
Pursuit Of The Origin

Rishi Arya was a genius scientist and a lover of novel and comics. His life long Pursuit was to find the origin of life and decode the code of reality. He died at the peak of his career due to getting sucked in a wormhole he created due to accident in in his project. But is it really the end for Rishi? Find the journey of Rishi to find the origin of life, universe, etc. High School DxD AU ( Alternate Universe )

Primodial_Chaos · アニメ·コミックス
65 Chs

Mother - 1

Scathach continued with her deadly stare, and Rizevim had to concede. He said, "Okay, I won't insist on you calling me father, but I am your father."

Zoe muttered silently, "Then can I be your wife too, Daddy?"

Rizevim heard that and became dumbfounded. He replied, "I never thought like that, dear, but now that I think about it, you are my daughter. If I can be with them, why can't I be with you?"

Hearing what he said, everyone became dumbfounded. As Angelica was about to say something, Rizevim instantly added, "Well, that's for the future, sweetie. You are a child just born, so you guys can go on. I'm busy."

Everyone except Rizevim left the room, each one silently contemplating the unexpected revelation. Angelica's mind raced with conflicting emotions, her initial shock giving way to a mix of confusion and disbelief. Scathach's expression remained unreadable, her thoughts veiled behind a mask of stoicism, though a flicker of something akin to surprise danced in her eyes. Zoe, the newest addition to the group, seemed to process the revelation with a childlike innocence, her innocent query now echoing in the silence of the room. Rizevim, on the other hand, stood alone in the midst of it all, grappling with the implications of his own words and the unforeseen twists of fate that lay ahead.

Rizevim felt a mixture of nerves and anticipation swirling within him as he debated whether to wake his mother. Despite the slight apprehension, he knew deep down that the bond between them was unbreakable, forged through love and shared experiences. He had everything he needed for this encounter, yet the thought of facing her after his rebirth and the subtle transformation within his heart left him hesitant. Nevertheless, he couldn't delay it any longer. His mother deserved his support, just as he cherished her unwavering affection. With resolve firming in his heart, Rizevim made his decision: it was time to awaken her.

Rizevim knew that restoring his mother to her former self would require much more than just physical healing. Time had left its mark on her, burdening her with layers of anger, sadness, and hatred that threatened to obscure her true self. He understood the importance of addressing not only the physical ailments but also the emotional scars that had accumulated over the years. Reflecting on the past was necessary for understanding, but dwelling on it would only impede their progress.

Rizevim carefully retrieved a coffin containing Lilith, the mother of all devils and his own mother. Her once formidable form now lay frail and barely breathing, the toll of her condition evident in the fragile state of her body. Despite her devilish nature, her essence seemed locked in a coma-like state, trapped between the realms of consciousness and oblivion. Yet, even in her weakened state, her regenerative abilities struggled to maintain her form, a testament to her enduring strength. Rizevim gazed upon her with a mixture of sorrow and determination, knowing that he held the key to her restoration within his grasp.

Rizevim embarked on the arduous task of restoring his mother, beginning with casting a spell to ensure she remained in a deep slumber throughout the process. With his innate ability to manipulate biological matter, he channeled his energy into revitalizing her deteriorating body from within, infusing it with life-giving energy and guiding its regeneration.

Slowly but steadily, Lilith's form began to regain its former strength and vitality, the signs of decay receding as her body responded to Rizevim's magic. Once her physical restoration was underway, Rizevim turned his attention to her soul, employing the power of the Ether stone and his formidable magical prowess to mend the fractures within.

As he delved deeper into the recesses of her soul, Rizevim confronted the negative emotions that had plagued her for so long. With care and precision, he guided her soul through a process of enlightenment, helping her to acknowledge, accept, and release the burdens that had weighed heavily upon her being. Through his efforts, Lilith's soul was cleansed, purged of its darkness, and brought into a state of profound understanding and peace.

After completing the intricate process of her physical and spiritual restoration, Rizevim initiated the final step by imbuing Lilith with the essence of the Aryan Race. With a drop of his blood, he initiated the transformation, infusing her being with the noble lineage and power of the Aryans. Her attire was then replaced with the regal garments befitting the Aryan Royal Family, symbolizing her newfound status and heritage.

Next, Rizevim forged a contract bracelet, binding it to Lilith's soul and granting her the privileges and protections afforded to members of the Aryan Race. With his authority, he effortlessly created an account for her, granting her access to the resources and benefits available to those under his command.

As Lilith donned her new attire and activated her bracelet, the transformation began to take hold, her essence aligning with that of the Aryans. Rizevim watched with anticipation, eager to witness her rebirth as a member of their esteemed race and to be reunited with her once more.