
Purely Utility System

Leon Axford had just been going about his day when the world decide to... was it a curse or a blessing? A bit irky sure but Leon didn't quite do anything to deserve...this. He'd pretty much been yeeted out of where he was and into a dense forest the moment he actually came to... Unceremoniously blanking out mid-walk was a rather strange way to go about...was he high? Armed with a system that only offered basic utility, what path would the young man choose? ---------- A bit of an expansion on the title. The Utility System is fairly simple, it's not overpowered at all and overall, doesn't exactly help him gain power like a power fantasy one does. Check it out, see if you like it and, share some thoughts.

Dreizehnn · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

A Second Life? Hell Nah, You Need To Die For That

Undisclosed Location,

??? POV,


The Sun shone brightly over a dense forest, tall knee length grass covered the forest floor accompanied by numerous smaller plants that would grow into larger ones, or maybe would be cut before that ever came to pass. The taller trees seemed to form a canopy, letting only little light actually reach the forest floor.

Birds chirped and all that was part of nature went it's way.

Only, there was also something or, someone, that seemed to be completely out of place in this 'marvel' of nature.

In a certain part of the forest, a young man that looked to be no older than 20 sat against a tree with his legs folded. Neck length black hair that seemed to take a lighter shade near the tips, light red eyes, somewhat pale skin and an overall 'sharp' facial structure, he was certainly attractive enough to turn a few heads were he in a crowd.

He wore a black shirt, similarly coloured jeans and shoes as well as a watch.

At this moment however, his eyes were fixed at the forest floor.. or so it would seem to any bystander, but no, what he actually saw was an, unironically, black board of sorts floating in the air. One that the young man recognised instantly, even a new fan of modern anime and manga would know about these things if they had just delved even slightly into the pit called fanfiction or even certain manhwa.

It read as follows:

/Name: Leon Axford

Race: Human

Health: 110/110

Mana: -

STR: 8

INT: 12

DEX: 11

CON: 11

CHA: 7/

That was primarily it, relatively simple with nothing that was too hard to understand. Giving a simple layover of his current.... stats? That was about the best way Leon could sum it up.

"So....how long's this last?"

Leon looked towards the sky...or rather, the branches and leaves blotting out the Sun with a small sneer on his face. He was probably high as hell right now if his mind was making up shit like this. Not that he did drugs mind you, just a bit of drinking here and there.

Though, Leon did at least realise that there was way too much clarity in it all for it to be just a hallucination.

Well, if this really was legit then that would make him all jittery on the inside...

So, he did the one thing he knew to test if it was real and that, was slapping himself with considerable force.


A very audible slap and a red cheek later, Leon was certain that this wasn't a hallucination and if it was, then best he enjoy it to the utmost.

"So, system and strange new place. Good enough." Leon folded his arms, nodding wisely... he still hadn't stood up but eh, he had some real thinking to do.

There occurred to him the next problem, there was no shop or anything of the sorts.

A skills tab was present directly under his stats but it too had literally nothing on it other than...

"Drop down menu..." Leon facepalmed, he thought it was just plain empty cause well, there was no power fantasy feature that would wank him to the top of existence in two ch-*ehem* days.

Seeing nothing more or as urgent to do, he tapped the drop down prompt only for it to reveal....

....one skill.

"Alright!" Leon pumped his fist with a wide happy smile, of course he'd be happy, it wasn't something insane and still no power wank but it was still something relatively overpowered depending on- nevermind, it was overpowered no matter where he'd been dropped.


Inventory: As the name implies, an inventory that stores things in a separate inaccessible to all but Leon himself space where time is frozen. To be accessed via rifts./

Yes, it was an inventory!

An amazing thing to have regardless of his disposition.

Leon wasn't salty at all, he was happy with the status board and the inventory. Bitching about how it was useless compared to power wank systems was the farthest thing from the teenager's mind.

"Still though." Leon waved his hand to the side slowly, a strange kind of rift opened near him and he guessed it to be the inventory. This meant that he was high on something that was otherworldy or that he was literally in another world.

To confirm it's working, Leon took off his watch and placed it into the rift, closing it right after before again opening and retrieving the watch not a few moments later. Though confirming the time pause part would be something of a long term test.

"It definitely works." He nodded to himself, standing up to his feet with a spring in his movement, it was understandable. Leon was after all, quite jovial after what had happened.

"Time to begin my se-,.. nevermind." Leon chuckled to himself cutting off his own words, to have a second life, one needs to die first and he sure as hell didn't die. He'd gone to sleep in his college dorms and come to in this forest so no, Leo didn't die to a truck or a car or a plane crashing on him nor did he meet something that granted him wishes.

Before the somewhat excited young man could do much in the way of going about his life here, the bushes nearby rustled prompting him to freeze instantly, eying the bush for any hint of what may have caused the noise.

Leon didn't have any weapons on him, but he did have great acrobatic skills... relatively speaking of course though, that didn't quite help him with his current situations.

Silence permeated the forest for a few moments, a drop of cold sweat ran down Leon's forehead as he prepared himself for some kind of animal jumping out.

And something definitely jumped out, making a beeline for him with it's head lowered, it ran faster than anything Leon had encountered in his life.... still however, reflexes kicked in soon enough, perhaps from the adrenalin and he placed a hand on it's back.

In a relatively insane show of strength, balance, motor skills and dexterity, Leon vaulted over his assailant, gracefully landing behind it with a small smile. The smile just came on naturally, not because he was getting off fighting like some kind of pervert.

Only now did he actually get a good thing at the rambling creature that had rushed him.

'It' was no 'creature', a large mouth connected to a tentacle-like appendage. The 'creature' was more like an oversized fly trap plant.

Seeing it, Leon took a step back and,


He ran the fuck away.


5 comments and I'll post another chapter.