
Purple Rogue

"Where do you think you are going , Hernandez"Kiara heard him say. 'Leave me alone Mateo.I have to get to class "She replied hugging her books closer to her chest. "The Beta might have taken you in but we own you"The boy said with a light chuckle as he approached her .When he got to her he grabbed her by the neck and said"Go back to where that man picked you from" When Mateo dropped her she gasped for breath as her hands slowly balled into fist. As she headed towards her class she bumped into someone hard stone chest when she looked up she saw Roman looking down at her as he ran his tongue over his fangs . "Am so sorry"she said quickly rushing into her class. Roman looked at the girl that ran off there was something off about her when she had looked at him her eyes flashed purple . A mischievous smile spread into his lips.Kiara Hernandez was a unique girl with pale white hair and pale white eyes. When the vampire came to he her territory in search of his bride things started to change for her. She organised a dance and a lot of people die that night which raised suspicions. Suddenly the body of the lady was found and she was framed for murder. To escape the execution she runs away only to fall into the hands of slave traders and she discovered her ability to control people. After five years, she meets the prince once again. This time he needs her help. Will she assist him or push him away like he did to her? What is he in search of this time around?

Motunrayo_Oke · ファンタジー
7 Chs


As Kiara collected her food tray from the lunch lady she felt someone staring at her intensely. She turned around and locked eyes with him. Why was he staring at her like that? She took a deep breath and started walking towards her table Bianca was not coming to lunch so she was all alone. Everyone kept staring at her it made her nervous.

She took a spoonful of the Jell-O on her plate into her mouth. She closed her eyes as she savoured it. Someone walked up to her table." Miss Smith wants to see you Hernandez"Avice as she looked at her. "Okay thanks for the info"she said with a small smile. Avice stared at her before returning to her table.


When she reached her teacher's office she knocked.

"Come in dear."

Kiara stepped in

 "You wanted to see me, Miss Smith."

"Yes dear I wanted to inform you that the school board of directors has agreed to put you in charge of the opening ball. Consider it our birthday gift"the woman said grinning

Kiara's joy knew no bounds when she heard this. The opening ball is a ceremony that is held every year at the beginning of a new session.

"I trust that you will do a good job while planning it. I will expect the best from you"

"Thank you very much Miss Smith. I am honored" she said with a bow.

"Go on now . We will not want you to get into detention."the woman said waving her out of her office.

As she hurried towards the gym for p.e she ran into Bianca

"I'm going to be in charge of organising the ball"She said with squealing

"Really what are you going to use for the theme . It is finally good that Avice is not planning this year's dance."

"What do you think about 'Back in the 90's"

"Avice used that theme two years ago. She has also used 'Winter wonderland ' 'Sunny Savanna' 'Black and white island'."

"How come I know nothing about this?"

"I am pretty sure it is because you never bothered to attend. A waste of time you say"Bianca said rolling her eye as they walked into the gym

Kiara eyes scanned the room ,she noticed the prince friends but he was no where to be found and same goes for Avice. Not like she mind anyways

Somewhere quite faraway from Traland. A woman that in a deep blue cloak walked into the forest looking left and right making sure no one was following her.

"How is everything going?" She asked.

"The prince has arrived in Traland safely."The man said with a bow

"Keep an eye on him. If evil befall my son I will have your head,Voldemort."

"Of course mistress"the man said bowing to his mistress before disappear into thin air.

"I have been waiting for you?" The woman said without turning around.

"Soon your son will be a nobody just like you, Fay." The woman behind her said.

"That's quite a pity cause I won't let that happen."

"Tell me where the daughter of the eclipse is and I will spare your son "

"The daughter of the eclipse is a myth she does not exist the gods will never grant someone such immense power. A girl with wolf of ghost, the ability to compel one to do her will and has the power to control death and the agents of deaths. It is absurd for the gods to grant such power to a child."

"You are the Oracle. Find out where she is and no harm will befall your son." The woman said gritting her teeth

"I might possess the celestial eye but I cannot open it at will ,by the way you cannot harm my son not only is he the son of a royal pure blood vampire but he is also the son of the first witches to come into existence. You might have bewitched my husband into marrying you but you will  never be able to lay a finger on my son, Karen"and with that the witch disappear leaving black smoke behind.

  The lady stood staring at where the woman was before taking off the hook of her cloak and the face of Roman's stepmother was seen.

Avice looked around as she entered the classroom. When she noticed that only Roman was present in the class

"Prince Roman"she said with a smile.

Roman turned to her sharply his eyes flashed from red to black.

"Do you want my blood, Roman?"Avice said with a knowing smile as she moved her hair away from her neck giving him a view of her white milky skin. Roman stood up from where he was sitting. Her could smell the warm fresh blood that ran through her vein. As he walked towards her majestically his entire movement was alluring,this made the girl moved backwards as he walked until her back hit the wall. Roman held his hand up for her to take and she took it. He brought the hand up to his lips and sank his fangs into it. Avice flinched in pain but she did not back away from the boy in front of her but instead she placed her free hand on his chest as he took her blood. Her hand slowly left his chest and came to settle on his head. She ran her hand through his hair. She felt dizzy because of the amount of blood Roman was taking from her.

