
Queen of snakes reincarnated

The love story between the reincarnated queen of snakes and her enemy King of beasts.

devik_31 · ファンタジー
8 Chs


"Mom"-Moon jumped from her worst dream.

Moon's sudden wake-up shocked the beast last who was waiting for her to awake.

Moon noticed her. After seeing that Moon doesn't surprised, she looks at her.

Beast lady is frightened after knowing Moon is looking at her.

" Queen, this is your food."-Beast lady said by keeping her head downward.

Moon stretches her head to reach the plate she was holding.

"Ahh, what is this, blood-filled meat. How can I eat this?"- Moon says in a dislike.

"Do you think you will get the same food you eat on earth?"-A cold voice enters the room.

The moon suddenly gets from her bed. She knows who sounds this belongs to. As so on as the beast lady places the plate on the table and leaves the room.

Moonbow her head down. Her heart is beating so fast. She blamed that beaten lady to make her alone.

Quaxin enters the room with Moon's bed.

"If you don't want to eat this, place this here, some will take this back. We will not care about your hunger. If you want food you can order from any beast ladies in this palace, they will give you the same food."-Xin replied by smirking.

"These are your dresses, you should have worn this and come to our King hall when you hear a long bell. Only come after hearing the long bell. Remember you should wear this."-with that saying Xin leaves the room.

Moon takes the dress and places it near her body to check how she will look in that dress.

"What type of dress is this?

A long skirt and a top. It is not even soft. Surely it will irritate my body."-while Moon was checking the dress Gwan enters her room.

" Moon, you got new dresses. Who gives this?"- Gwan asked in surprise.

"King Quaxin "-Moon replies, showing that she has no interest in both King and the new dress.

" Wow, superb dress Moon. Wear this and come with me."-Gwan continued after seeing that bloody flush on the table.

"Moon, don't you eat anything?"

"How could I eat this, I never ate this kinda food in my life. I even don't do my morning activities."-Moon said pouting.

" What are morning activities?"- Gwan asked eager to know what that means to earthlings.

Moon opens her mouth to reply, but stopped in a realization.

Moon in mind-"If I started to explain she will ask more. Don't say anything Moon."Moon only place a smile on her face.

"Do you where am I?"-Moon asked the first question she saved in her mind.

" I will tell you first you change, and come with me."- Gwan takes a new dress placed on the bed to Moon.

"How could I change, if you are still here?"- With that saying, Moon drags Gwan out of her room, at that time some metallic object dropped from Gwan.

Gwan doesn't recognize it.

Moon took that. A metallic button. Moon examined that, but she don't want to fall into thinking about that object. Moon places it on the bed and started changing.

" I feel more irritated wearing this without washing my body. Where should I get water to do my morning activities?"-Moon completed wearing a dress and checking on the mirror.

Moon like the dress, perfectly suited her. But only she knows how that dress irritates her body.

"Moon, come on girl."

After hearing Gwan's sound Moon takes that metallic button and suddenly opens the door.

After seeing Moon Gwan said.

"You look pretty. Today my brother's job will increase."-With that saying, Gwan gives a necklace made of red stones for Moon to wear.

" Moon, wear this you look more beautiful. Okay, I will wear you."-Gwan said.

After wearing it, Moon gave that metallic button to Gwan.

"It dropped from you."-Moon said to Gwan while having hoped she will tell them about that.

But without saying anything Gwan dragged Moon and started running.

After running a while.

" Gwan, stop, I am tired."-Moon stopped and started breathing heavily by bowing her half body and placings her hands on her thigh.

"You tired easily. Wait here, I will come ."- Gwan runs back to take something for Moon.

Moon shakes her head.

Moon started believing and loving Gwan. For Moon, Gwan is her best friend. After the first meeting with Gwan, Moon felt Gwan is unlike other beasts. That made Moon too comfortable around Gwan.

After getting energy, Moon stands straight.

" Moon drink this."

Gwan gave a water-filled bamboo glass to Moon. The bamboo glass was big and was made up of cutting having one node at the base which is closed and opened at the top which is cut below the node.

"Water, thank you. I was waiting for it. Do you have more water?"- Moon asked with a hopeful voice.

" There is no more water here. I took it from our kingdom's border. I know water is more important for earthlings. When I heard that an earthling is coming to our land, I know you need water, so went there for water. Do you know that was the hardest journey I ever did?

Beast brother Xin scolded me for going there.

I was right, you need this. If you want

we can go there, today." with that saying Gwan started walking.

"No, no your brother will scold you."-Moon continued after following her.

" King Quaxin is your brother?"-Moon asked with an anxious.

"Yeah, he is my brother and Queen Niamah is our beloved Mom. They are King and Queen of our Kingdom Hadjo."-Gwan replies, but her eyes were on a path that is waiting for something. Gwan was walking slowly.

Moon accompanied her with her slow walk.

"Where is this Kingdom belong to, North, south, east, or west on earth?"- Moon asked like a good student, asking her teacher about her all doubts.

Gwan smiled. But inside her was frightened.

"Moo, this is not earth. This is under the earth. Ours is Kingdom Hadjo, the kingdom of beasts."Gwan continued,

"Stop your questions now, look now we are out of this palace. Now we have to pass through the crowd, be careful Moon."- With that saying Gwan holds Moon's hand tightly.

Moon looks back to check the palace. A big building touching a white cloud at the top makes Moon look at that for a long time.

"It looks like the palace where witches live that I saw in animated movies."-Moon told to Gwan.

But Gwan doesn't hear that.

Moon was still checking the palace by turning her head. Gwan was now walking hurry.

Suddenly Gwan stopped after hearing something.

Moon turned to Gwan.

" Gwan, why do you stop?"-Moon asked to Gwan just to know what happened to her.