
Purple Love(Romance)

My traditional marriage ceremony was halted and cancelled, because the wine I was asked to present to my husband mistakenly fell of my hand. Since that very day, I haven't set my eyes on my man, he blocked my lines, on all social media platform and relocated from the city he resided. Emaka and I have been lover, we couldn't do without each other. Emaka and I had been lover since Secondary School, he was in grade 12 then while I was in grade 10, he was the man that disvirgined me, and he has been the only man I had slept with. After I graduate from the university, Emaka had by then graduated and secured a job in his father company.

Titus_Mmaduabuchi · 都市
5 Chs

Episode 2

His voice was the most audible voice, I had ever heard. with his masculine feature and his well build body structures. No girl in her right senses, would say no to this guy. He held me up. and helped me allocate my class room.

"Your new here ?" he asked as he held me up

"Yeah "

"Seems like "

"What your name ?


"Such a nice name "

"Thanks " I said. Smiling speechlessly.

" I think you need help, in allocating your class room?" he asked

"Yes , thank you "

I couldn't get him off my mind for that whole day. For the whole week I didn't see him, and I didn't know what class he was so I could appreciate him.

The following Monday, I saw him but this time with two other set of handsome looking boys. Which I later realized they were his best friends, pater and Dante .

I was astonished, at how he spoke to me , on like his usual self, he was some how unnecessary rude to me, as his friends tease him about running after a junior student. He dismissed me and even punished me for not adding senior to his name. I felt embrassed and vowed not to ever speak with him. But the following week he came over to our class during lunch time. And asked the rest of my classmates to leave the class, which they did to avoid punishment; I acted as if I didn't know him, he asked me how my day was going, but I totally ignored him.

When he realized I won't talk to him, he sighed and drop the chocolate cake and mineral he bought for me. I wanted to be mad at him but I later forgave him.


Second term,

During valinetime day, he asked me out, even though we decide to keep our relationship in secret and act as strangers in school to avoid unnecessary suspicion. Even when we finish secondary school, since we attended same church. Saint pet church, we tried as much as possible to communicate. Our love wasn't affect by the long distance, we felt contended. Though while in the university, I go, visit him since he lived alone. caused he was the son of a rich man and he had almost everything that made a student life comfortable. During the Christmas period, I and emaka decided to make it official, we didn't want to hid our relationship we were now old enough.

Emaka knew from the onset that the people I was living with were not my biological parents but uncle and his wife.

Emaka invited me over to his parents house, I dressed properly and even read some tips on 001 self help book written by De Lyon, on how to behave when you frist visit your in-law to be. Even though emaka assured me that his parents were calm and nice people, that I would love to meet them especially his mom.

Well no son would say bad things about his mom. But I was prepared, at least I thought.but when I reached Emaka father house. I realized emaka mom wasn't an easy going person as Emaka had describe her. Well I knew she was doing, all this for her only child.

Yes emaka was the only child of his parents and they loved and cherish him.

I knew she was just been protective of him, like any other mother would do. Yes she made me feel uncomfortable. And I knew she was crossing all boundaries. But I couldn't hold it anymore, when she make full mockery of my family during dinner.

"Do you even think with your poor background, that you are fit for my son?" she suddenly asked with hatred laced on her tone.

"Ma , that doesn't matter, as far as he loves me and I love him too" I said trying to focus more on the food on my plate.

"Girls like you of low standard, always look for guys they could díg gold from "

Her last statement made me paused, was it now a crime to come from a poor background.

"How was it my fault."

"Can't I, just atleast love a man who's standard are above mine."

"Was it wrong for me, to desire a man who come from a wealthy background."

Normally, I knew it was better to just ignored her endless rant but I knew I should at least let her know that her daughter in law to be, doesn't accept nonsense.

"Ma, I respect you but, I had enough of you " I spoke at the top of my voice

"Are you more better than I am , because you think you have some little money, you think everyone else, marry rich guys because of their money, and I won't watch you insult me or my family" I barked dropping my cutlery and stood up from the dinning table.