
Unexpected Encounter

The sound of dripping echoed in the old abandoned mortuary. This forgotten place is long lost to the world.

Now stood as a sort of haven for a weary traveler and his companion. She lay quietly down while he sat in a semblance of a chair. The dripping began to slow as if quieting its presence in the room.

A book lay open in one of the man's hands while the other held a shiny object twirling between his long thin fingers.

The sound of the man's sigh interrupted the stillness of the room once the drippings finally ceased. His attention focused on his companion. Her complexion was almost ethereal in the glowing moonlight.

Her eyes fixed on the window, her lashes unmoving not even a quiver. No breath filled her lungs as she bade this cruel world goodbye. The man closed his book. He hadn't even needed it open since every word and punctuation had long been imprinted into his mind and heart.

A gloved hand stroked the cooling cheek of his companion with some affection. It had been a memorable affair even though their time together was short.

He placed his book back in his leather bag before getting back to work. A few hours later a fresh new grave was added to the numerous graves laying behind the building.

A small sapling swayed in the cool summer wind just as a pair of headlights pulled out of the abandoned dirt road.

The speakers in the car chimed as the person spoke.

"Tonight we'll be reading The Raven a poem by Edger Allen Poe."

The man turned up the volume a sweet smile tugging at his red lips.

The sound of the deep baritone of the reader reverberating through the sedan. White slim fingers drummed to the beat of the poem turning the steering wheel gently on occasion. As the last lines of the poem were spoken a car came around the corner a set of high beams blinding him for a split second. Sounds of two sets of tires screeching filled the night. Both cars swerved as they ran off the road. One hit a tree while the other tumbled down a steep hill.

The scent of gasoline filled the air followed by loud cries for help. The man stumbled from his car. Through his hazy gaze, his eyes took in the other car flipped over.

Smoke began to leak from the car. A quick decision was made as he made a mad dash toward the car at the bottom of the hill.

A small fire started as the man reached the car. A family of four was stuck in the burning car.

With ease, the man yanked the door to the back seat open. A pair of huge terrifying eyes blinked at him upside down.

His daft hands quickly made short work of the stuck seatbelt taking the toddler out. As he took the child out he cut the seatbelt of the father who scrambled over to his wife.

The man rushed to the other side taking out a small boy no more the seven. The children clung to the man for dear life as he quickly carried them up the hill. The parents were hot on their tail. Just as they made it behind the man's vehicle the car exploded.

Piece of shrapnel scattered all around them, one even flew into the care protecting them. Both children screamed hugging the stranger who was curled around them protectively.

Once the night became quiet again the man handed over the toddler to her mother.

The man looked at the family safe behind his car. The toddler was hugging her mom while the small boy refused to let go of him.

The father cried as he hugged his wife and child his hand extended holding his son's head.

Tears streamed down his face as his never-ending thanks slipped from his lips.

The sound of sirens quickly approached as the company of five stood by the roadside.

Firefighters made quick work of the fire while the children were being looked over by the paramedics.

The police were questioning the parents as they told their story but when they turned around their savior had vanished.

System bonding allegeable host found.

Upload completely.

Host stand by.

Raven for a lack of a better word was …lost?

The last thing he remembered clearly was a strange glow before his body became small pixies. Then this strange mechanical voice sounded in his head.

A deep dark space lay all around him. It felt quite peaceful. He started walking around since his feet were in something solid.

No matter which way he went the scene was the same.

It quickly began to bore him. Just as his boredom reached its peak a bright pink orb appeared behind him.

[Greetings host.]

It was about to continue its introduction when his host interrupted.

"Don't tell me. This is some system traveling kind of thing everyone is writing about."


Three pink question mark bubbles appeared above the system. Raven glared at the orb snatching it out of the air.

"You better not be some newbie system fresh out of programming. If you are I'm switching you out for an experience one."

[Host cannot switch out.]

"I can if you cease to exist."

