
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · ファンタジー
34 Chs


3rd Person View

(Texas, United States)

In the middle of a small town somewhere in the big state, along the main road that went through it, something was going down. The streets were filled with screams, crying out for help as explosions were also heard. The shockwaves were strong enough to almost topple the cars that were abandoned when the attack started.

You could see that people ran from something as flames were in view. They made their way towards safety by a gas station in the corner as police cars were blocking the intersection and barricading it.

"Go, go, go!" an officer yelled out at the civilians as they all had their weapons drawn and aimed at a cloud of smoke

Roughly 100 meters from the barricade, there was a huge wall of flames that caused the massive cloud of black smoke. One of the officers that was watching the sight pulled out a radio and began to talk into it.

"Call in the fire department and have them try to keep the fire at bay." he said, "Do not let it spread towards the nearby buildings. Also, do we have any confirmation that there are no longer any civilians around?"

Before the radio could respond, one of the other officers who had a shotgun readied looked the officer with the radio with a concerned look on his face.

"Jesus, I hope not." he said nervously, "Whatever caused those explosions ain't messing around!"

"Well-" the Radio Officer started to speak before the radio responded

"Sir, the fire department is on its way!" the radio said, "And also, I am positive that there were only around 10 civilians and they have been accounted for already."

"Roger that." he said as he put the radio away and pulled out his pistol, "Everyone, be ready! We do not know what we're dealing with here. What we do know is that it could be one hell of a superhuman. Also the fact that we cannot expect a Hero to get here so fast, so we have to deal with this ourselves."

One of the other officers gulped nervously as the rest nodded in confirmation. They were right to be concerned, there were little to no Hero activity in that area of Texas and even if they were to request for a Hero, it could take a while for one to get there. There was also the chance that the superhuman they were about to face was not just any run of the mill villain but a really dangerous one that could in fact endanger the lives of not just the police, but anyone in the near vicinity.

Unfortunately, the one they are dealing with is in fact a really dangerous one.

"Sir, I see something!" an officer shouted as he pointed to the flames

Within the flames, a figured appeared, emerging from the flames as they wrapped around them.

The radio officer widened his eyes at the sight, "What in the hell...." he said, "Ah shit, its a fucking Pyromaniac!"

Suddenly, the flames erupted violently and spread even more for a mere moment before being siphoned into the figure that peculiarly enough, was shining brightly as the flames disappeared into the superhuman's body. With the flames and smoke gone, the officers could now see what they were facing. But even with this, they still couldn't see what exactly it was.

The figure stood tall, around 6 feet and a couple inches, looked to be male, slim, a bit of meat on the bones. The only thing that unsettled the officers is that they could make out the figure of their attacker but they could not even see the body because it was shining bright orange. As it was made of energy...No, flames.

"What the hell is this guy." the officer said

Then, right before the superhuman could do anything else, a figured crashed right in front of it causing a shockwave. The officers covered their faces as dust and debris of the pavement flew past them.

"What now?!" an officer yelled out

The superhuman looked at what crashed in front of it, not saying a word. Suddenly, the dust cleared and a man walked out of the small crater that was caused.The superhuman, tilted his head slightly, as it was intrigued at the sudden guest. What it was looking at was none other than a tall and slim man with dark hair and blue eyes wearing a brown leather jacket and black cargo pants and cargo boots. You may be wondering what kind of shirt he was wearing below his jacket. Well, he was not wearing one.

"Heh, lookie what we got here." the man said, "Was in the area and then I smelled an explosion....What the hell are you supposed to be shiny boy?"

The man scowled at the superhuman as he crossed his arms. The superhuman, however, seemed to be a bit taken aback at this guest as it was staring at him or at least it looks like it because the face is covered by bright orange flames. But the thing is, the reason the superhuman was staring at the man was not because of the man's amazingly good looks or his questionable fashion sense, none of that. The reason it was staring at him, well, he was not staring at him exacly, but the large grey bird-like wings that the man had on his back.

The officers behind him were also a bit taken aback at the sight of wings. But one of them snapped out of it and widened his eyes out of realization of he was.

"Wha?" he exclaimed, "T-That's the Purgatory Hero! The Archangel Michael!!"

The other officers gasped in shock.

"Huh? MIchael?" the radio officer looked at the one that said it who was the shotgun guy, "Who the hell is that?"

One of the officers next the radio officer frowned and lowered his gun, "What? Seriously?" he asked, "The fucking Archangel, man! Michael of Purgatory, he's one of the top heroes of that organization, an S-Class Hero!"

"Purgatory, you said?" the radio officer said, "What in the hell is a Purgatory Hero doing all the way over here in the States, especially in Texas?"

Hearing this, Michael looked back at the officers.

"Ha! You are funny, man." he laughed, "Told you I was in the area and I smelled an explosion so I decided to come and check it out. Count yourselves lucky that I, Michael, am here to save you from a pain in the ass that this guy could have been."

"Wooo! You get his ass, Michael!" one of the officers cheered.

Michael merely gave them a thumbs up and faced back to the superhuman that was conveniently patient.

He then cracked his knuckles as he gave the superhuman a smirk.

"Alright, human torch." he said,

"Time for you to get some of this."

Hello, guys, Author here. This is my fist work in this platform and I do hope this story is of some satisfaction to some of you. Please enjoy and thank you for reading.

Drive_Night326creators' thoughts