

Pain is real! Roselle Grey has always known pain is real but feeling the pain is different. Not physically but emotional pain. .... Roselle Grey is a 22-year-old Melanie beauty, all her life she has been judged for her skin. Her parents are white, but her dad has African blood in him, so she understands where she got the color from. She has always lived her life remotely boring, but all changed when the light in her life died. The only person apart from her parents that never judged her, the only person who understands her quietness, the only person who makes her day worthy of living, Lovette Grey, her younger sister. She died of a stray bullet which was shot during a raid between some thieves and the police. If that wasn't enough to make dear Roselle in pain, her family decided to move far from home Canada to Italy far from where the memory of her sister lies, but does she have a choice? No But what Roselle didn't think she was going to find was Love in the country of Italy. Or did she mistake pity for love? ... Leonardo King A man every lady wishes to be with Handsome, rich and polite He's every woman's dream. What happens when he sees a Melanie lady and his heart couldn't stop thumping? Is this what they call love at first sight? But he knows he couldn't do anything about it because he is engaged or is he? . . . . OH, did I add that there are some juicy African cultures to be discovered in some chapters.

Z_A_1 · ファンタジー
22 Chs


Roselle's P.O.V

Noah dropped me home and he looked really sad might I say.

Mr. King didn't allow me to transfer to his workplace, but I promised to always check on him from time to time.

"You promise?" He asked and I nodded smiling at him.

"How will I not check on my boyfriend from time to time" I joked, and he finally smiled.

We said our goodbyes before I went inside.

"I'm home" I called out and my mum peeped out of the kitchen.

"You're home early?" She asked.

"Yeah, I was dismissed early" I explained, and she nodded.

"Go freshen up and rest, I'll wake you once dinner is ready, your dad is on a business call" she said, and I nodded smiling at her before going upstairs and into my room.

It didn't take me long to freshen up and lie on my bed. I look to my side and saw the picture me and my sister took when she just graduated high school and I smiled sadly.

I really miss her.

My phone pinged and I checked it to see a message from Noah asking what I was doing but before I could reply to Mr. King's name popped on my screen as my phone started ringing.

"Hello" I said as I picked.

I was met with silence, and I checked my phone to confirm if he was still on the line.

"Mr. King?" I asked.

"Is there something going on between you and Noah?" He asked and I just felt irritated.

"And why are you asking sir?" I asked annoyed.

It's my business, if he's always going to show me mixed emotions then I better stay away and only maintain business relationship with him, I don't want my heart broken.

"I'm your boss" he stated like that was fact enough.

"Yes, and that's the very reason you shouldn't ask sir, whatever is between me, and Noah is my personal business, and I don't think we have any personal relationship for you to ask me that" I said scowling, two can play the game, if he wants to act like we don't have a connection then sure I'll try my best to make sure we don't.

For a minute he was silent before he spoke again, rudely might I say.

"He's a client to my business and I don't tolerate my employee's mixing business with pleasure" he gritted out and my grip on the phone was so hard I'm scared I'll break phone.

Mixing business with pleasure I scoffed.

He kissed me!!

My subconscious told me he wasn't himself when he did but still.

"There's nothing between us sir, he's just my friend" I finally said, and I almost thought I heard a sigh of relief, but it must be nothing.

"That better be it" he said before hanging up.

I starred at my phone in disbelief.

OH Good!

I want to hit something or someone.


I screamed out frustrated while pulling at my hair.

This man makes me so mad.

I was cut off from my groaning when I heard someone clear their throat.

I looked up to see my dad looking at me like I had two heads.

"Is everything okay Rose?" He asked.

"Erm yes just work stuff" I said embarrassed.

He looked like he didn't believe me, but he didn't prolong the matter.

"Dinner is ready" he said shaking his head at me before leaving.


I groaned falling back on my bed.

I want to strangle Leonardo King.


He has no right to make me feel like this.

To me he should just be a stupid jackass of a boss not a handsome boss who has a stick up his ass that I'm falling for.

"Urg!, Lovette what should I do" I groaned starring at my sister's picture again and it clicked.

Yes, I should get a boyfriend, I'm only feeling like this towards my boss because I spend most of my time with him, once I have a boyfriend, I'll no longer have feelings for my boss.


Few months later.

It's been hell trying to find a boyfriend, none of the people I meet interest me.

Mr. King has been pretty closed off and we only talk business Every time, most times I think he's pissed with me, but I didn't do anything wrong.

Noah and I keep getting close and he's like the male best friend any girl will wish for.

We meet up mostly on weekends because I hardly have time during weekdays and just like a week ago Mr. King ordered me to always report to his house every weekend so we can get more work done, off course he said he's going to add to my pay.

Noah wasn't happy when I told him, but I told him like always we will always find a way to meet up.

I gave Mr. King the stink eye all week and he ignored it like he didn't notice or maybe he didn't notice.

Now I'm on my way to Mr. King's house as today is Saturday, my first weekend of working with him.

I'm getting a pretty big pay, so I'm just going to wait a few more months to add to my savings, I already bought a diner close to our office when I heard it was for sale, right now I'm renovating it which cost me a lot of money.

So, I'm going to work a few more months save up and resign.

It's what's best.

I'll have more time for me and my family.

My feelings for my boss will hopefully stop when I stop seeing him and I'll find a man and start a family of my own.

No one knows about me having a diner yet, I want to surprise my parents and Noah and somewhere in my heart I want to surprise Mr. King to and make him proud of me but I scoffed and pushed that thought out of my head.

It's not like he's going to care.

"Do I really have to arrive this early on weekends too" I groaned as I knocked on his door.

"Come in" he said, and I entered.

I immediately noticed his office table is all cleared of papers and documents instead in it's place is varieties of food.

Confused I look up at him to notice he was already staring at me.

I ignored the way my heart jolt and the way my palms turn sweaty.

"Are we having a client over?" I asked.

"Sit" he commanded, and I just glared at him, boss or not I'm not a dog to order around when he saw I wasn't moving he sighed before explaining himself.

"You're getting too lean; I'm going to feed you with different kinds of food every day until I'm satisfied" he said, and I tried my best to hold the smile that is trying to break out on my face.

Is he caring for me?

Times like this I can't help but wonder if he also has feelings for me.

"Thank you" I said finally, smiling.

"It's nothing, I don't need people to start thinking I'm making you suffer" he said and my smiled dropped instantly.

So, this isn't about me at all.

I sighed blaming myself for getting my hopes up again before sitting in front of him keeping my heads down, this time I'm only trying to keep in my tears.

I don't know why his actions are affecting me so bad.

I'm feeling so pathetic, crying because of a guy that doesn't even care about me.

I didn't know a tear rolled down my face until I heard his voice.

"Are you crying Miss Grey?" He asked and I looked up glaring at him when I saw the concerned look on his face.

Show me your real behavior you asshole!!

"No, I'm not crying, my eyes are just raining tears" I said as I finally burst out crying.

Months of unreciprocated feelings finally catching up on me.

I cried like a baby before running out from embarrassment, all while Mr King looked like a deer caught in headlights.

I think I need to quit this job earlier than I thought, these feelings I have for Leonardo King is getting out of hand.








Please don't forget to vote and comment.

While I was rereading, I noticed a lot of errors, please bear with me I'll start editing soon.