For the first time in its experience, the system was terrified of its host. In the thousand or so hosts he had been parted with not once had its

existence been threatened.

Until now.

[No host I'm not a newbie] it responded nervously while the hand around it tightened.

"So then your just dumb?"

The host phrased it as a question but it sounded more like a statement.

His host's hand finally released it and it flew out of arms reach. It was still shaken from such a frightening experience.

"So who are you?"

[A system.]

Realized it miss spoke when a pair of sapphire blue orbs bore into it.

Fear made it fly higher terrified its new host would be able to reach him no matter how high or low it floated.

[ Pink!!!] it screamed its name.

Disgust etched Raven's lips as he shook his head.

"No. I don't like it."

After some thought, he spoke again as the System fluttered anxiously above.

"I'll call you Bloom instead.

[As the host wishes.]

The man seemed pleased as the orb swayed seeming to like its new name.

"What are you in terms of sex or do you prefer neither."

The system brightened up once more starting to like the new host. No one cared to ask before maybe this host isn't all scary.

[Male! Host!]

Raven could sense Blooms' excitement from where he was standing.

"Great so why am I here?"

[Host! Your bravery and courage were exactly what we were looking for. Your rescue of the family was magnificently well done.]

Raven covered his face hiding his evil grin from his system. He was laughing so hard in his head.

Holy fuck this system is stupid!

Raven collected himself calming himself down a bit before he turned his attention back to the system.

"What if I want to go back?"

Bloom seemed to panic once more as it kept backing up.

"What? Come on spit it out."

[Host your body was disintegrated on your arrival.]

Raven blinked at the system his head cocking to the side.

"I thought you were supposed to make me work for you and the reward being I get to go back home."

[Oh no, host! That's a different set of systems. My primary objective is to make your soul into a God-like existence. If you work hard and collect enough energy you may even become one.]

"So you're a god-creator system?"

[Yes Host. Would you like to register now?]

This time Raven couldn't hold in his laughter. He laughed so hard that his sides began to hurt.

"Who picked me?"

He breathed out through his laughter. This time Bloom became frustrated with its new host. It felt like he was insulting him in some way.

[The higher-ups!]

His robotic voice came out clipped, his irritation on full display.

"Well lucky you. And I would love to register."

Raven had a sweet smile onhis face now his eyes practically glowing with eagerness.


"Raven Night"


"23. Shouldn't you already know all this?"

[Its procedure. Skills?]

"Fill them in as we go. Do you need my fingerprints or something?"

[No Host. What form do you wish me to take when we enter a world?]


For an instant Bloom disappeared then reappeared on his ear in the form of a diamond stud. Raven heard a ding in his head.

[Soul verified imprint set.]

Ink reappears as a hologram in his head before reappearing in his solid form.

Small specs appeared in the darkness each with a different shade of gray.

[Host you may pick a world you wish to decent too.]

"Don't I first get to choose a skill to learn or something like that?"

[Yes host after you pick a world.]

"Can I just pick one now?"

[You can but it will cost you 1000 points.]

"How many do I have?"


"Do it."

A list of skills popped up like a video game screen. On the top, he saw a tool that said professions he clicked it instantly.

A sly smile stretched his lips. A thin delicate finger tapped on the word Surgeon.

A long list of all the knowledge entailed from futuristic worlds to ancient ones lit up.

Ink looked panicked he thought his host would pick something simple.

[Host that is quite a bit more expensive.] he stuttered.

Raven cocked his head thinking for a moment then asked.

"Really? How much?


Bloom feared to speak and allowed his host to view the prices on his own.

"Then I have more than enough."

Bloom sighed in defeat, usually, his hosts would hoard as many points as possible.

Raven tapped on his chosen skill vanishing where he stood.

Bloom wanted to weep at his hosts' rash decision. Now he had to wait a very long time for his host to learn all that entailed being a top tear surgeon.

To his dismay, Raven emerged two hundred years later. While his host was busy Bloom sent a body double into the world they would be defending into so his host could transition more smoothly. Once his host emerged he pulled up his host proficiency and was left dumbfounded.

