
Pussies of Runeterra

The search for pussy, and if there isn't one I'll make it!

twintin_ · ゲーム
9 Chs

Feline Fetish

Max woke up to a gun in his face. Again.


he heard the purple clothed girl mumble something and her eyes looked like they were on the verge of crying, while her body was slightly shivering. alright anyways she's a mess right now so Max gained omnipotence again and learned how to send someone into his spirit world.

Boom, omnipotence gone.

alright, now let's go continue on and find out where we are. actually nvm, omnipotence came back to tell him hes in Ixtal, alright now omnipotence gone.

If he remembered correctly, Ixtal was where the bitch princess Qiyana ruled right?

Alright, this is the last time this chapter omnipotence strikes. he learns that Ixtal is to the north so now he's heading in that direction.

once he got out of the clearing near the water, the trees and vines blocked Max from every direction.

he tried to rip the vines apart, and surprisingly, it worked with his new strength. but there were a LOT of vines and trees, so he started plucking them one by one. but then while he was ripping apart another vine, his arm turned back into the claw he had earlier. and when he released tension in his arm it turned back to normal.

activating his claws again, he cut through the flora like butter with his knives and simply walked through.

while he was walking around, there were also many beautiful flowers and small creatures skittering around. but suddenly, from behind him he felt a strange feeling, and dodged to the side on instinct just to find a large spear pierced into the ground where he once stood.

looking towards the source of the spear, he found a woman standing on the trees with multiple cougars on the surrounding trees. the woman had brown skin and long black hair tied neatly into a ponytail. her clothing was... very skimpy with almost all her skin showing except her private parts and feet. all the clothing seemed to be made of tanned leather, and there were patches of fur on some of the leather. around her neck and waist was a ring with teeth and claws, like trophies. on her dark skin was a contrasting white paint? in the shape of teeth, all over her body with two on her breathtaking face(no you're breathtaking!).

suddenly, the spear she just threw which was stuck In the ground disappeared, and reappeared in her hands, while her arms drew back ready to throw another shot at Max. but before he could run away, the cougars in the trees pounced at him and surrounded him from 4 directions, trapping him in his place, growling menacingly.

he was cornered, but then he thought of something. he was Kha'Zix right? and Kha'Zix has the ability to go invisible, and since he was still able to use his claws his body should have similar properties too.

by now, the cougars were inching closer and closer and he could feel their breathing on his skin. oh right, he was still naked.

anyways, max thought. if tensing up his arms activated his claws, then maybe tensing his whole body could make his invisibility activate similarly.

well, he didn't really have a choice, so he tensed up his whole body tight. and like he theorized- actually, nothing happened. now he was at wits end. but then he noticed the cougars look. they were looking around, as if they were trying to find something. even the girl with the spear in the distance had a confused frown on her face. that's when he looked at himself, and lo and behold, he was slightly see through, or maybe that was just how he saw himself.

he knew that this invisibility didn't last forever though, so he quickly got out of the 4 cougars range and went next to the spear girl. as he got closer, he realized 'wait isn't this Nidalee?'

then, his invisibility ended, but he could somehow feel that he still could go invisible at least once more.

anyways, when Nidalee sensed something close and looked towards Max, her frown deepened and then she turned into a cougar as well. what?

but the cougar she turned into looked different, first of all it had huge fangs, which made her look like a saber tooth tiger, and there was a green jem on her forehead. as he was studying her new form which looked way more realistic than her in game avatar, she jumped backwards towards her fellow cougars.

now Max was thinking though, 'what should I do? I don't wanna kill them, but I also don't want to die. it doesn't seem like escape is an option either since they look far more dexterous in a jungle that I do.'

then he narrowed his eyes, 'one option left... subdue them.'.

then, he turned invisible again and instantly rushed towards one of the cougars.

he was going to just throw them all into his spirit world, but as he was going to, he wasn't able to for somereason. it seemed he couldn't put just anything into his spirit world, so he decided to at least knock them out and try putting them in afterwards. he had a distinct feeling that might work.

so, he attacked the first target in front of him, breaking stealth and striking at the cougar. it got one shot, and fell over limp. unconscious.

