

Startled by the voice of the woman outside, Lie Yuan gritted his teeth and turned his eyes on the door. It's fortunate that he locked the door, or else he doesn't know how to maintain his disguise.

Without a response, the knocking continued and the voice became louder, "Lie Yuan, are you alright? I have something to give to you."

Lie Yuan frowned and picked up an old hat from the trash. He looked in a mirror once more and let out a long sigh after he saw that his beauty was partially hidden.

He opened the door and saw the worried face of Shen Yu. She already changed her clothes and was holding something from her back.

She looked up and sees Lie Yuan barely exposed face. The hat manages to cover almost his entire face, but this doesn't change the fact that the overly fair skin was flawless, without a hint of blemishes or any pores. This truth saddened the soft heart of Shen Yu. Without those scars and burn marks… Lie Yuan would definitely cause chaos at this time. It's a pity.

"I'm sorry, did I bother you? I want to give you something for helping us and for acting annoying earlier." She lifted the box in her hands and stared at his face once more, "That hat is old and dirty, how about change into this?"

Tss. Lie Yuan may felt embarrassed about his face that he could tolerate wearing an ugly hat. Blame her for realizing her mistakes late.

The young man whose red lips were only visible stared at the box on her hands, a little while the pale hands gripped on the box hesitantly.

"T-Thank you…"

Shen Yu smiled proudly and even wanted to squish his hair. Such a pitiful child. She was obviously years older than him, but she ruthlessly treated him harshly, but now she won't do that anymore.

Seeing him still uncomfortable around her, Shen Yu stifled the discomfort in her heart, "You should also change your clothes, we'll be waiting in the second floor."

Lie Yuan watch the woman walk away and stared at the box in his hands. He opened and saw a clown mask that was big enough to cover his face. The color was silver and the expressions appeared to be scary and funny at the same time. Good. It's better to wear this than the ugly and smelly hat.

He went back inside and changed his clothes. He really wanted to shower, but there are no waters here, good thing that his body received daily cleaning when he was Qiao Chen, so he doesn't feel any discomfort for not washing a day.

After he was done, he instantly went to the second floor. Charlotte was dressed in a fancy combat suit and her messy hair was tied into a high ponytail. Seeing him coming, she laughed and sneered at him.

"Good. You looked better now."

"Charlotte, stop it." Shen Yu glared.


Charlotte didn't bother with the nonsense anymore and continued assembling the gun she found nearby. Even as a doctor, she was trained as a soldier. She may be physically weak, but she knows how to aim her gone. Shen Yu, on the other hand, smiled and urged Lie Yuan to sit on the vacant chair.

"Did you eat? I found some biscuits in the department store, it is still edible." Shen Yu put the sachet of biscuits in the table.

"Bah, just eat it later. I'm not going to see your ugly face now." Charlotte uttered.

"Charlotte you…"

"What? If he eats, then he should take off his mask right? That means his face would show again, it reminds me of the zombies, just eat later or eat somewhere else!"

Lie Yuan choked and trembled. He doesn't know how did he offend this woman, but her idea made the situation better. He looked at Shen Yu and picked up the crackers, "I-I will eat this later."

Shen Yu can't believe this and pitied the young man once more. Charlotte was going too far, she could actually say those things to a young child? But then, she doesn't know how to fix this and could only compromise to Lie Yuan.

"We were preparing to leave this place and return to the base to get some help. You can come with us."

Charlotte heard this and immediately opposed, "I don't even know if we could leave this place with our strength, and you would actually bring another chicken?" She did promise that she would bring the young man once he helps her. But the circumstances were different from before, their Captain and Daniep were missing, and Jordan was still unconscious. There is only twenty percent that she and Shen Yu can leave this place, and now they would bring this idiot whose physically weaker than woman? Are you kidding me?

However Shen Yu couldn't tolerate anymore. "Lie Yuan was the one who brought us here and obviously the one who rescued you from that unknown creature. Is it only fair that we should bring him to the base.?

Charlotte pursed her lips and rolled her eyes. In the end, she groaned angrily and grabbed the pistol in the table, "Are you able to use some gun?"

Lie Yuan trembled and nodded slowly, "I know how to use it."

"Good. Now you're not a useless person anymore." She threw the gun in the air and the poor man could barely catch it.

