
Queen Luna's Revenge - The Victim or The Villain

"You can never be her." He all but moaned in her ear, tilting his head towards Taisiya, standing off to the side and looking like the ever-so-graceful Queen, ready to take HER place. "Every time I gaze upon you, I WILLED myself to see HER." He growled erotically. Jairus then kissed Aakifahlynn's nose once more, showing the people he was so .... There is no wrath like a woman betrayed in the most gruesome way. Queen Luna Aakifahlynn Mathiasen was a fierce Ace wolf, gifted and highly favored by the Divine Moon Goddess. She was also a devoted mate, wife, and Queen of the Tamman Kingdom in the Anatola Continent. Aakifahlynn was betrayed most horrendously by her husband and mate, Alpha King Jairus Mathiasen. In the moment before her death, she resigned herself to her faith and welcomed the unknown of the afterlife if there was such a thing. However, she was stunned at what happened next. Queen Luna Aakifahlynn found herself alive three years earlier, with memories of her past life still very much untouched. Wrought by sour detestation, with a second chance, Queen Luna Aakifahlynn vowed the destruction of her enemies. However, what would happen when her sworn Ayacquean enemy offers to help her? The disgraced, dark, and mysterious Emperor Demarion Dracul. Can she trust her enemy? What secrets is the Emperor hiding? The Ayacques were considered enemies of the Kingdom of Tamman because they never surrendered to the throne and their constant incitement of war. They were conniving, calculative, deceitful, yet desirable. What would happen if this unlikely combo started noticing each other somewhere along the lines of their thirst for revenge? Dive in and find out, and in the end – Would you call her the Victim or the Villain?

Sherryann Martinez · 都市
62 Chs


Aakifahlynn clutched her aching chest with one hand as she held the papers in the other.

Her eyes were wide in shock, a shiver of dread ran down her spine, and her already strained state weakened as she read.

'The PEOPLE OF THE KINGDOM OF TAMMAN,' Aakifahlynn's eyes narrowed, and eyebrows deepened, "Jairus? What's this?" Her voice was barely audible, but she knew he would hear her with his wolf senses.

Aakifahlynn continued reading, but she did not like how he stood there lightly, leaning his butt on his desk observing, and each time she questioned, he gestured to her with a roll of his palm to keep going.

But it was not that she could not read and understand. It was just that she could not begin to fathom what brought this on. 'How? When? Why?'

This made her a bit anxious and uneasy; she continued, 'To All Who Shall See These, Presents.....DIVORCE GREETING'

'Know ye shall license and permission was given,' she could not continue reading. Aakifahlynn stared unblinking at her husband of five years and mate of eight years, desperately searching his eyes for the meaning of this.

Her eyes were full of confusion and uncertainty.

This must be a mistake, a cruel one, but a mistake nonetheless.

"It's divorce greetings, Aakifahlynn. What does it look like?" Jairus straightened his back, folded his arms, and looked down at his wife, mate, and Luna Queen, suddenly emitting a hint of agitation.

She stood a few feet from her husband, and his sizeable spacious study suddenly seemed to be closing in on her. All the elegant pieces of furniture were suddenly mocking her as the glare from the candlelit chandelier above cast eerie shadows on the wall surrounding them.

The stacked bookshelf behind her mate seemed to stretch suddenly and loomed over them.

While her husband's features and stance suddenly dripped with annoyance, like he wanted this to be over with, and hatred shot through the weakened bond, yet it was substantial enough to strangle her.

Aakifahlynn clutched at her throat as she struggled to get any air into her body that suddenly ached with the shock that ripped right through her, the papers falling from her hands.

Her heart rate picked up, "Jairus! Jai? This does not make sense. No, no, no, no, what happened? What was happening? What is going on?"

"I can't...I don't..." Aakifahlynn wanted to say she did not understand the meaning of this. However, words failed her terribly, and she was still in shock.

After a moment of silence that stretched thin, "Just sign on the dotted line. I have already signed. Let's be done with it." Jairus rose off the desk and spoke with aggression and hatred laced deep in his voice.

His face, that face, she did not recognize him.

Queen Luna Aakifahlynn wanted to cower before him but could not move. She was trapped in her fright by his sudden movements and aggression toward her.

And to top it off, she struggled immensely to think clearly or even reconcile what was going on given the night she had.

Her night of a romantic dinner for two in her favorite restaurant as they had toast about her getting better and returning to her people.

