
Pursuit Of The Origin

Rishi Arya was a genius scientist and a lover of novel and comics. His life long Pursuit was to find the origin of life and decode the code of reality. He died at the peak of his career due to getting sucked in a wormhole he created due to accident in in his project. But is it really the end for Rishi? Find the journey of Rishi to find the origin of life, universe, etc. High School DxD AU ( Alternate Universe )

Primodial_Chaos · アニメ·コミックス
65 Chs

Yahweh And Satans End - 1

Underworld, Lucifaad, Lucifer Clan Library

Rizevim closed the book in his hand. Today was the 15th day; the past 14 days had passed in the blink of an eye. Today was the day when the battle between Yahweh and Trihexa would come to an end.

Rizevim emerged from the library and made his way to breakfast. After finishing his meal, he left the castle, utilizing his concealment technique to avoid detection. He then teleported to the pocket dimension where Yahweh and Trihexa were locked in battle.

With the original Satans occupied with maintaining the barrier, they had no time to interfere in the war between Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels.


Underworld, Dimensional Gap - Unknown Pocket Dimension

A brutal and intense battle raged within this unknown pocket dimension, pitting an elderly man clad in golden armor against a colossal beast with features resembling various animals: lions, leopards, bears, dragons, and more. This creature boasted seven necks, seven heads, ten horns, and seven long, thick tails of varying shapes. Its main body, covered in black fur and scales, leaned forward with primate-like proportions. Towering over several hundred meters, it was truly massive.

The combat between Yahweh and the Emperor Beast of the Apocalypse neared its climax. Though Yahweh bore severe injuries, evidenced by cracks in his shining golden armor, it was clear that he held the advantage. Through careful manipulation, he had ensnared Trihexa within a meticulously crafted magical formation.

Trihexa, consumed by the Law of Chaos, functioned as a mindless beast, making it susceptible to Yahweh's traps without awareness.

Yahweh's eyes snapped open as he observed Trihexa fiercely assaulting the protective barrier he had erected to rest.

"It is time to end this. Those four are already awaiting me... it seems my demise is inevitable," he muttered to himself.

With thousands of massive magical circles of diverse types and systems illuminating the surroundings, Yahweh initiated the final phase. Invisible magical chains surged from the circles, wrapping around Trihexa, suppressing its power and draining its magical essence.

"Even suppressed, its power remains overwhelming," Yahweh remarked, coughing blood from the continued assault.

"Seal the Body," he commanded, summoning a translucent barrier and magical chains to immobilize Trihexa completely.

"Seal the Magic," he continued, orchestrating the draining of Trihexa's magical energy to reinforce the barrier, creating a self-sustaining mechanism fueled by the Dimensional Gap.

"Seal the Mind," he spoke softly, enveloping Trihexa in a potent illusion that induced deep slumber.

"Seal the Space," he declared with resolve, as a box-like barrier encased Trihexa and sank into the depths of the pocket dimension.

Exhausted, Yahweh surveyed the now-empty expanse, feeling a presence teleporting behind him.

"Lucifer, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Leviathan. So you have finally decided to show up? Hmm... all three of you are Super-Devils? Which of you idiots proposed using the Forbidden Ritual to elevate your Class? You sacrificed your longevity, foundation, and part of your soul for unstable strength... fools," Yahweh taunted, relishing the anger on the faces of Beelzebub, Asmodeus, and Leviathan, while Lucifer remained silent, his gaze fixed on Yahweh.

"Enough talk, Yahweh. Your end is near, and dispatching you with the four of us poses little challenge," Lucifer declared confidently, eyeing the injured Yahweh who tightly gripped the True Longinus Spear, poised for battle.

"Then come," Yahweh's words hung in the air, his presence commanding respect despite his grievous injuries and battered armor. None of the Four Great Satans dared to make the first move until Lucifer unleashed waves of Dark Light at him.

Even in his weakened state, Yahweh moved with a swiftness that surpassed them all, appearing near Asmodeus in an instant and severing his head with a single slash of True Longinus, ending one of the Four Great Satans.

The remaining three Satans recoiled in shock at the ease with which Asmodeus was dispatched, but they quickly regrouped and resumed their assault. Though injured, Yahweh remained an Apocalypse Rank God, far surpassing the power of the arrogant Super Devils before him.

Leviathan summoned colossal water serpents with her Clan Trait, Sea Serpent of the End, hoping to overwhelm Yahweh. However, their efforts were in vain as Yahweh unleashed a torrent of Holy Flame, incinerating the serpents and striking Leviathan with searing intensity.

Meanwhile, Yahweh reappeared behind Satan Beelzebub, swiftly incapacitating him by severing his legs and piercing his stomach. Beelzebub lay on the ground, half-dead and defeated.

Leviathan, struggling to escape the Holy Flame's wrath, succumbed to her injuries from overusing her unstable Demonic Energy, perishing in agony.

"Rather anticlimactic, don't you think, Lucifer?" Yahweh taunted, locking eyes with the infuriated Satan. "You were always so arrogant, so confident in everything, but you forgot the most important thing. Even on the brink of death, I am still a genuine Apocalypse Rank God, while you three were nothing but half-baked Super Devils, elevated through forbidden rituals and lacking control over your powers."

Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Leviathan had ascended to Super-Devil Class through forbidden rituals, but their lack of mastery over their powers and Clan Traits paled in comparison to Yahweh's skill and experience.