
Big Joe's Diner

The group of cars that moved like a royal procession quickly drew a lot of attention from all those in Blue Hill City.

On the front side were six air-conditioned mini-busses that could fit ten people each. And then there was one regular car with Kendra, Desmond, Acatha, and Annalynne inside. Next to it was a super luxurious car with Noah, Ronan, and Lucien inside.

Behind the two cars were a lot more mini-busses to carry the remaining warriors and their stuff.

Due to lacking insight regarding the morning commute of the mortal folk, the magnificent parade was stuck in traffic.

While pedestrians enjoyed the fantastic sight, all those who woke up late and had to rush to work by car that morning were disgruntled beyond compare.

One angry man on a motorcycle made a point to stop at the side of the road and walked toward one of the mini-busses to file a complaint.