just happened to Feng Shi under their watch.

No one spoke for a while but the tension in the room did not ease after the encounter. Someone dared to harm Feng Shi under their watch.

Qin Si's secretary went to the bodyguards and took the nurse. He drove off to an abandoned building and tied the nurse to a chair. "Speak why did you want to harm Miss Feng Shi?"

The nurse struggled and cried and seeing that she doesn't plan to answer the assistant nodded at the bodyguards. "Beat the truth out of her"

The two bodyguards nodded and punch the nurse on her stomach, face shoulder chest pretty much all over the body leaving her bruised and bloodied "I'll talk! I'll talk just please stop!"

The bodyguards step back while the assistant pressed the recorder on his phone. "I was ordered by a woman. She gave me money to make sure that Miss Feng would not wake up and make her death seems like an accident!"

"Who ordered you?" The assistant asks again while looking at the nurse coldly.

The woman shivered and bit her lips as tears fell down her face. "I don't know she covered her body well. Please let me go already."

The assistant brought a laptop out and hacked into the Hospital's security system. He fiddled with it for a while before seeing the footage where a woman approach the nurse and handed her a suitcase full of money. The nurse looked inside the suitcase and nodded. She hid the money before going to grab the syringe and then towards Feng Shi's ward.

The assistant turned his focus on the black-clotted woman and followed her every move. When the woman went to her car he zoomed into the plate number and screenshot it. "Let's go, clean up everything"

The woman stared wide-eyed as they left. "You promised to let me go!" The woman shouted struggling harder in her binds.

The assistant didn't bother turning back "You begged us to stop. We didn't promise anything"

The assistant walk out and the bodyguard who left the last shot the yelling nurse in the head permanently silencing her.

The assistant dialed a string of numbers before putting the phone on his ears and reported "Boss, we got the answer someone ordered the nurse. I will go back and search who the plate number belonged to"

Qin Si stopped brushing her hair and nodded. "Good I will handle everything else when Feng Shi wakes up"

Her parents already went back to their hotel which left Xiao Wang and Qin Si alone in the ward.

Qin Si sighed again while silently watching over her. "Wake up already Feng Shi I missed staring at your beautiful eyes."

Qin Si hold her hand and laid his head on their intertwined hands. Feng Shi's eyelashes fluttered like butterfly wings before revealing her mesmerizing dark eyes.

Xiao Wang leaped to her side happily "Master you're finally awake!"

Feng Shi smiled and nodded before she felt as if something was in her right hand. She looked down and saw Qin Si's hand on her own. Reaching out her other hand and touching his head, Qin Si immediately looked up at her startled. Feng Shi immediately rudely blurted the words that came to her mind "You look terrible"

Qin Si looked at her in disbelief before stretching out his shaky hands to her face. "Are you awake now or is my mind playing with me again?"

She rolled her eyes and pinch his arms. "There, it hurts so you're not dreaming"

Feng Shi coughed and massaged her dried throat. "Can you get me some water?"

Qin Si nodded and poured her a glass. She drowned it down before asking Qin Si to fill her another. After drinking, Qin Si helped lay her down again before pushing the button near her bed. "The patient is awake I need a doctor to come check her up"

Feng Shi looked at him strangely "How long have you stayed awake?"

Qin Si looked down and smiled gently. "Do I look that terrible? Would you not want me now if I'm ugly?" He joked finally feeling his relief settle in as he realized that this is not a dream or an illusion. Feng Shi is awake.

Feng Shi rolled her eyes while a doctor and a nurse came in. "Miss Feng how are you feeling? Do you feel dizzy, any headache or throbbing in your head?"

The doctor asks while taking her temperature and her heartbeat. Qin Si glared at the doctor holding her wrist "Everything else seems to be normal"

Feng Shi looked at the doctor and answered "Just Dizzy"

The doctor nodded "Well you seem to already be fine Miss Feng. However, just make sure your wounds aren't infected. Rest for a month as well. You can't eat greasy food in the meantime or handle too much stress. You need to stay at the hospital for another week for observation before you can leave."

The doctor looked at Qin Si again and listed some things. "Mister Qin you need to make sure that your girlfriend doesn't do any excessive work until her wound is healed. The injuries on her foot are still not healed so she needs to be on bed rest. These are the things she needs to do to exercise her bones"

Qin Si looked at the list. It just had some activities Feng Shi needs to do such as walking for thirty minutes in the morning and evening, and eating medicinal porridge three times a day. It also contains food that she can and can't eat for now.

