
Avalyn and Bennett

But the Queen didn't come to visit. The twins now were able to speak. The princess could communicate though she spoke less and smiled or nodded in answer. The prince has also started talking but could only speak a few easy words and most of the time his vocabulary was wrong.

The maids would let both of them play together. The sister and brother played together with blocks, drew, and would run away from the maids. The sister was more sensible and didn't fight back too much. and let the brother have his way. on the other hand, the brother tried to break her building blocks when they were higher than his or would take her crayons and run until she chased him. It was harmonious.

The princess has found out what name she was given after observing a few times what the servants and guards called her. Her name was, " Avalyn" and her brother's name was "Benette" they say the Queen personally gave them the names. They also say she loves us a lot.

Avalon thought to herself. What a mother!? She loves us but didn't visit us even once after the ceremony. I have also heard rumors that she is a cold-blooded demoness, ruthless, and has killed thousands of peoples. I did get rebirth but my mother herself is one of the ruthless people. My twin is so carefree. I will do my best to keep him safe. I wonder if he would someday kill me.

She was dazed in her thoughts. But Bennett had different thoughts. He thought he was being ignored so he dased towards her in a speed he considered fastest and climbed on her head. Caught off guard Avalyn fell face flat on the ground . The two bickered for a while until it was time for their nap.

And so she forgot all her worries. She wished if it could stay like this forever wouldn't it be wonderful . How she wishes to remain a carefree person.