
Quick Transmigration: How to deal with a Nutcase

Fu Youngchan is an award winning actor. He was known as 'The Multifaceted Genius' in the entertainment circle due to the variety of roles that he played in every movie or series. Every character that he plays, struck to the hearts of many people due to the genuine feeling that Youngchan was able to make them feel. He reached the peak of his popularity at the age of 31. And is currently receiving the Grand Slam title for winning all 3 of the major film awards. He said his carefully written speech on the stage accompanied by the claps and admiration of the people around him. He then left the stage carrying the trophies contentedly. When the awarding ceremony finished, he came home and slept with a smile on his face. But when he woke up, he was in an empty white room with an overly enthusiastic system with him. Eh?

Crispy_Cookies_24 · LGBT+
18 Chs

Chapter 4: The System Store - 1

The System Store is divided into 4 parts: Active Skills List; Passive Skills List; Item List; and Wish List.

I first explored the Shop for Active Skills List. What greeted me was a light green interface, at the top is the description of the shop, just below is my status in the shop and below is the actual skill list.


'This is a shop tailored for sale of Active Skills. An active skill is a skill that needs an action from the user to trigger its effect. This shop offers a variety of skills for an appropriate price. The skill ranks are divided into, D; C; B; A; S; SS; SSS; EX.'

Status: Level 1 Shopper

Benefits: None


Once in a lifetime Sale: First Time Purchase!

Description: You get 100% off with your first purchase to any of the shops in the System Store!


There's actually a sale for the first time purchase! The volume of benefits that I received didn't make me thankful, instead it increased my vigilance, to be receiving this much means that the difficulty I'll face must also be proportionate! I lowered my gaze to the actual skill list.


Active Skills List:

*D Rank

Shield (D)

Skill Effect:

-Erects a shield that blocks physical attacks

-Durability depends on the level of the attack blocked.

Banshee's Shriek (D)

Skill Effect:

-Causes a temporary 'Confused Effect'

-3% Chance of making a target lose consciousness

Heal (D)

Skill Effect:

-Can be used to treat minor and surface wounds

*Warning: Heal (D) can't treat fatal and grievous wounds!

(Scroll to see more)

There are over 3 thousand skills in D Rank but their effects are mediocre, well, not that I expected much since it is the lowest tier. The bright side is that, the prices are so cheap, ranging from 10 to 50 points, 50 being the most expensive.

I then scrolled to the C rank skills.

Active Skills List:

*C Rank [Locked]

Note: Unlocks at Level 2 Shopper Status.

It's understandable.

Then I proceeded to the Shop for Passive Skills List.

This time, it's a light red interface and aside from the Shop Description, everything is the same with the Shop for Active Skills List.

'This is a shop tailored for sale of Passive Skills. A passive skill is a skill that doesn't need an action from the user to trigger its effect. Once acquired, it is permanently active. This shop offers a variety of skills for an appropriate price. The skill ranks are divided into, D; C; B; A; S; SS; SSS; EX.'

After reading the description, and casually glancing at everything else, I proceeded to inspect the actual skill list.

Passive Skills List

*D List

Fire in your soles (D)

Skill Effect: Increases running speed by 10%

Like a fish in the water (D)

Skill Effect: Increases movement speed in water by 10%

The rubber man (D)

Skill Effect: Increases flexibility by 10%

(Scroll to see more)

There's about 4 thousand passive skills on the list and the price range is relatively the same to the Active skills.

After thinking for a bit, I decided to check out the next shop, the Item List Shop.