
Puppets and Puppeteers

In the world of nobility, daily life is ruled by power struggles. In this setting, even marriage is just a way to negotiate and obtain power. Taking that in consideration, Astrea and Ewan decide to use a marriage proposal as a powerful contract to overturn their destinies and take revenge against the families that despised them.

Axl_Gomes · ファンタジー
7 Chs


"Naava", Master Sybil called me, "Every night, have a maid and a butler stand on the door of their room; and every morning have them report to me".

"Of course, milady". Since she asked me directly, I took the first night. I imagined the master was suspicious about them, but after staying there for a while I felt my face hurting from the blush. Are those two animals? How they can keep doing that for so long? Do I really need to stay here? And why does this room have so bad sound insulation? Zayan, the butler I chose to stay the first night with me, was so red that he looked like a tomato. I mouthed to him I'm sorry.

In the next morning, Master Sybil summoned me to her quarters. It was early, but she was drinking some bourbon while looking through the window as the maids trained.

"Tell me, Naava, how was your night?", she said without taking her eyes from the window. "Were our guests comfortable?"

"Yes, very", I said, blushing.

"I hope they were very... active".

"Yes, they were". As I said this, she smiled.

"Tell the servants to prepare our things. We'll be moving in three days. And send someone to the Conwenna county house to gather the princess' things. And have a different maid and butler every night standing outside of their room".

"Yes, milady".

Three days later, we moved into a new house that belonged to the prince who was previously our guest. The house was beautifully furnished, and everything looked really expensive. The King left his servants there, but Master Sybil told me we should dispense them all. They were not trustworthy, and might be spies. I had to agree with her decision; from the moment we arrived I felt a bad vibe coming from them. Nevertheless, she kept them for a week in the house while adapting and had one of them standing every night beside the prince's room. I could only wonder what she wanted by that. However, one day, when I went to the market it finally hit me.

The people had recently found out that the third prince moved in into the royal family's summer mansion and the rumors were spreading. Most of the things were bad. The prince was paraplegic and, although he used to be a great general, he was now regarded as useless. Many said he was impotent and would never produce an heir. That he lost all his masculinity after the war. As I overheard someone badmouthing him, someone else started to defend him.

"A friend of mine is a friend of someone who works in the mansion, and he said that him and his wife do it all night. That he is a beast in bed". A girl in red dress said.

"Seriously? They say that, although the prince is crippled, he's still really handsome". The girl in orange who was previously badmouthing him answered.

"Yeah... His wife is lucky". A girl in green complemented, laughing.

The vision the villagers had of the prince was quickly changing and it was all thanks to Master Sybil.

The time passed and we got used to our life in the royal mansion. A new training ground was built and a new master was invited to train us. She was the princess's aunt, who soon moved in with us. The princess would also come to train with us. The training was more rigorous and we had to practice with a bigger variety of weapons. The prince brought his own arsenal and ordered a few more to be delivered. He and the princess would constantly practice alone; the movements and the magic they used was advanced. Although I'm at a master level, there was many unknown spells. The prince said the only way they could accept her as his legs was if she mastered the Thousand Swords movement. I'm not sure of what that means, but it seems to be something important.

"They have been able to delay the nomination for another month". The prince told Master Sybil during a private meeting. We have been in the mansion for five weeks and they would have frequent reunions like this. When the princess, the prince and Master Sybil gathered to talk, they would close the door and only the servants Master Sybil regarded as trustworthy could enter. At the moment, that was me, Helena and Itzal. "That gives us a little more time. I got in contact with some friends from the army. The news has already spread and that enraged the Second General. He still hasn't gotten in contact, so we don't know his thoughts exactly. But we expect to receive an invitation soon. Persok Vilhjálmur has the fame of being an impulsive man, and who doesn't like to be provoked. He will do something soon".

"I've been keeping a look at the Conwenna house. News about my marriage have spread and letters have been sent to the duke. None from the Duke Vilhjálmur or his son, at least not yet. Father sent me some enraged letters, but I sent them back without answering. My older siblings answered our invitation to visit, and will be arriving in the next week. I'm still waiting for the exact date. My sister will also bring her husband". Said Princess Astrea.

The princess's house was turned into chaos after the news of her marriage. Her father constantly sent angry letters; she opened the first two and the others she sent back without opening. The oldest sibling, the supposed heir of the duchy, contacted her frequently. She would answer once in a while. Their relationship didn't seem to be the best, but it was better than her father's. Her sister's letters were always answered. Her husband was the Marquis of Laukkanen, who monopolized the supply of horses and other mount to the military. Although they were nobility, and had vast economic power, the northeastern houses – Marquis Laukkanen, Count Falk and Count Järvinen - have been long considered wild and barbaric houses. Most king candidates wouldn't even consider then in their campaigns.

"Auntie's friend will be arriving just in time for their encounter. A letter arrived this morning saying she was capable of crossing the border with all the goods undamaged. Her caravan is also safe". Princess Astrea finished.

I heard them talking about this called friend before. She was from the Shah Empire and raised some specific breeds of animals, primarily horses. They were probably arranging a meeting between the two – their friend and the representant of Laukkanen - to foment a negotiation. The Shah Empire was vast, and a great part of its land was desertic or harsh environments. The breeders of the land had to work hard raising animals that could resist extreme heat and rapid climate changes. The Laukkanen family had a similar background. The Northen lands stayed under ice for a quarter of the year, but was a vast pasture on the rest of the time. The Laukkanen develop as a nomadic tribe until a hundred years ago; however, the process of raising animals stayed. They would stay in the warmer parts during the winter and go back to the main state in spring. Those two were a definite match, and an agreement between the two could elevate the status of both families.

