
Scumbag fiancee 03

Hearing him saying such things smoothly her faced turned crimson even her neck turned red. She looks like a red tomato making him want to take a bite.

Why. ... why are you suddenly like this ?

I have always been like this, it's just I didn't wanted to flirt with you without any responsibility.

Well your house registration booklet should be with you right?

Ah... yes, it's in my room.

Good, tomorrow I will take you out in morning, get ready on time ok.

Going out, won't it bother you.

No, I have a lot of time for you he said while sniffing at her nape turning her red from embarrassment.

She looked at him then suddenly pushed him, opened the door and ran away, this set of action were performed in 2 sec.

Oh my god, how cute system did you saw , she couldn't even take a little teasing, she is damn cute.

At first I thought living in such an era is so troublesome, good thing that this scumbag is stingy and likes to save money otherwise it would have been troublesome .

Dad works in a cycle manufacturing factory, if I give them a more efficient and cost cutting method I think it would solve the problem of money for now.

Ah , i am so tired let's sleep.

Early in the morning Xixi has prepared breakfast with second sister in law and is a little absent minded.

On breakfast table everyone is having their breakfast suddenly his sister Fu Yan said Xixi did you dressed up ?


Don't lie you look more beautiful today, you must have dressed up behind my back.

What are you shouting for? Does it bother you? I asked her to go out with me can't she dress up a little?

You asked her to go out? Why didn't you tell me early, I also want to go out.

What are you coming for I am gonna brought her some important things, it's none of your business.

Mom.....look at him.

What you want to be a third wheel, anyway my bicycle don't have extra space for you.

Don't show me that pitiful look I am not ice that will melt.

Dad we will leave in awhile. I will take her to buy some necessities and will take it to my dorms to save a trip.

Hmm , go.

He took her on bicycle and rode towards Heicheng University, there is a shop to buyclothes he buyed her 2 dresses and 2 shirt and a trousers and a sandal and buyed himself 2 shirts and a formal pant. When the owner was settling bill she was smiling from ear to ear. And on other hand Xixi was scretching her hairs it cost him 224 yuan so much money wasted just like that.

After coming out she took him to a corner to lecture him but he didn't let her speak and started reciting her so called lecture from word to word.

You are not allowed to do this again.

Yeah ,yeah as you say oh fisss...


I forgot to buy you underwear. Let's go

No, no I don't want it.

What do you mean you don't want it you have to buy it, hey don't run.

At last he buyed it for her. After coming out she didn't said a word all the way to general shopping area where they brought all the necessities for dorm.

After that he took her to his dorms it was already evening they grabbed some noodles and then returned home with some of the clothes.

Everyone knows that it's hard to get a penny from their third brother so no one mentioned what they brought after seeing only 2 bags in his hands.

At dinner he said dad I checked the dates and found out that first day of college enrollment is very auspicious, I am thinking to get the certificate.

Ah..... Ah. ....ah.... his mother and sister coughed others were not any better.

His eldest brother said third brother can't you discuss important matters after dinner must you choke us.

Ge,I didn't said anything inappropriate, I said yesterday that it's time to get married, so I must act on it and the auspicious day is in site there is no need to procrastinate.

Dad, dad what do you think?

Stabilizing himself his father replied If you have already decided then go for it.

Thanks dad.

After getting affirmation his mood become jolly that others can see it from their naked eyes. He kept on moving his legs in a rhythmic motion and started humming a tune.

which even disgusted his father so much that he became speechless by his blatant way of showing happiness.

At night his mother even asked his father - is it still our son although he never said I knew he doesn't want to get married in past, why so enthusiastic now?

What are you thinking so much for, he is willing isn't it best.

She didn't said anymore but she had a sleepless night but there was another person who was sleepless and that's the protagonist of the event Xixi, when she think that she would be married in few days she felt restless all over, she feel a torrent of emotions- was happy, had some anxiety and fear of unknown but what overwhelmed her was still the excitement.

As for the person who have stirred their emotions, he had a dreamless night and slept rather soundly.

Days passed in a blink of eye and today was day to take certificate. He wake up early and saw her busy in kitchen with his sister in laws so he asked for a glass of water and when she come out he took her hand which caused her to flinch.

Her face turned red and she asked him to withdraw his hand while he asked why are you not ready yet, go and get ready wear that light blue dress and new sandals, we have to take a photo.

Ah, yes.

Go otherwise we will be late.

At breakfast both of them were ready , his sister asked brother did you brought that dress few days ago.

He only hummed in response.

Ge you have never brought me a hair tie but have brought her a dress and that's also so fashionable, it must have cost alot , brother you have changed.

We have to take a photo for the cirtificate we must dress up so after a decade or 2 we won't regret it.