Charlotte stood up and walk away.

Shen Yu sighed and smiled apologetically to the young man, "I'm sorry but believes me, after you know her, you would find that she is actually an awesome person."

Lie Yuan nodded and didn't bother to take it to his heart. After he leaves this place, he doesn't know if he would still encounter these girls, it's better to hug their thighs now.

Shen Yu started to organize some tools on the table. The white coat hugged her body tightly, now that she was sitting, the ends of the fabric sway on the opposite side of the table. There is pleasure in her eyes, the way she gazes on the tools.

Lie Yuan looked at her in interest.

"I found an old car and it just needed a repair. We can use that to leave here." Shen Yu began to explain after she catches the young man staring at her, "By the way, I didn't know how young are you…"

"I'm eighteen."

"Oh. So, you're thirteen when the apocalypse happened? Where's your parents?"

Of course, Lie Yuan didn't experience the beginning of the apocalypse, he recently recovers his memories and doesn't have huge knowledge about these things.

"They died. My father's friend saved me and brought me from the camp."

Shen Yu nodded, feeling a little sad. She at least had parents waiting for her in the base. "Do you want us to take you back to the camp?"

"No." Lie Yuan instantly refused, his face covered in mask blushes, realizing how startled his voice was, "I-I mean they actually wanted to leave me in the first place. My father's friend died and no one wanted me to stay at that camp anymore."

"Those scumbags!" Shen Yu angrily retorted, "Don't return at that hellish place and follow us into the base."

Lie Yuan chuckled and nodded happily.

They stayed in the mall for three days and finally, the car was finally repaired. During those days, Charlotte remains salty around Lie Yuan, but it was still better than the past few days. She would only call him ugly and frowned. Shen Yu remains the peacemaker and Lie Yuan was silent.

They finally decided to depart the next day and already prepared themselves for the long journey.

Throughout the whole day, Charlotte and She Yu were quarreling. It's last until the evening. Charlotte wanted to go back to the hospital one last time and tried to find their captain and Daniel, but Shen Yu doesn't find this idea well. They still don't know what powerful monster attack them previously, and they could never lower their guard.

"I told you, your idea is completely stupid! We were departing tomorrow, and we don't need to change plans now! Why don't we stick to the plan and call some help after we get to the base?" Shen Yu explained.

Charlotte was only furious, "What if the help went a little too late for them?"

"Please just listen to me, we don't know what—"

"If you won't go, then I'll go. Just wait for me here tomorrow."

"No. Charlotte! Stop it already!"

Lie Yuan grabbed their shoulders and pulled them down. Charlotte was annoyed by his behavior and wanted to teach him a lesson, but her eyes caught terrifying silhouettes.


It is impossible! They checked a thousand times and knew that no zombies will get here. How did this happen?

The footsteps that they could hear were uneven, unhurried, but also heavy and creepy. The mall does not have any electricity, but Shen Yu repaired a broken generator, so there is a little light inside the mall. But this isn't the thing that attracted them, right?

"Charlotte, where are the guns?" Shen Yu whispered tensely.

Charlotte swallowed, "I-I left them upstairs."

It's over. It's definitely over. They are now in the entrance. Charlotte wanted to find their remaining teams but Shen Yu wanted to stop her. They unconsciously reached the entrance, where the current zombies are meters away. The zombies' growling gets closer and closer, the only thing that hid them is the sofa. It is estimated that there are more than five zombies. They are weak and the only thing that could help them was in the upstairs. If they stood up, they would immediately spot by the zombies, whose growling goes louder and louder.

"Damn it." Charlotte cursed and slowly stood up.

Shen Yu's eyes widened and wanted to pull her down, but it was too late. Fortunately, the zombies seems not to see her. She bends in the sofa, sticking her butt out and inspecting the zombies. She couldn't see the zombies properly because it is a little dark, but she knew that it exceeded five zombies. She turned around and saw the stairs leading to the second floor. It is estimate that thirty seconds they could go there but with the zombies, it would be slower.

One minute. Two minutes. No. Even if they reach the stairs, zombies would devour them already. She needed something to distract the zombies. She looked down and saw the worried face of Shen Yu. Next to her was the silver mask.

An idea flashes on her mind.

"Lie Yuan could you..."