
Qiu Qiu Perseveres : Her Red Face Diary

Go to a soccer game with the male god I have a crush on. When we were projected onto the big screen, he refused to kiss me. On impulse, I turned and angrily kissed the school bully next to me. Because of this, the school bully's girlfriend ran away and he wants me to compensate him with a girlfriend. "How...how about me?" I asked, trembling. He glanced at me and said with a smile, "Yeah, but I, Zhou Juan, eat meat but not vegetables." Me????

Hayden_Y_ · 都市
49 Chs

The Breakup

"Zhou Juan, what do you mean? If you want to break up, just say it. You don't have to do it this way." I was angry and sent him this message.

He replied with just one word: "Fine."

At that moment, my world collapsed.

I sent him another message asking why he suddenly became like this and why he suddenly wanted to break up with me, but he never replied.

We started a cold war, or more accurately, I started it unilaterally.

My roommate saw my swollen eyes every day and probably knew about our breakup.

They all tried to persuade me.

"He's just a scumbag who's not worth your affection."

"He got tired of you after just a few months. He's not a good person at all. We thought he had changed for the better, but he's still rotten to the core."

"Qiuqiu, don't cry over him. He's not worth it."

"Anyway, you're going abroad soon. Just ignore him and move on."


My roommates tried to comfort me with their different opinions, but I didn't get any consolation.

On the day when the IELTS results were released, I checked my score and got the result I wanted.

I couldn't resist the temptation to check his score, and it showed as absent.

I was stunned.

My trust in him began to waver.

Impulsively, I went to his dormitory building to find him.

It was the first time I had looked for him since we broke up.

After waiting for about an hour, he finally came downstairs, looking extremely impatient when he saw me.

I stared at his face, the face I had been thinking about day and night, and suddenly wanted to tell him how much I missed him, but couldn't find the words.

"What's up?" He spoke in a resigned tone, with a cigarette in his mouth.

"The IELTS results are out." I looked at him like a pitiful creature, hoping to see a hint of reluctance for me in his eyes, but there was none.


"Did you miss the exam?" I suppressed many question marks in my heart and asked him slowly.

"Hmm, what about it?"

He was still himself, nothing had changed, but his tone was really cold, cold enough to make me want to cry.

"Zhou Juan, when you said you would accompany me to go to England, were you just joking with me?" I smiled and asked him, my smile was so ugly, only I knew it. "I registered, reviewed for so long, but you didn't take the exam."

"You can think whatever you want." That was all he said, without further explanation.

My heart sank and the glacier in my heart slowly collapsed.

"So, when you said you wanted to be with me all the time, was that a lie too?"

"I never said that, it was you who said it," he replied with a smile.

That smile completely pierced me.

"Zhou Juan..." My nose tingled and I couldn't help but cry again.

These few days, I thought I had cried out all my tears, but he could easily make me cry again.

"Don't cry. I heard you did well on the IELTS exam, so go to England and make the most of it." He didn't come to comfort me, he stood one meter away from me and silently watched me. "Don't come looking for me again, we... part on good terms."

Part on good terms?

I couldn't hold it any longer, I cried uncontrollably.

"Zhou Juan, you bastard, weren't you supposed to accompany me to England? How can you do this?" I cried and questioned him.

"I'm a bastard, I changed my mind," he sighed and walked over, lifting my hat to cover my head.

"Go back, and don't ever meet a bastard like me again in the future," he said, then picked up my phone and deleted his phone number and WeChat from it before returning it to me.

"Zhou Juan... if there's anything I didn't do well, please tell me, I can change. Don't do this," I held his hand and cried uncontrollably.

But he broke free from my grip and took a deep breath. "You did well, you just had bad luck to run into me."

"I'm going upstairs," he said, putting on the hood of his own hoodie and walking up the stairs.

I crouched on the ground, crying uncontrollably.

In the end, it was Jiang Cheng who happened to pass by and gave me a ride back home.

"Don't cry." Jiang Cheng pulled me up and took me to the entrance of the dormitory building. He also called my roommate for me.

"He broke up with me." I told him while crying.

"I know, but it was bound to happen sooner or later." Jiang Cheng hesitated for a moment, "You're not the only one he broke up."

His words left me confused.

But I couldn't think straight because I was so overwhelmed with emotions.

My roommate picked me up and took turns consoling me, but I couldn't hear anything they said.

After crying for a while, I lay in bed and my phone rang.

I instinctively picked it up and opened it, only to find that it was Jiang Cheng.

He sent me a picture.

It was a photo from Liu Jing's WeChat Moments, announcing the breakup.

The time was 2 p.m., just after I left Zhou Juan's dormitory building.

The officially announced male lead is Zhou Juan.

At this moment, I suddenly couldn't cry anymore.

My soul was taken away.

So, they are together now.

It turns out that all of this had early signs, and it was just my self-deception.

I recalled how Zhou Juan told me that he had no relationship with Liu Jing and no interest in her, but he officially announced his relationship with someone else just an hour after our breakup.

Is it ridiculous?

It is ridiculous.

I am like a clown, foolishly believing him and everything he said.

And he? He was just playing with me.