Nidalee and the other cougars then noticed him, and were enraged instantly.

Max honestly didn't expect that he would just straight up knock the first one out, but he then moved on to the second one. needless to say, they were knocked out too. the other two cougars and Nidalee looked stunned, and then got even more furious.

Bam! Bam!

the other two cougars were knocked out with a swipe. it looked quite comedic, but Nidalee understood what happened and tried to run away in shock. she jumped towards the other direction and tried to run off. but then Max thought again, doesn't Kha'Zix have a jump too? so, while running after Nidalee, he put tension into just his back and his legs, trying to imitate how kha jumps with his wings.

and wow, would you look at that. or, imagine that since this isn't a video.

wings popped out of his shoulder blades and his legs turned back to it's purple flesh. he jumped, and landed right in front of Nidalee, and then hit her with a 1 2 combo since she was a little more durable than the other cougars.

"Huh, that was easy."

anyways, he was pleased when he found that he could indeed put things into his spirit realm, so he then shoved Nidalee and all the cougars into his world.

curious tho, he went into his spirit world himself.

Inside, it was just a huge white cube about as big as a school cafeteria/gym room. all the walls were equally white, except one which looked like a camera of what was happening outside. right now it was just showing himself sitting down in a lotus position since he was currently in his spirit world. standing in front of the screen was Kaisa. she looked like she was thinking very hard about something.

the cougars he just caught were laying on the side still unconscious, but slowly they started stirring up and they were soon all wide awake looking around the new area they've never seen before. Nidalee has turned back into her human form, but the other cougars seemed to stay the same. after observing around a bit, they found Max just staring at them, and they immediately stepped backwards a couple feet. they all had a look of wariness, well Nidalee was the only one who could show her expression.

Anyways, now he was wondering what to do. honestly, he wanted to Fuck Ms. cougar over there, but he didn't want to force himself on her because that's disgusting. instead, he was gonna try to make her so horny she'll give consent just like Kaisa did. the question now is how would he be able to do that.

last time, it just happened mysteriously, but he could probably do it again right? as he was trying to figure out why and what, he remembered that he was really tense back there. especially on his shoulders. maybe it was his spikes, and it just shot Kaisa accidently? well, why not try.

so, Max put pressure into his shoulders, and the menacing spike racks appeared. suddenly it shot out and hit Nidalee. but, it wasn't only Nidalee... multiple shots were fired and all the cougars got hit too.

when they got hit, they all stumbled back onto each other is fear of getting killed. but it was only a tiny prick, and they instantly felt the changes. all the cougars suddenly fell limp, their bodies moving up and down quickly, breathing really hard. suddenly they all looked at Max, giving him another bad feeling. the same as when he almost got hit by the spear. they rushed at him and tackled him down, while Nidalee still didn't feel the effects yet. maybe it's because the cougars are actual animals so they got horny faster, but before long Nidalee came over as well and started stripping down to nothing.

the cougars along with this Nidalee started taking Max's clothes off...

meanwhile near the wall with a screen, Kaisa was looking at the pile of horny pussies with a complicated look. to Fuck, or not to Fuck? that is the question.

anyways, by now all the cats were horny and it was affecting Max too. they were all naked too, and Nidalee already straddling Max.


Nidalee was slightly holding in her moan as her pussy came down on Max's dik. the other cougars, who are all females-he just found out, were licking him all over his body. one was licking his ear, another was licking his chest and one was on his back. the other one was teasing Nidalees tits.

Soon enough, Max started humping Nidalee faster. it turns out she was a virgin, but intercourse was so easy since it seemed her body has to physically, not magically, transform which broke her Hymen already. now, Nidalee was moaning like crazy, and the low growling of the other cats was not cooling down the situation but making it hornier somehow.

Max saw someone out of the corner of his eye walking towards them now tho, and it was none other than Kaisa.

she was super horny again, even thought he didn't hit her with dru- I-I mean spikes.

Nidalee came, but immediately after she blanked out from the orgasm, Kaisa jumped back on the choo choo train.