"I got it. Does the exercise starts now?" Qin Si seriously asks while Feng Shi just silently listened

The doctor shakes his head "Not yet, as Feng Shi still needs to use the wheelchair for a week and the exercise is to help strengthen her bones in the feet afterward. However, Fresh air every morning is good for the mental health of the patient. "

Qin Si nodded his head showing that he understands before the doctors went out. Feng Shi sat up and Qin Si supported her "How long have I been unconscious?"

Qin Si put a pillow on her back she sat up before answering. "One week and three days"

Feng Shi frowned "Then what about the movie don't tell me that it has been delayed?!"

Qin Si shook his head at her "The doctor said no stress. Your part is already finished. The rest went back to the city to continue filming. Your part would be filmed when you're healed."

Feng Shi nodded before looking at her phone for the recent news. It seems that her accident is now well known. Many wished that she will be alright and prayed for her recovery. After an hour, Qin Si grabbed her phone "You shouldn't use the phone too much the radiation is bad for you."

Feng Shi glared at him before laying down and going to sleep. Qin Si wanted to ask her what happened that day but he just let her be. The next morning, Feng Shi's parents arrived while she was asleep.

"She woke up yesterday already. I have to take care of some matters. She doesn't need to know what happened while she was unconscious. The doctor also said that she can't be stressed out" Qin Si informed them before going out.

After that, he entrusted her to them for a bit as he had some unfinished 'business' that he have to take care of.

He drove his car fast as the sooner he got things done the earlier he could go back to Feng Shi's side. He drove to an abandoned hidden building where his assistant was waiting for him.

"Boss, the woman is inside" The assistant informed and Qin Si directly went in.

He furiously strode into the room where another woman sat, beaten black and blue, covered in her blood.

The woman is no other than Meng Rou. She is tied and put into a chair and was also gagged and blindfolded tightly.

"Remove her gag" Qin Si ordered. The assistant nodded and harshly removed the gag

"Who are you and what do you want?! I'll pay as much as you want just let me go" Meng Rou cried immediately but Qin Si just sadistically smiled before putting gloves on and slapping her harshly.

"You shouldn't have touched her" Qin Si coldly stated as he pulled her hair.

"Ahh! Please let me go. Han Chu would make sure that you all would suffer hell" Meng Rou threatened but her voice shook in fear while Qin Si chuckled darkly.

"Suffer hell? That's not a bad idea, death is too easy for you." Qin Si darkly stated before grabbing a bottle of acid.

"You wanted to ruin her face right?" Qin Si asks coldly as he grabbed her face. When he heard his words Meng Rou remembered Feng Shi

"That b*tch ordered you to do this right? I'll pay you double just let me go. I can also pay you twice the amount if you ruin her" Meng Rou suggested. She could use these people to ruin Feng Shi. That foolish b*tch sends her a weapon. In Meng Rou's world, anyone could do anything for money after all.

Qin Si looked even darker as he stepped back "Oh you will pay triple? Then what do you want to be done to her hmm?"

Meng Rou smirked thinking that they agreed. "I want you to ruin her face, make her life hell by defiling that sl*t video it, and post it on the internet. You can also drug her. Then when she is broken tear her limb from limb hahaha who told that b*tch to stand in my way"

The assistant thought that this woman have a death wish while Qin Si emitted an even more menacing aura. "Cut her tongue"

One man appeared and pried Meng Rou's mouth open. "Stop didn't you hear my offer? Whatever that b*tch offered I'll triple it no even more than triple"

The man cuts her tongue with his knife as Meng Rou cried out in fear. "Daring to harm the woman I love, you have guts"

Meng Rou cried in pain and was indignant. How can it end like this? Wasn't she supposed to be reborn again and Rise to the top? If her ending is even worse than her past life then what was the use of her being reborn? It's always Feng Shi's fault if she ever has another chance she will make her experience this agony as well.

"Do as she said before. I want every bone in her body broken as well. Make sure that she doesn't die. Just make her remember her lesson. I can't have Feng Shi redoing her work just because of this woman"

Qin Si then went out and Meng Rou's miserable cries sounded behind him. "Don't let that filth die yet don't let her dirty Feng Shi's eyes either. By a month make sure that she can manage to shoot"

"Yes, boss" The assistant answered before Qin Si left to groom himself for Feng Shi.