
1 Prologue The Satiah Card (Part 1)

It needs some explanation to follow it right, but if you can, I think you'll really enjoy the journey of the gods, apocalypses, and of course a few cards.:) Bear with this and the story will begin soon. (I will be cutting chapters into parts for you so it makes reading easier on your devices.)

Dimension 1 Follows the Manga: Yes, from the beginning to Dark Side of Dimensions special. If you only know the anime of it, I'll make a note of it whenever something comes up that needs explained. So, spoilers for manga and the movie expected. It will be labeled dimension 1 but if you forget you'll see the names of Jounouchi, Yuugi, Anzu, and so on.

Dimension 2 Follows the anime (English adaption for the sake of name organization. Joey, Tristan, Yugi, and so on.)

Whenever there is a huge difference between them, it will be explained. Dimension 1 gets the most writing/typing time, it is the one chosen to save the world. Dimension 2 is the dimension that has to pay the hefty bill dimension 1 needs. (Maybe I've watched too much Fullmetal Alchemist, but a price should always be paid.)

Warning: I did research for Ancient Egyptian gods, their beliefs about death, the soul, it's people, but there are many mythology stories and sides to it all and a lot of info. I tried to capture a glimpse without going too far. This story will reach into evil gods, good gods, apocalyptic times, relationships, god theories, meaning of a soul and so much more. If any of that offends you, do not read.

Anything else I left out?: Since webnovel doesn't have italics or bold and there will eventually be three spirits talking to hosts sometimes, I'll have to leave the name next to it's user and marks like these so you won't be confused. ///

I write original and fanfiction at this site, and I am hoping to get some of my original work contracted. So please, if you enjoy this, check out my original work too.

Okay, that's all done! Let's kick back and begin . . .


DIMENSION 1: MANGA (Saves the Day)

Before Battle City, After Duelist Kingdom

Notes for Manga in this chapter: Pegasus never gave Yuugi a winning card. Pegasus actually died. Pegasus was actually American while Yuugi and his friends live in Domino City, Japan. The prologue is longer than the rest of the chapters.

Prologue: The Satiah Card part 1

Seto Kaiba had heard of every card. He knew of each of their powers. He knew their strengths and their weaknesses. He had tried to strive for perfection, experience with every card. The only ones he never could attain had belonged to Pegasus. Toonworld.

That's what he thought at least. Somehow, his company had found a new card. Considered fake or just a decoration someone made. Mokuba had actually been the one to find it, always trying to help him.

After purchasing, Mokuba said it was real. It wasn't fake, it worked with their duel disk system, modern and classics. So, Seto Kaiba took it for a spin.

The card had a pretty picture of a woman with blonde hair. It looked human, like a self-portrait, which is why Mokuba had checked for it deeply before bothering him with it. It was a picture of Cyndia, Pegasus' former love. But, it was also a working card. What did it do? Kaiba laid out the card on his virtual disc system.

The same appearance was there from the card. Besides not being happy the digital version looked exactly the same. "Alright," Seto Kaiba said, feeling somewhat foolish. It better not just smile and say 'hello, honey' or something like that. It probably did, considering who it was based off of. But, Seto knew every card. If it was a worthless card, he had to find out. "Now, let's see what you can do. Since I don't know the names of your attacks, or your attack power, we'll stick with the tried and true." Seto Kaiba pointed to the opposite side of the field to a weak enemy his employee was playing against him. He hated when amateur cards like this existed. No attack and no defense clearly written on the card. Maybe that's why it never made it into circulation? "Cyndia, attack!"

Hm. No attack? Then it was a magic or a trap card. Kaiba summoned another monster. "Attack my monster card," he commanded his employee. He watched as his monster started to get attacked and tried to call for her to use her magic to save it.

No. He set it up again and had her spring her trap. No. "What does it do?" Was Mokuba sure it was a real card? So far, the card had only stood in the middle of the duel, looking around perplexed. "Maybe it has a power after it's been destroyed." He instructed his employee to attack it head on with his strongest monster.

But the card . . . moved out of the way. "How did that card move and why?" Was it similar to Pegasus' properties of toonworld when he changed his monsters? A high missing accuracy? He instructed his employee to keep trying, but again and again, the card just dove around.

The diving was strange too. It didn't float or dive around the board. Instead, it moved like a human would move. Then? Something Kaiba wasn't predicting happened. He watched the card hold her hands out and start to chant toward him. "Why are you doing that to me? I am the one who played you. I control you!"

Then, Kaiba heard it. Swore he saw it. The card . . . the beautiful card that was making eye contact with him?

"I beseech thee, I cannot forsake my King but please find it in your heart to stop this torture against me?"

"What?" Kaiba checked his system. "Is this some corrupted monster card?"

"I am not a monster," she continued to speak to him. "Please. Stop this. I? I can't bow to you," she swore, "I cannot dishonor the King but, I . . . I will do anything I can to escape otherwise. Please."