It was just the two of them at the restaurant first. Then they ventured to walk under the full moon at the park downtown. The drive through the towns and villages.

She couldn't utter a word as she stared at her husband with confused, hurt, narrowed eyes.

What she saw in his eyes and demeanor - her body shook, and she felt like a million pins and needles pricked her skin, and her heart cried out in pain.

'How could this be? Hatred? Did he hate her so vehemently?' Jairus took a deep breath, then exhaled, and another intense emotion shook her to her core, loathing.

It was strong enough to trample her small, frail, weakened body. She swayed but stayed upright.

Would the man she grew up with, her best friend, sneak her like this? And not be open and honest with her?

So then, was that what tonight was really about? To sweeten her up before he ripped her heart out and sent her on her way? Then why the crowd?

She could not believe her husband. This was not him? "Jai, this...this is not you." With a trembling voice, she whispered, gesturing to the fallen papers while desiring to reach out and touch him.

Have him wrap her in his arms and say this was a mistake. He had temporarily lost his mind. Though the bond was weak, it still worked just as fine.

This was not him. Aakifahlynn started to feed on that idea. That has it be it. It just has to.

Not after she came to him with this as a trusted partner, her mate, her best friend, and her husband. Then, at his suggestion, she researched and heard of the temple of rest.

There, she could rejuvenate and find solace, hoping to reignite her magic and reawaken her wolf. The monks there were expertly gifted in restoration.

However, one needs to be thoroughly cleansed and have a free and clear mind for this to succeed, hence the sabbatical.

Queen Luna Aakifahlynn wanted to be away from protecting and running a kingdom while she focused on her health, truly freeing her mind from the thoughts of the Kingdom's survival so she could concentrate on her own.

She needed isolation; why would he not let her do that? Or did he want to rid himself of the weak Queen Luna, not interested in her return to the Kingdom?

Quickly getting impatient, Jairus snatched the divorce papers off the floor where they had slipped from her fingers, shoved them in her face, and forcibly pushed her backward as he bellowed, "GET OUT NOW."

Queen Luna Aakifahlynn stumbled. She held her palm to her face, gently caressing the spot that sparked through the pain because of the slight graze of his finger. She whipped her neck toward him, but words failed her again.

She searched his once-loving eyes.

"LEAVE THIS PLACE," he growled, and at the sheer power in his voice, she stood unmoving, but it was not a command. However, the power he unleashed held her captive as her body shook violently, yet again under its strength.

Her frail bones started to ache more from within.

She stared at this stranger before her. Her eyebrows knitted as she observed him unable to form coherent words. He was huffing and puffing as if he was ready to blow her away literally.

His thick eyebrows pinched, and his gorgeous hazel eyes that she used to get lost in were blazing down at her with anger, hatred, loathing, and something else she could not quite put her fingertips on.

His defined jaw clenched as he gritted his teeth.

Her mouth opened and closed two more times, but nothing came out.

However, they were both interrupted when Taisiya Smithesenja sauntered into the room in a gorgeous cream-colored mermaid-style fitted gown.

Intricate and delicate, beading and lacing weaved through the front effortlessly, fitting her curves like a glove. Her long, flowing orange hair stood out in contrast to the dress.

Her luscious eyelashes batted as her mesmerizing emerald green eyes glinted with the excitement of the occasion, and Aakifahlynn stumbled as she recalled her husband's reaction in the vehicle.

He was vibrating with excitement. Aakifahlynn's eyes slid between the pair.

Oh, the betrayal was too much; she could not stand it. She wanted to scream, rant and rave at her husband.

What was SHE doing here? Aakifahlynn thought as Taisiya leisurely walked toward Jaimes.

Aakifahlynn scoffed when Taisiya captured his lips in a kiss right before her. Taisiya's neck craned to watch Aakifahlynn looking on repulsed while she claimed her husband and childhood friend. Her mate, for Goddess's sake.

They carried on in a manner as if they were starving for each other's touches and caresses. Aakifahlynn watched in horror and disgust as her heart shattered again into pieces, unable to look away as her husband's hands slid down to cup Taisiya's ample butt.

He squeezed and growled in pleasure as she moaned into the kiss while struggling to move in her restricted dress, almost reading to rip it off.

Who was this man?

However, she did not get time to think further because, after their make-out session, "What are you waiting on? I SAID GET OUT AND GET OUT NOW!"

Billionaire Alpha King Jairus Mathiasen growled menacingly, and he was in front of her instantly, leaving his mistress's side.