"Roman." She moaned.

The prince didn't stop drinking from her ,she felt her knee give way before she could fall to the ground Roman wrapped his arms around her waist without retracting his fangs from her hand at this rate she felt like she would be sucked to death.

Saving her from her misery, his friends arrived

"Roman let the poor girl go!"Drake said sternly

Roman let her go letting her fell to the ground as he wiped the corner of his mouth with his tongue licking the blood.

"You could have killed the girl" Collins said.

"You know that I don't do bottled blood that they serve at the cafeteria and the girl offered herself to me."Roman said throwing a glare at his friends.

"Your thirst still remain the same I won't be surprised if there is mass murder during our stay here. You should really learn to control your thirst."Carter said as he inspected the girl that had turned unconscious.

"Says the guy who was about to kill someone few minutes ago." Drake snapped ran his hands through his red hair in fustration.

Kiara opened the door of the classroom. When she saw the prince and his friends there, she cursed underneath her breath. When she saw Avice unconscious on the ground

"What the heck did you guys do to her?"she said as her eyes moved from Roman to Avice

"I just took some blood from her. She is just as weak as the humans to think that she is the daughter of the Alpha is quite disappointing." Roman said like it's no big deal.

"What the heck happened to the rule ' you are not allowed to feed on others ' " she said glaring at them.

"Last time I checked you said just human are not to be touched you never mentioned werewolves and she offered herself to me no one can refuse a free meal, right guys?"

Kiara gritted her teeth as she stared at the arrogant prince.

"If you don't mind me asking Miss Hernandez why is your eyes like that?" Drake asked staring at her.

"Well I have no idea it has been like that since I can remember." She responded.

"So you are not a werewolf ?"

She said with a  dismissive shrug "I am not"

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you guys are you doing here?"

"Our prince future wife was kidnapped by hunters and we are here to retrieve her"Carter said which made Roman glare at him.

"You are going to get married soon. Aren't you too young for that?."Kiara said with a raised eyebrow.

"I might look less than twelve but  for you information president I am an ancillae. Which I am....."

"...... You are between fifty to three hundred years of age. You don't have to lecture me, your majesty. I know all about vampires I've been studying them for years" she said rolling her eyes

"Get the girl to the infirmary."Roman ordered.

Collins picked up Avice and left the room.

"I heard you are in charge of the famous dance"Carter said with a smile.

"I know what you are thinking. How do I know? I ....."

"Actually I just remembered that I got work to do. I can't wait to see you at the dance don't forget to bring a date." She said before exiting the room.

Carter stared at the girl retreating back , a chuckle left his lips.

"She's different...and cute" he said with a smile

"Yeah she is."Roman said

"I don't trust her she is of an unknown species, she is neither human nor a vampire. She doesn't have a wolf. I have a feeling she might be related to the hunters she might be one of their silly creations and is here as a spy"Drake said with narrowed eyes.

"Ok, Drake you have a point Carter follow her the last thing we want is another attack."

Carter nodded.

"Let me go this instance just wait till they figure out that I am gone the prince will hunt you down one after the other."Helen yelled angrily.

"Why do we have to keep the girl she is of no use to us?"the man in front of her asked his subordinate.

"I don't want to keep her all she does is talking all they long but mistress asked us to keep the girl she might come in handy."

"I need blood ,you motherfuckers" she yelled as she glared at the duo

"Did you tie her very well last thing we want is a hungry vampire attacking us"

"I demand to speak to your mistress this instance" Helen yelled.

" You wanted to see me, Helen dear."Karen said as she walked into the room.

"Your Highness?" Realization filled Helen's face as she realized what was going on.

"You did this. Why?????"Helen said as she tried to free herself from the bind.

Suddenly a man entered an handed her a goblet, the smell of blood filled Helen's nose.

The woman brought the goblet up to her lips."Drink"

Helen looked at her with hesitation in her eyes but she couldn't resist the smell of blood. She took a sip before emptying the entire goblet. Few minutes later she felt a sharp pain in her chest.

"What did you put in it?"she asked.

"You know I always wanted to know the effect of nightshades on vampires. Remove the ropes."Karen ordered.

The men walked towards Helen cautiously before carefully removing the ropes and quickly retreating back to their position.

The moment the bind was removed Helen grabbed her chest and screamed in pain as she coughed out  black blood.

Blood rushed out of her eyes.

"You bitch"Helen yelled before she went still

"Dispose her and my stepson's school will be holding a dance I want you to add the nightshades in the drinks." She said as she left the room.

"Don't worry mistress I know exactly who can get the job done without any suspicions"

When there mistress left they carried Helen by her hand and legs.

"Are you going to use her daughter?"

The man nodded

"It is time Bianca joined the hunters she might be a werewolf but once an hunter always an hunter"

"Are you sure she will agree?"

"My daughter will listen to me. Leave it all to me. Let get this disposed before we get caught."