
Pursuit Of The Origin

Rishi Arya was a genius scientist and a lover of novel and comics. His life long Pursuit was to find the origin of life and decode the code of reality. He died at the peak of his career due to getting sucked in a wormhole he created due to accident in in his project. But is it really the end for Rishi? Find the journey of Rishi to find the origin of life, universe, etc. High School DxD AU ( Alternate Universe )

Primodial_Chaos · アニメ·コミックス
65 Chs

Training Part 2

After a day of intense practice and achievement, I proceeded to partake in a well-deserved dinner, savoring the nourishment that replenished my body and invigorated my spirit. As the evening waned and fatigue settled upon me like a gentle embrace, I retired to my chambers, my mind and body weary from the day's endeavors.

With each passing moment, the tranquility of sleep beckoned, offering respite from the rigors of the waking world. As I surrendered to its embrace, I drifted into a realm of dreams, where the boundless possibilities of the imagination awaited, ready to weave their enchanting tapestry beneath the veil of night.


As I woke upon my bed, I found myself greeted by the gentle embrace of morning light filtering through the curtains. Stretching my arms in a languid manner, I pondered the possibilities that lay ahead for the day. Tomorrow marked the occasion when I would venture beyond the confines of my castle, stepping into the world beyond.

Despite the wealth of memories and experiences at my disposal, a faint flutter of nervousness danced within me. The prospect of venturing into the unknown, despite my preparedness, stirred a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. Yet, amidst these swirling emotions, I recognized the opportunity for growth and adventure that awaited beyond the castle walls.

With resolve firm and determination unwavering, I embraced the day ahead, ready to embark on a journey filled with discovery, challenges, and the promise of new horizons.

Having mastered the art of instant teleportation without the need for a magic circle, I had unlocked a powerful and discreet method of travel. This silent technique afforded me unparalleled freedom of movement, enabling swift and seamless transitions between locations without attracting undue attention.

With a mere thought, I could traverse vast distances in the blink of an eye, appearing and disappearing without a trace. This newfound ability granted me a strategic advantage, allowing me to navigate through the world with unmatched speed and agility.

As I contemplated the extent of my mastery, a sense of quiet satisfaction washed over me. With this formidable skill at my disposal, I was prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead with confidence and poise.

Next mastering a technique to conceal my whereabouts, even from those with keen senses, is indeed a crucial skill to possess. Such a technique requires finesse and subtlety, allowing me to move undetected and unseen, even when in plain sight.

One approach could involve harnessing the principles of illusion and deception, creating a veil of invisibility or camouflage that obscures my presence from prying eyes. By manipulating the surrounding environment or casting illusions upon myself, I can effectively mask my whereabouts and evade detection.

Alternatively, I might explore methods of manipulating spatial perception, warping the fabric of reality to create pockets of concealment that render me invisible to those around me. Through subtle manipulation of space and light, I can create a cloak of invisibility that shields me from observation, even when in close proximity to others.

Whichever path I choose, mastering this technique will require patience, practice, and a deep understanding of the underlying principles of illusion and spatial manipulation. Yet, once achieved, it will afford me a powerful advantage, allowing me to move unseen and undetected through the world, shrouded in secrecy and mystery.

I decided to combine both methods, warping the fabric of reality to create pockets of concealment that render me invisible to those around me, and adding an extra layer of protection with illusion. With this approach, I could create multiple pockets of concealment and mask them as if they never existed there.

By intertwining spatial manipulation with the art of illusion, I aimed to weave a tapestry of deception that would confound even the most discerning observers. Each pocket of concealment would be shrouded in a veil of invisibility, while illusions would further disguise their presence, making detection virtually impossible.

This technique required a delicate balance of precision and creativity. Through meticulous control of spatial manipulation and artful crafting of illusions, I could create a network of hidden pathways and concealed spaces, allowing me to move undetected through the world, unseen and untraceable.

Practicing the combined method throughout the entire day, I dedicated myself to perfecting the technique and pushing it to its limits. Surprisingly, my comprehension power proved to be truly exceptional, enabling me to grasp and master the intricacies of the technique in just one day.

With relentless focus and unwavering determination, I honed my skills, refining each aspect of the technique until it reached a level of mastery that surpassed even my own expectations. Through trial and error, I discovered the nuances and subtleties of blending spatial manipulation with illusion, unlocking the full potential of this formidable technique.

As the day drew to a close, I marveled at the progress I had made. What had initially seemed like a daunting challenge had now become second nature to me, a testament to the boundless capabilities of my mind and the power of relentless practice. With this newfound mastery at my disposal, I was ready to wield this technique with confidence and finesse, prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead.