

There are many wizarding families in magical Britain.....Some more powerful than others.....some wealthier...some famous.....some unknown....and some taken for granted.......but there is one thats cut above the rest.....different from the rest they are from one of the oldest house to exist and one of the 28..... Do you know why being one the kindest loving tolerant and warm family and sticking to the light side even when being called the 'Blood Traitors' the family name has weasel in it hahahahah...........well you are about to find out.. support me by donating https://paypa l.me/ Alihamza2 12011?locale.x=en_US

ReadingDreamer · 書籍·文学
18 Chs

Warning, Meeting and begging

ALBUS DUMBLEDORE.....I mused to myself the Headmaster of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry..The vanquisher of Dark lord Grindelwald....yeah more like the THE jockey. We all know which wand he wanted to you to subdue Grindelwald with hehehe....

oh shit evil aura leaking again

yes yes I need to warn harry about the old Homo and his interest in harry. The guy was a top class manipulator and puppeteer. For the greater good my ass more like for the greater wood. Well I dont have anything again yoai and heterosexual relations yeah don't hate them and don't support them. Freedom of choice they have theirs I hane mine. So back to topic of harry before Dumbledore screws up his life metaphorically speaking 😉. I need make sure he does not becomes a puppet well not I care but as a future brother in law don't want my little Ginny to be married to retarded fan boy whose only life saving card is his mother's charm and plot armor and me being here changes the plot as I can kick Voldemort's ass anytime even if he was at his prime and when I get to supernatural condition I can kill with a thought and at absolute condition lets say I can literally just kill the whole planet like a glass pebble.

So I look at him and say.

"Hey harry I wanna tell you some thing".I said"Its good that keep in mind"."As you know that not all is fun and games in the Magical world"(serious tone)"Beware of Dumbledore all might say he is some sort of Light lord but All he is a hypothetical control freek who do anything to achive his goals". "He may be all shines and light but he no better than Voldy."Seriously I look at him""Strong people make rules here no matter what other say you need to get stronger and faster"."There are those who like to see into your mind and control you and Dumbledore is a master at it don't be fooled by his looks". "A murderer could be a old grandpa and a devil can have heart of gold judge with you heart not ears,".

The countryside now flying past the window was becoming wilder. The neat

fields had gone. Now there were woods, twisting rivers, and dark green


There was a knock on the door of their compartment and the round-faced

boy I had passed on platform nine and threequarters came in. He

looked tearful.

I knew who he was though I was waiting for him.Nevillie

"Sorry," he said, "but have you seen a toad at all?"

When they shook their heads, he wailed, "I've lost him! He keeps getting away".

"He'll turn up," said Harry.

"Yes," said the boy miserably. "Well, if you see him..."

He looked over to me was shocked his eye looked at me wanting to say something but he left before I could say anything poor lad I wanted to help him out a little as a fellow Noble. life has been harsh on him.

"Well he looked sad I hope he finds his toad".said Harry.

"Yeah me too" ...Well I think a little cleaning is due. I took out my wand out the holster just to show off.. (well I am 12 what do you aspect😉)... As I was about cast a spell the compartment door slid open again.

The toadless boy was back, but this time he had a girl with him. She was

already wearing her new Hogwarts robes.

"Has anyone seen a toad? Neville's lost one," she said. She had a bossy

sort of voice, lots of bushy brown hair, and rather large front teeth.

"Ah Mr longbottom good to again you left before I could get say anything ,"I said, but the girl

wasn't listening, she was looking at the wand in my hand.

"Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see it, then."

She sat down. I looked At her.

"Er -- and who might you be."

I cleared my throat.

I casted in slow dragon tongue

"kotin fin voidde" and all the trash vanished.

She looked amazed but soon came realise who I was and Said"Hermione Granger" said Hermione.

Yes that my future wife who knew such odd child would grow up to a babe. I stood up bowed and held her hand and kissed while saying "Ronlad Billius Weasley". She flushed red and backed away hiding her face. She came back to herself when harry introduced himself "Hardin James Potter".He nodded at her.

Than I looked at Neville longbottom and saw what Trevor looked with Legilimency easy to do on a First year and the waved my wand and called out in Orkish "Dez trevor".Spells in Orkish have more force behind them being a ancient language. Soon a Toad appeared in my hand. "Here you go" I said while passing it to Neville." "Trevor he rushed to take him".

"Its you Right the Crimson Devil wonder of the alchemical world and youngest billionaire." said Neville while looking at me. "Haha yes yes it is why? do you ask". "I ...I.... Can we" stammered Neville and I as I saw I raised my hand to make him stop. Well lets talk in private if you will excuse us I said while looking at Harry and Hermione and casted (Ramba ort-) and the compartment dvided into two and just to make sure no one listen in I casted "Dain gilith(Silent room)" in elvish and ancient angelic to keep peeping eyes out.

"Yes mr longbottom how my I be service" I asked him. he looked at me and started crying out loudly and soon he was on his knees and begging" please Mr Weasley save my parent please I will give you anything you want as long as its within my range of authority So please give me the Crimson potion".....

Yep thats what I thought too...

"Mr Longbottom I know about your problems and the thing that happened to you Parents both were brave and loyal friends but there are no free lunches in the world and no Saints Why should I help you and there us nothing you own that I need .....no wait may be yes yes you do"...I forgot longbottom are clan of Potion Master they have the Richest collection if potion books maybe he is worth investing in....

" Mr Neville I think you family owns tomes of alchemy never seen before if I could borrow them than maybe we can have a deal and I would add one unconditional request to it too".

With hope in his eyes filled with tears he nodded and jumped to accept my proposal "I swear in name of my parents you can have everything I own".....