"Escape. This can't be. You can't actually be talking to me." She wasn't part of his virtual world technology, that was different. Not only that, but it wasn't even Japanese. It was speaking in English. What was this? He tried English. "You can't be talking."

"But I am talking to you," she answered back.

"It's not possible." Did someone steal his technology? Pegasus!

"It is."

"It's lucky guessing!" He pointed at her. No, not a her, at the card. "You are programmed to guess what I have to say. You're even speaking English, a true sign your Pegasus' handiwork."

"Then, please." She closed her eyes. "Test me. Ask me something I could never say."

"Amazing intellectual cards that speak inside the game, that's not built by me." Kaiba was intrigued. Stolen tech or new tech he could steal to his own arsenal of ideas. He would test her knowledge. "What is my little brother's name?"

"I didn't know you had a little brother," she answered.

She didn't know Mokuba's name. "Who is your master?"

"The Pharaoh King of Darkness," she said, "and my husband."

What? "Your pharaoh is your husband?"

She had a shocked look upon her face. "No, never." She actually got to the ground and bowed in shame. "This is not to honor you above the King of Darkness but it is to correct such a mistake seen. My husband is my owner, however, the King is above all and is mentioned above all others."

"You have a strange dialogue," Kaiba noticed. "You don't look like an ancient card from Egypt though, so it backfires the reality. However, it's interesting. You must be experimental which is why you were never released to the public."

"Seto, Seto," Mokuba cried out as he came over to the dueling system. "I saw it all. She's talking, and she's speaking English. How is a card talking to you? That's not our virtual tech, I checked it. It shouldn't do that."

"Don't be worried," Seto Kaiba assured him. "It's just a high tech language system. Instead of just all roars or chants, Pegasus had been dabbling in virtual AI talk."

"It sounded like she talked for real," Mokuba said. "Like she was from our virtual world tech. Plus, I heard her mentioning the King and Egypt. That part doesn't sound like our virtual game."

"My name is Satiah," the card said. "Truly. I implore you." She bowed down again. "Without disrespecting my own King, I ask you for help in the most need. I will grant you anything I can give you, just free me."

"Free you?" Mokuba went as close to the dueling area as he could. "Are you trapped?"

"I don't know," she confessed, "but I do know that I must be freed. I don't belong here."

"She's real, Kaiba," Mokuba said. "She isn't virtual, she's real."

"She's a card, she's virtual, end of story," Kaiba answered his brother. "The language system is decent, but she doesn't get quiet and she has no features to fight or defend with. She avoids every attack, so I suppose she could be used when in a tight jam with a monster. Even magic and trap cards don't work on her. We've tried."

"Clearly polite crap doesn't work on you." Her attitude changed. That wasn't supposed to happen with software, clearly inferior. "I was not meant to be in your game, and I need a way to get the hell out of here. Please?"

Mokuba tried to reach and touch her.

"Mokuba, don't." He knew better than that, what was he trying to do?

Satiah lied her own hand almost against him. "If there is anything you can do, please help me. Whether I am in the cursed shadows of nightmares, forced to dwell for eternity or not, I need to know about someone. Her name is Heba and she is two. If Heba is here, I need her too."

"Heba. That's the name of the girl?" Mokuba asked her. "Her hand is trying to touch me, Kaiba."

"She isn't real. She's a card, now back away." Yet, Kaiba could see it trying to stay perfectly lined up against Mokuba's hand. "If she was real, she'd come off the dueling field."

"Oh shut up," The card insisted. "Heba. She is a support card. Find her, and I will have a secret ability to serve you in your game."

"A card that ties with this card?" She could be a joint card. She might have a new power. A new fusion. Kaiba stared at Satiah. "You look like someone I saw at Pegasus' place. Whoever was your inspiration, might be the inspiration to this 'daughter' card of yours." He smirked. "It's quite interesting, talking to cards instead of my opponents in the middle of a duel. This would be good with some kind of solitary dueling system against oneself. For those who prefer chatter instead of strategy when dueling. Hmm. Solitaire dueling."

"I'll look into all the cards Pegasus ever gave away," Mokuba said. "That creep. I'll find the little girl. Oh, Seto," Mokuba shouted even though he was right next to his brother. "What if he stole her soul just like he did ours? But something happened to her body and now, she's just stuck as a card?"

"An interesting idea," Kaiba said, entertaining his little brother with the silly thought. "However ,she never said anything about Pegasus, she just spoke of a battle game and Egyptian Kings. Besides, she is speaking English too, not ancient Egyptian, if that puts a little more reality around you," Seto assured Mokuba. "However, I am very interested in seeing what her partner card can do. Let's look into Pegasus' more exclusive decks closely." Kaiba went over toward the dueling system and shut it all down. The Satiah card disappeared along with the rest.

As she should.