
Qiu Qiu Perseveres : Her Red Face Diary

Go to a soccer game with the male god I have a crush on. When we were projected onto the big screen, he refused to kiss me. On impulse, I turned and angrily kissed the school bully next to me. Because of this, the school bully's girlfriend ran away and he wants me to compensate him with a girlfriend. "How...how about me?" I asked, trembling. He glanced at me and said with a smile, "Yeah, but I, Zhou Juan, eat meat but not vegetables." Me????

Hayden_Y_ · 都市
49 Chs

The Library Visit

The next day, Zhou Juan and his roommate walked me to the entrance of the library and were about to leave.

"Zhou Juan," I called him softly.

"Hmm?" He stood there with his hands in his pockets, not moving.

I glanced at his roommate, feeling that some things were difficult to say.

"Speak up," he chuckled and looked at me.

I walked up to him and whispered, "Can you accompany me to the library for a while?"

"..." He raised his eyebrows at me, "What do you want to do?"


"I don't want to do anything!" I stuttered, "When I think of you, I just want to look at you to have the motivation to study."

"..." He was stunned for a moment, couldn't help but laugh, and lowered his head to whisper in my ear, "If I go with you, you'll be even less focused on studying."

His voice startled me, and I hesitated a bit.

He reached out and ruffled my hair, saying goodbye to me and getting ready to leave.

I panicked.

"Zhou Juan," I gently hooked his finger.

His finger was so cold.

He froze, looking down at my hand and helplessly laughing, "If you want to stick with me, then don't study, your brother doesn't go to the library."

"But I don't have time, I have to memorize vocabulary," I pulled him, "Can you just accompany me this once?"

"If I go to the library, do you want my brothers to make fun of me for a year?" He sighed helplessly, "You really know how to get me into trouble every day."

In the end, he still accompanied me to the library.

Naturally, his brother was so shocked and couldn't say a word.

As soon as Zhou Juan entered the library, I regretted it a little because all the girls around seemed to be looking at him, not just looking, but taking pictures.

"Are you satisfied now?" He asked me, smiling with his head buried in a comic book, glancing at the reactions around him, and helplessly shrugging his shoulders.

"You don't have to pay attention to them," I felt uneasy inside.

Actually, I'm worried that the news of Zhou Juan going to the library will spread around the school.

At first, he just came to read comics and play games.

Later, I gave him some IELTS materials and asked him to study with me.

"Chen Qiu, are you kidding me?" He looked at the pile of study materials, feeling hopeless.

"I'm not kidding you." I tiptoed and whispered in his ear, "I'm going to study abroad in the UK next semester. If you don't pass the test and come with me, I may neglect my studies because I miss you too much."

"...", he was stunned for a long time without speaking, "You're going to the UK?"

"Yeah, I've been studying for the IELTS just for this."

"You're a top student, and I'm a bottom student. Where is your brain, go find someone else there, my business isn't that wide, I can't accompany you." He cursed me in anger.

"But, I don't want to break up."

"Don't go." He threw the materials at me and left in anger.