
The joy of newlyweds

























县城不大,讲堂距离莫氏药铺不到五里,片刻后两个人回到了药铺,药铺里的人正忙着把药柜里的药材捆扎起来,小五文芳书还给莫氏问,跑过去帮忙, 莫独自一人穿过大厅进入内院.




莫氏祠堂位于北边的药铺不远处,父子俩进入祠堂先祭祠,祭祀完典礼后,父亲并没有急着离开,而是从箱底拿出了埋在祠堂西北地下的八块金糕, 莫某请求帮忙却没有问,他明白父亲的举动是给家人留一条路,南避难只是无奈,等战争结束,我们得回家了.










Mo ask cross small five a glance no interface, although two people named master servant, is actually a friend who grew up together, speak to each other relatively casual, different is Mo ask full reading poetry, heavy ceremony silent. And five years in the pharmaceutical shop work, smooth, more words.

The medicine shop is only a few miles away from the silk and satin Zhuang, and it was not long before they arrived at the Lin home, and a large number of villagers gathered around the Lin home, and saw the team of greeting relatives immediately blocked the road.

Don't ask know the rules, when the big family married must be scattered, also known as the way money, so without reminding the iceman from the saddle took out a packet handed to the small five, the small five took out copper money scattered about, the villagers around to pick up, get out of the way.

When the son-in-law is the guest, the parents-in-law must be pro-welcome, when see the parents-in-law Mo ask began to be nervous, under the guidance of the iceman turned off the horse, went forward will have been holding the copper wild goose hands offered to the father-in-law, the father-in-law smiled and handed the lady, and then forward to lead the way.

The main room is placed with a large number of boxes, the lid of the boxes is open, the Lin family is also a merchant, all kinds of dowry rich, bedding, tables and chairs, and even cooking utensils are prepared, dowry is in the middle of the color is two golden boys and girls the size of wine glasses, made of gold, dazzling gold, naive. In addition to these utensils, the Lin family also married a pretty beauty maid, the maid who is also known as the companion wife, is the person who is extremely close to the miss, and is responsible for continuing to take care of the miss after the door, and also serves the uncle when the miss is inconvenient.

Dowry has a list, father-in-law will pass the list to Mo ask, Mo ask obey the ancient system to open the list check dowry, in fact, this is just a process, Mo ask the attention at this time in the backyard, the servant girl in the backyard is busy at this time, the backyard is his wife, Miss Lin Ruochen Lin home two.

The iceman is a woman of more than fifty years old, matched countless marriages, for the marriage of the familiar again familiar, ceremony, joy, please door, cry goodbye, kow-thanking and other ceremonies after the bride on the sedan, the wedding team returned.

Until now, Mo still do not know his wife's appearance, only know that the new posture is graceful, the voice of the voice, such light cloud soft willow appearance must not be ugly and vulgar.

"Young Master." Small five will scatter the rest of the money to Mo ask.

"You have it." Don't ask me if I'm in a good mood.

"Our servants can't make money." Five hung the purse on the saddle.

"If men do not marry each other, you cannot get married at 16 this year, and I will also give you a family next year and betrothal your young wife's servant girl to you." Mo ask praise of the small five nodded, the reason why he with the small five deep feelings is not simply because the small five grew up with him, mainly he appreciated the small five innate loyalty, loyalty is a virtue, is the father and son bone and blood extension, Wu family bone has this excellent character.

"Master Xie." Small five under the excitement slightly shivered, their family and Mo family on the ancestral signed a deed of sale, the master and servant is set for generations, if the master does not marry for the servant, the servant shall not marry for life.

Return to the Mo family time is the morning, according to etiquette, the evening ceremony should be held at dusk, but at this time the war is urgent, there have been villagers on the ice south, the city filled with panic panic, for the sake of all, all from the right, ancestral temple worship ancestors parents, the hall thanked the ice man matchmaker after they were sent to the bridal chamber, at this time but in the afternoon.

First into the bridal chamber is not a husband and wife, the iceman is also in charge of teaching the final rites, with a year of Qinghu divided into two, Qinghu bitter, after pouring wine taste more bitter, after the exchange of Qinghu husband and wife drink, called "Gejin", meaning sharing joys and sorrows. Each take a strand of hair, cut around and send, called hair, meaning until death. At this point, the wedding ceremony was completed, the iceman went out, and only two husband and wife were left in the room.

At this time Mo ask again began to be nervous, because the next will open his wife's head, I do not know why, his mind has always been haunted by the small five yesterday in the hand of the steamed stuffed bun...