
QT: Finding Freedom

[WARNING: Mature Themes such as smut, violence, death, etc.] ---------- '“Focus,” System beamed, “new body, new world, new life.” “That’s what you promised,” I sighed. I had been hesitant at first; however, System wooed me slowly but surely, in that vast void I’d found myself in after death. The idea that I would be stuck there, only able to manifest things I had experienced in my bittersweet, short lifetime… ' ---------- After being promised a new chance at life, compared to the endless void, Eve took her chances. Who'd have thought her first encounter in her new life would lead her straight into his arms? Follow Eve as she traverses worlds trying to break free from the trauma of her first life. Unfortunately for her, it seems memories not only haunt her sleeping hours but force her to endure it day after day, life after life, never giving up in their pursuit to ensnare her in their grasp. ---------- Join the warren over at Discord to chat sh*t... I mean have intellectual discussion about the topics raised in this masterpiece.... ;) https://discord.gg/VT9anz2pD9 ---------- Cover Art made by myself, using nightcafe AI Art, check out my page, I'm attempting to make novel art for each arc: https://creator.nightcafe.studio/u/Raychbunni

Raychbunni · SF
13 Chs


In my previous life, I'd faced dead bodies, -some of which I had ended up having to kill myself- scaled mountains, and traversed jungles. However, having been homeschooled, I'd never once had to face a classroom full of judgemental teenagers.

I wasn't sure which was scarier.

"Miss Blaine," the elderly male tutor stood in front of the large whiteboard, holding his pointer stick and looking at me in disdain, "class started five minutes ago."

I may have gotten lost. Memories weren't enough to save me from my poor sense of direction.

"Sorry, won't happen again," I lowered my head and swiftly took a seat up on the edge top row, beside the door.

He continued the boring lecture on PHP whilst I opened my laptop and checked the stocks I'd briefly looked into last night. If this world went similar to last, hopefully, I could invest some of this ill-gained money and make a fortune enough to buy my own island.

Slightly distracted, I did not realize the tutor had assigned us into groups to start a project until a nervous-looking girl, with mousey brown hair and bright, light brown eyes, approached me.

"F-fay?" She nudged my shoulder, her eyes peeking at my screen behind her thick, black-rimmed glasses.

"Yes?" I asked, closing all my open windows.

"We're over here, come," she beckoned, then went down to the front where three boys, one of which was my half-brother, sat discussing something.

"Hello," I approached them, then languidly sat on a seat a row above them. The shy girl sat beside me. If I remembered right, her name was Sophie.

The original soul had not once interacted with the two boys sitting with her half-brother, Ethan. They barely spared me a glance before returning to talking with each other.

"What are we doing?" I turned to Sophie, seeing that they were going to just ignore me, not that I was bothered.

"The p-professor asked us to make an e-commerce website."

I nodded. "So will we assign roles or…?" I spared another glance at the boys who were still arguing over what this fake website was going to sell.

"They said y-you should d-do the digital art," she explained, then blushed as I unabashedly studied her face. "S-sorry for s-stuttering, I kn-"

"Shush, you're cute," I spoke before thinking, then seeing her blush spread across her cheeks I couldn't stop myself from chuckling.

"I did not know you were into girls Fay, is that why you turned down father?"

'Since when had he been listening?' I thought whilst frowning at him.

"I simply do not want to marry a manwhore," I shrugged, "who knows what I'd catch?"

Sophies blush deepened, whilst Ethan cleared his throat.

"We've decided we'll be selling sports clothing, you two come up with the brand and logo, and we'll do the actual work in the coding," Ethan spat, clearly flustered at my uncharacteristic response.

They wanted me to do the art? Whilst Fay was good at it, and severely lacking in her coding skills, I was the opposite.

If they saw my piss poor attempt, they'd certainly notice something more than my change in temperament was amiss.

But then again, if I did do the coding, could I really dumb it down enough to pass as her?

What a dilemma.

"Sure whatever," I blanked him and turned to Sophie again, who was hiding behind her notebook and pen.

"So, show me your notes," I stretched to peek at the lengthy writing she had done.

Without saying a word she gingerly passed the notepad to me. I skimmed through it thinking, this wasn't bad at all.

"Okay, I like this," I nodded in satisfaction and handed it back to her. System had recorded it all for me anyway.


For the next hour, I browsed online shops and doodled, thinking about how best I could make this as feminine as possible to irritate the ignorant bastards the row down further.

Occasionally, I discussed with Sophie her plans as she started to type them up onto her laptop.

"Sister," a weak, pitiful voice called out from the walkway beside us.

Groaning internally, I turned to face Ethan's other half. The twins were practically inseparable as it was.

"What do you want?" I asked, sparing her no courtesy. The way those sly eyes looked over me rubbed me the wrong way. I knew her type. No matter what I said, she'd turn white, black.

"F-father is worried about you, he cannot get in touch since that night at the hotel," she bit her lip, tears brimming in her eyes as if I were bullying her.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to the laptop screen, "I think you know the reason behind that. He'll receive something today, I'd avoid going home if I were you."

Whenever things were going wrong for Mr. Lee he would often come home reeking of booze and take his temper out on everyone and everything in his path.

After receiving the paperwork from the layer I'd found first thing this morning, for the legal separation of family ties, sometime today, alongside what I had done to the company last night…

"But sister, father has missed you so much since you ran away from home. I know, I know you don't view me, Ethan, and our mother as your real family, but we, we," she let her fake tears fall, "we miss you."

Sighing and seeing the clock was about to turn to one for lunch, I closed the lid of my laptop and began to pack it into my backpack.

"D-did something happen that night at the hotel?" She asked, doing her utmost to hide her interest. I had no doubts she and likely her brother also, had been the one to spike Fay's drink.

"You were so drunk when you left, I'm worried sister, did, did something happen?"

"Yeah," I shrugged, standing up, and towering over her smaller frame.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Ethan tensed up, making me recall the sick way he had examined my body yesterday morning. Incest was still a bad thing here right?

"Yes, incest is always bad," System chided.

"W-what?" she gasped in shock. I noticed the gasp alone drew in more lurking students' who showed an eager interest in our conversation.

"I found myself a rich, handsome man and got laid," I winked, sliding past her.

Ethan's hand angrily grabbed my arm, making me instinctively do a self-protective maneuver, which resulted in his arm being twisted.

Had I had my original strength, I'd have snapped a bone.

His clear surprise at my response was likely the only reason I had been successful with this weak, thin arm of mine.

"Don't fucking lie about something like that Fay," Ethan growled, breaking free and attempting to grab me again. I dodged it swiftly and began walking away.

"It's the twenty-first century, what's wrong with a girl of legal age getting laid?" I laughed loudly and exited the classroom just as the clock marked the end of class.

So how are we liking this new female lead?

Also, what she said at the end, I 100% agree with, just stay safe and have fun ladies ;)

Raychbunnicreators' thoughts