
CEO Li Wei's Wife

Li Jing and Li Xiaomeng were both shocked,this wasn't what they hoped for.

"didn't you say that she doesn't know any international cuisine, how come she knows that."her friends asked in disbelieve.

"I can't even pronounce the name".

Li Jing and Li Xiaomeng were feeling embarrassed.

"I'm sure she just checked the internet before coming here after all, this is a high class party"Li Jing said in her defense.

"But the way she said it so fluently takes a lot of practice. It can't be learned in just one day." Tang Bao, a famous actress said. Some of her friends agreed with her.

Not quite long, the table became a little noisy, business, fashion and other talks could be heard, some were busy gossiping about things happening in the entertainment industry while some were busy talking about their clothes. Wang Xiu Ying wasn't interested in any of that, she wished that the night would come to an end,so she started reading the chats on her account.

"Ladies and Gentlemen can I please have your attention"the manager said as everyone turned to his direction.

"To make this night more fun, we've come up with a game"the manager said everyone was excited and curious.

"It's a wine tasting game,so Mr Gu will choose a candidate of his choice and that candidate will tell us the name of each of the international wines placed on this table and Mr Sheng, a renounced wine expert will tell us if the mentioned names given by the candidate are correct" the manager said as he looked at all the excited faces and called on Mr Gu to pick his candidate. Mr Gu looked carefully at all the people present then he finally spoke

"Mrs Li"

Wang Xiu Ying was taken aback. She was just minding her business,how did she end up being called. Old Master and Old Madam Li frowned. Why did Mr Gu pick her. They were afraid that they were going to be looked down upon after their so called daughter in-law performance.

"We are doomed"Li Xiaomeng said as they watched Wang Xiu Ying gracefully walk up to the table gracefully. Everyone watched her especially Li Wei.

"let's start with the Italian brands"the manager said. The hall was completely silent as every one watched as Wang Xiu Ying pick the first wine. She tasted it and said in her angelic voice

"Rosso Conero. ". Everyone turned to look at Mr Sheng who was also given a glass of wine to ascertain she was correct.

"correct" he said as the guests gave her a round of applause. She picked the second glass and said

"Brunello di Montalcino" everyone also turned to look at Mr Sheng

"correct" he said the the table gave another round of applause.

"Now let's move to the German brands" the manager said. She picked the first glass and said

"Sauvignon Blanc". Again Mr Sheng confirmed that she was correct. The guests were impressed which resulted in another round of applause. She picked the second glass.

"Riesling 'La Roche' ".

"correct" Mr Seng said again, he was very impressed as the guests also clapped.

" Let's move to the French brand"the manager said.

"Melort" she said as she picked the glass and tasted it and Mr Sheng confirmed.

"Bordeaux". Mr Sheng also confirmed.

"now let's move to the last brand on the table" the manager said as he watched her taste the last brands.

"Graciano" She said as Mr Sheng confirmed.

"Mazuelo" . Mr Sheng couldn't hold it in, he was beyond impressed. He stood up from his chair and applauded her. Other guests stood up and did the same as the watched her go back to her seat. Li Wei who had been watching silently was very impressed and also clapped silently. The rest of his family were shocked and also in disbelief.

"well at least she didn't put us to shame"Old Madam Li said.

It was already 10pm, the event had finally ended, praises were being rendered to Li Wei and Wang Xiu Ying. Li Wei went directly to his office while Mr Cheng told the driver to take Wang Xiu Ying back to Royal mansion and followed Li Wei.

"Madam was very impressive today"Mr Cheng said looking at the man who showed no emotions. Li Xiu didn't reply, he continued reading the documents in his hands. Mr Cheng didn't say anything after that.

Meanwhile, back at Royal mansion, Wang Xiu Ying walked into her room silently, wore her night clothes and went straight to bed.

The next morning, she woke up with a slight headache, she quickly took a shower and got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.

"good morning mommy" Li Jie and Li Xiu said as they ate their breakfast silently.

"good morning my babies"she replied happily with a smile on her face and sat down to eat her breakfast.

"CEO Li Wei's wife looked stunning at the dinner party"

"CEO Li Wei's wife perfect taste bud"

All these were headlines of various TV stations and newspapers. Wang Xiu Ying looked at them for a moment and continued with her breakfast. After eating the twins went to the garden to play and nanny Zhou accompanied them Wang Xiu Ying received a call from her friend and quickly informed Nanny Zhou and left with the driver.