
Don’t Be Too Greedy!

"I beg your pardon, Your Majesty?"

Jonathor, King of Atrouria blinked slowly. Sitting across from him was Elsbeth Rosecliffe Countess of Rosehaven , daughter of the Duke of Alelux who had been his fiancee since birth. However at that moment the young Countess looked nothing like the sweet beauty he had grown up with. Her blue eyes were wide with shock and her mouth hung un-flatteringly open.

"I have already made the proper arrangements," Jonathor continued coldly. "The Pearl Moon Pavilion is being made ready for your residence."

He paused and observed the surprise melted away from her face as she finally comprehended the meaning of his words, and anger overcame her features. He sneered inwardly while keeping his expression neutral. This woman had always held herself above others and used the authority of her station as his betrothed to hurt others. Jonathor took great pleasure in showing her that same power could be used against her.

"In a fortnight, the queen and I shall welcome you into the Palace as royal consort," he finished.

He allowed his lips to quirk into an insincere smile. Elsbeth had leaned forward in her chair, her head bowed and a pale hand pressed over her chest while another tightly gripped the arm of the chair. In the eyes of anyone else she made a perfect portrait of feminine distress, but Jonathor knew better than anyone else that it was only a matter of her wounded pride. To have been raised as a Queen from childhood only to fall short of her ambitions at the very end... She certainly must have felt humiliated.

"A royal consort..." she hissed furiously, glaring at him through the curtain of her golden hair. "A concubine!"

The chair fell with a loud bang as she leaped to her feet.

He watched her calmly as she wrestled with her anger.

"I am a daughter of the bloodline of Lysender," she exclaimed, outraged. "The same blood in me runs through your veins.

"By what right do you have to reduce me, a descendant of Kings into a glorified paramour?!"

The whole room shook with her rage.

Jonathor got to his own feet and slowly walked around his desk until he stood in front of her. He coolly met her angry gaze, refusing to be intimidated.

"You are so proud of you bloodline and rank," he scoffed contemptuously. "Do you think that is a substitution for good character, for honour? What have you done except flaunt you pedigree around as though it confers upon you some kind of virtue?"

He leaned forward until his nose was almost touching her. He felt a surge of triumph when he saw a flicker of hurt in her eyes.

"Elsbeth Rosecliffe, did you think your blood alone would blind everyone to your true nature; to your pride and arrogance?"

He openly sneered at her now.

"To have raise you as Our queen would spell nothing but disaster for Our Kingdom," he said. "Be grateful We are allowing you this dignity."

A heavy silence fell upon the room at his declaration. Elsbeth might have been transformed to a statue, even her chest did not move from breathing. Her eyes seemed to be looking through him, past him.

Then slowly she blinked and took a small step back.

"Your Majesty..."

She stopped and took a deep breath, shaking her head slowly. A bitter smile curled her mouth and her shoulders drooped as though the fight had been drained from her.

"You must not be too greedy, my King," she spoke in such a frigid voice that all warmth was chased from the room.

Her words sunk in.

"You insist on behaving like this!" he snapped. "We have tolerated your obstinacy only..."

"YOUR KINGDOM!" she shouted cutting off his words. "Your Kingdom is yours only because of your blood; of MY blood!"

And she was this one now coming forward making him startled back.

"Your power was secured because of the sacrifices Alelux made because of OUR SHARED BLOOD!"

Jonathor flinched at that accurate barb, but before he could feel guilty she continued.

"For that woman.."

"She is your Queen!" he yelled back. He would never stand for her of all people disrespecting the woman he cherished.

"For her; to hold on to her, to raise her up..." She was not listening to him. "You have broken faith with House Rosecliffe, with Alelux!"

"Your Majesty, do you believe everything you have comes from nothing?" she asked. "Do you think you continue to lean against us for support?" Her eyes flashed. "Do you think I will disgrace myself and keep my House bound you?"


This time its was Elsbeth who was triumphant.

"Nothing comes without a price, my King!" She spoke and in her place he could see his mentor her own father. "That woman; you can not hold on to her and keep me."

"Tear apart the precious bond you have made!" she ordered. "Throw away your precious love and brag her down from the heights you have raised her!"

"You're mad!" Jonathor recoiled from her. "Do you think yourself so high a price?"

"You must do this, Your Majesty before you can hope to call on me again."

Although she did not answer directly it was clear she thought herself in a powerful position to bargain. But he was King and Rosecliffe and Alelux were but one part of his Kingdom.

"I will always be grateful that Lord Robard remember our blood ties and came to the aid of Our House Atrour," Jonathor said firmly. "But my Lady I will not trade a lifetime's happiness out of gratitude, especially to you."

She laughed softly then sank into a graceful curtsy. It was as if they had not just been quarreling.

"Then, I wish you happiness for all the years to come, cousin."

And she was gone leaving behind the echo of the crisp snap of the closing door.

Hi. First original story.

Warning: I have a slow writing speed so please bare with me.

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