His host not only learned every skill possible but he perfected every last one no matter how minor the procedure.

Raven stretched his hands in the air. A sense of satisfaction filled him.

"Bloom I'm going to take a nap now."

A soft cozy bed popped out of nowhere but Raven didn't mind he fell on the bed immediately his tired eyes closing before his head hit the pillow.

Bloom gently tucked his host in he was so close he could see dark circles under his eyes. A hand lashed out snatching the small pink orb from the air and pulling it down.

Raven slept for ten straight days. He had been physically and mentally exhausted. Bloom had also quite enjoyed his nap as well.

When Bloom came to his host was staring directly at his soul. His shell had been meticulously removed. How his host managed such a feat he didn't know but it was terrifying.

The small soul shook in fear as Raven's hand caressed the defenseless soul.

For a moment Raven wondered what would happen if he removed the small soul but changed his mind.

He had awakened a short time ago to a defenseless system completely passed out by his side so he decided to use his newfound skills to dissect it.

Okay, his surprise he could access the store without needing to wake his system and bought a small blade.

The description said Divine blade but it only cost ten points. He only bought it because of its description.

Assassin's Devine Blade: the sharpest blade ever made. Underneath durability was written as unbreakable.

Why those stupid gods would put such an exquisite blade up for sale for such a low price was beyond him but he was delighted.

With it, he opened up his system. He was curious to see what was inside.

He found a few interesting oddities inside. Like a tracker, which he quickly removed. There was also a strange chip embedded into the system. A holographic screen appeared when he tried to touch it.

A list of all Bloom's accomplishments popped up. The names of his previous hosts were also listed as well as the points they accumulated. Beside it management was written with a list of points that had been syphoned from Bloom's account. There was no reason why. But every day one he would receive points a substantial amount would be removed by said management.

Raven tapped on the keyboard his slim fingers flying over the keys. A few moments later the management list disappeared entirely. The lock on the chip disappeared and Raven could remove it easily.

He removed it with a malicious smirk putting it on the soft sheets an arms length away from him.

When he reached the core he was not surprised. A pure white ball was snuggly confined to the center giving off a soft pure glow. Raven sensed the soul awaken as his hand reached out.

"Your finally awake."

Everything snapped back into place the moment Bloom realized what was happening. For a moment he was almost free.

Once again Bloom wanted to weep if only he had acted in that small moment he would have been out.

[Host what were you doing?]

"Nothing really just curious what lay in that strange shell of yours. Now that I fixed everything I'm giving you a new name. From here on out you'll go by Ink. Also I want you to change your for something black will do."

This was completely unexpected but he did as his host request he turned into a small black snake.

Ink scanned his systems a few crucial things were missing. Like the his system tracker and his log chip. His surveillance was still in working order accept for the audio. The higher ups could still look in on them but could not listen in.

He wasn't considered a rogue system but pretty damed close.

After Ink finished his full scan. A screen popped up infront of Ink requested for maintenance.

Raven hit No immediately. Like he was going to let them screw with everything he just undid. Are you certain?

Popped up after Raven declined. He hit yes.

Ink was confused why the screen was asking Raven for permission.

"What? Raven didn't miss a beat. "You are MY system my permission is required."

There was a slight smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.

Ink's body flashed red a zapping sound came from him he flicked in and out a couple of times as if someone was forcibly trying to call Ink back for repair.

Finally after some time his body became solid again and the flashing stopped. Ink's eyes would have popped out of his body if he had any.

Management had tried to forcibly remove him but whatever Raven did overrode their authority.

His system recognized Raven as his boss.

"That was interesting."

Raven observed Ink as he stifled a yawn.

"Did it hurt?"

Ink silently shook his orb of a body.

"I'm getting bored, shall we go?"

[Ye…yes! Of course host! Commencing search for suitable world for transmigration.]

[Modern World found. Level F . Commencing Transmigration.]