
Purple Dragon Bewitches the Heavens

A boy with fear of women found a treasure that will change his future, follow through the Long Shi adventure as he bewitches the heavens and grows to uncover his destiny. Author Notes: This is my first novel and also english it's not my native language, i'm doing it to learn and grow, so please don't get mad.

DaoistWhiteclaw · 東方
61 Chs

A Hot Gorilla

The village was located in a valley called Hia Luo Valley because of the giant Mount Hia Luo in the southeast part of the valley, at the left side of the valley was a giant wasteland where legend says there was a country ruined by a great war thousand of years ago.

On the east side and below the mountain range of the village, was a common bamboo forest, the old silver river was serpentining from the mountain range down the Blossom Lotus Forest, at the far east side of the forest was the Blossom Lotus Evil Sect Hall.

From the north of the village, there was an old stone road, normally people from Luo Ming City that was at the north part of the valley, come from there, sadly that old road passes through a mountain range and was heavily guarded by a lot of beasts, making it hard for anyone trying to pass it alone.

At the northeast of the village was the Evil Cloud Sect, it was the sect of that Evil Woman and also the last evil sect in the valley the only righteous path force in the valley was Luo Ming city.

But Shi couldn't think too much about the old village area, for hours all that come to his mind was Sunflower pinky jewel, as he would be in hell and heavens at the same time.

"Stop messing around with women in your mind" Shin voices were heard in the deep part of his spirit.

But he was just a teen, with horny bones, an old wise man already said: beauties are the fall of all heroes.

It was 9AM, the morning was hot, with a breeze, the leaves would dance leaving the forest smell in the air, the bright sunlight was cutting their crown, leaving just some light pass through, making the atmosphere on Blossom Lotus Forest mysterious.

Some roots on the floor would look like snakes were coming from the earth, as Shi took a look at the beautiful sight, he sighed in resolution.

He decided to come back to the forest, after all, was the place where he did get the treasure that changed his life, and also the place he had his two life-changing experience.

"Go to the old cave, we going to make our camping site there" the lazy dragon's voice sounded in Shi's mind.

Getting on the moist cave a smile was hung in Shi's mouth, but this time was not a horny one, but nostalgic, he took a look at the skeleton on the moist stone floor, a lot came on his mind, the dragon let him take his time.

His steps stopped near the altar, he put his sack there and got to work, he picked a lot of wooden sticks from the forest, got to the older waterfall and got some fishes, picked the old squared stone he used years ago and made a fried fish.

Was already late in the morning, Shi was walking through the forest, he was moving fast, every time his feet touched the ground his body was shot forward without height, it wasn't any kind of miraculous technique.

Shin likes to teach Shi the basic of everything, he told the boy over and over again, everyone has their own path, if you tried to imitate someone you would be stuck as a lot of cultivators do, so I will teach you to fish and not give you a fish, of course, some techniques Shin taught him would be really miraculous.

For example, Eye cultivation technique called Celestial Eyes, Shi's eyes are now full purple, with a golden glint, by the years the dragon would drop an atom of his essence blood in his body, changing its nature, making his senses sharper and muscles a lot stronger.

At the 3rd layer, Body refining cultivators would really start they journey, being capable of using Spirit Qi for a lot of tasks, like running, fighting, alchemy, and forging.

Every time Shi found a flower or herb with some spiritual qi, he would use the celestial eyes to see what kind of energy they had, in the end, the only real usable for his cultivation he only found the 100 years blood ginseng, all the other flowers are just like the spiritual blue flower he had, too weak for him.

As he got deeper in the forest Shi would found some traces of people and beasts, making his blood boil, he didn't notice it, since his change was gradual, but people who knew him from birth like Sunwloer could see the mainly brave aura forming in his demeanor, with a confident smile he go forward.

Some breaths later he found traces of human blood, he took a weird yellow-looking paper from his sack with a little brush and blood tint he wrote a 'seal' rune on it, putting it on his mouth and making a simple hand seal, wearing the talisman, like a face-mask.

It was a basic sealing talisman, it would help him mask his spiritual qi and heart beating sealing it on his body, if he needed he could just take it off and fight, in fact, he didn't learn anything about talisman making, but he learned a lot about the primary runes: 'seal', 'spiritual' and 'fire' and they use, so that why even he doesn't know how to make a real talisman he could at least make a talisman-like accessory from bamboo paper and beast blood.

Following the blood trace, he found a young man body, it was still hot, his face wore a surprised expression, and in his blood-soaked sky blue robe was a slim hole.

"What do you think?" Long Shin asked, at Shi's shoulder.

"Looking by its expression and the slim hole probably a sneak attack?" asked the kid with a not soo confident tone.

"Are you afraid of committing a mistake? he probably was betrayed or killed by someone he wasn't expecting, maybe a prisoner" the dragon said with his hands on his chin.

After being scolded Long Shi gave the dragon a twitching smile and start to search in the young man body, he didn't found anything, he had a hole made by a sword in his heart, all his valuables things looted by the killer, the only thing intriguing Shi was his robe, it was from the Evil Cloud Sect, but why someone from another Sect was here? Maybe to gain experience like him? A chill came from his spine, but he throws this kind of thought away fast as they came.

Taking a look at the sun, Shi thought it was between 2 and 3PM, taking an observative look around him, he got going deeper in the forest now with more wariness.

"Cleng" he heard a metal cling not too far away, he's speed away.

"Clang" he was almost at the old silver river shore, the metal clanging noise was becoming more distinct as he heard someone shout.

"Go get her! if we don't take her back to Young Master he would castrate us" An annoying high pitch male voice was heard, the master of this voice was a pock-packed face young man, he had black long hair and wore a sky blue long robe, making him look weird like a coat hanger.

Getting on the river's shore, there was less tree, the sunlight could illuminate all the grass and the water was flowing to the right, there were other 2 men fighting a woman.

The first was sturdy with his bare arms holding a club swinging it in the woman's body, he had a bald head, and wore a fitting tight sky blue robe, with a cut in every sleeve, but only using half of his power.

the other one was a slim younger boy, he was between 12 and 13 years old, holding a wooden pole as he encircles the woman cutting her retreat.

The woman was taller than the women Shi knew, she had a slim waist, with a big hip, her back was arched proudly, and her full peaks held high by her chest, she was using a black and red long qipao with an opening in from half of the thick tights, her white skin shining because of the sunlight.

Her face was wearing a veil protecting her ears, mouth, and nose, only her beautiful phoenix eyes could be seen, she had fiery pinky iris, but flames could bee seen in her eyes making it look like a pink-red sunset scorching her enemies, she had long sword eyebrows crossed in a frown only separated by a fiery pink lotus mark, it was the most beautiful rage face Long Shi ever seen.

Holding a long sword she was fighting the three Evil Cloud young men.

"What a hot gorilla" the young man thought.

He picked some stones, and holding his breath he started to throw at the man attacking her and at the coat hanger.

When the coat hanger saw two stones cutting the air he was going to warn his allies, but it was too late, a stone found his nose.

"PAH!" a stone found the knew of the sturdy man, his balance lost.

"slash!" a slash noise was heard and the young woman cut the man's head.

"tud" it fell on the ground.

The young boy was holding his back, and seeing his senior died he started to tremble and sweat.

"Who! show yourself!!" the coat hanger said with his voice muffled as he held his nose.

Long Shi came off the forest the sun shined in his white wool clothes, he looked like a poor village prince, with medium hair and a short sword hanging on his right shoulder.

Holding the short sword in a high stance he headed in direction of the coat hanger, with his left hand making an invitation gesture, he was his target.