As I was lost in thought, the conversation continued. I was brought back from my trance when Master Sybil asked me for more tea. She called me closer before I left and whispered in my ear.

"You can pay attention on the conversation, but you need to do your work too. Otherwise, they will notice it".

Master Sybil said that we need to learn all we can, whenever we can. But the best way to learn is to not let others realize how much you learnt. When I left the room to get more tea, their eyes followed me, and I felt a little embarrassed. But, quickly, they all smiled to me to show everything was alright. As I've already realized in those weeks, they were good people and really similar to Master Sybil.

The next day, Princess Astrea didn't attend training. In the afternoon, Master Sybil asked me to call for a doctor. From that day onward, the princess dedicated herself to theorical studies with her husband in the library. The prince ordered some magical jewels and new magical books – the standard rich mother-to-be package. It's common knowledge in the country that having magical jewels will increase the chance of a child with high-mana; and the right use of mana combined with specific spells can also help the child development. Of course, most of the population can't afford neither. Probably other maids have realized it too, but since they tried to maintain the highest level of secrecy about the matter, they didn't talk about it.

Soon, the friend and her caravan arrived. The princess gathered all the staff on the great hall to introduce her caravan. The leader, Shahen Amin, was in her late fifties. She was a tall woman with long black hair that was topped with a hat and a blue veil; her long green dress had a beautiful pattern and a beautiful silk in the same color as her veil topping it. Her two daughters, Lawita and Lilis, and the female escort, Shedrick, were dressed similarly, in purple and pink and green and red, respectively. Her son, Ashur, and the escorts, Elqosh, Luqa and Haritha, were a beautiful long tunic with great details in embroidery. The little girls, Kary and Suri, also were beautiful skirts and intricate hair ornaments. All the details showed the money invested solely in clothes. The fabric was delicate and high quality. They were also extremely educated, the kind expected from the high-level nobles.

When the presentations were finished, Master Sybil took them to the main office and directed us – Itzal, Helena and me – to serve them tea. When I arrived there, the scene was totally different from downstairs.

"I can't believe the little kid got married!", Elqosh, a brute man tall as a tree and with arms as thick as a trunk, hugged princess Astrea, elevating her a few feet above the ground.

"I can't believe the kid is getting a kid!" Lawita screamed and messed the princess' hair.

"How did you let the girl get married without telling us, Shal?", Shahen nagged the princess' aunt.

"I didn't know, either. She only told me after she got married!", Shalhevet said back. "Kids these days are too impulsive!"

"It's not like you can say anything, Shal. You did much worse when you were that age", Shahen complemented.

"No, I did that when I was younger than her". Shalhevet laughed.

"And this little thing used to be a general?" Lilis approached the prince.

"Yes, until two and a half years ago". The prince answered. He wasn't used to that kind of behavior and seemed lost in the conversation. Specially since Lilis put her face as close as possible to the prince.

"Lilis, please, don't torment him", Astrea said dragging Lilis away.

"I'm not doing anything. I'm just curious. You married him, right? We need to test him out; otherwise, how will we know if he is any good? We can't let you marry a scumbag". Lilis said, getting away from Astrea grab.

"That's tormenting". Astrea grabbed her again and get her out of the way.

"He is handsome, at least", Luqa said getting too close to the prince's face and making him blush. "And cute also".

"Could you please don't get so close", the prince said, diverting his gaze. Astrea let go of Lilis and grabbed Luqa away.

"This one is cute too!", Lilis said, getting close to Master Sybil. Until that moment master had just stayed on the side delighting herself with the mess.

"I'm not cute. Please, refrain yourself", Master Sybil said.

"Mommy, is it true that there is a baby inside her belly?", Lawita's daughter, Suri, who was about seven years old, asked pointing to Master Astrea's stomach.

"Yes, Suri. But you need to keep it quiet". Lawita answered.

"Why? She is not happy?", Suri asked.

"It's cause it's a secret. Now come and eat some sweets", Kyra, her older sister, answered and dragged her away. "Let the adults talk".

Different from the farse they pulled downstairs, this felt more like a reunion among old friends. They were so excited about the reencounter that they didn't notice when we, the servants, arrived and positioned ourselves at the side of the door. When Itzal announced the tea was served, they stopped and sit. We were leaving when Master Sybil signaled for us to stay and directed us to position in the center of the room.

"Lady Amin, these are the servants I mentioned before. I personally trained them and can whole heartly trust all. Anything you need, you can ask them. In our private reunions, they are the only ones instructed to serve and are knowledgeable about all the house maters. Helena is my shadow, in all the possible senses; however, I'm willing to part with her momentarily so that you can have a great time in this country. Itzal was heavily educated in all matters of the court and the high-nobility; any information or cultural aspect you need, you may ask him. Naava is our head maid, and all of the servants obey her; she is the one responsible for the maintenance of the state and the training of the staff. All the other personnel needed in the future; you may ask her".

When I heard Master Sybil talking about me, I felt proud. I didn't know she regarded me so highly or that she trusted me so much. Helena and Itzal were always by her side, while I stayed back in the house with the other servants. But that was in fact because she trusted me enough to entrust me with everyone else's fate. That gave me a sense of warmth I haven't felt before.