

Chapter 472 - Return to the 1-Fist World

Speaking of the person who was on the night of Uchiha's extermination, most of the Konoha ninjas who participated in the war at that time should be impressed.

If facing the "tailed beast" made most of them feel powerless, then the person at that time, what they experienced was complete despair!

Judging from what the other party did that night, the other party should be Konoha's enemy.

But today the people saved the entire Konoha village, so it is said that the people of Konoha will have a delicate attitude towards Yoya.

The matter has calmed down, Yakura originally did not plan to stay for long, plus Konoha issued an eviction order, so Yakura decided to leave for Mist Hidden Village the next day.

"What are Konoha's things, Mizukage-sama and Yoruya-sama helped them so much, what is this attitude now?"

"The level of those Konoha ninjas is not very good, and even the Hokage is dead, maybe we can eat Konoha Village now."

For Konoha's attitude towards them, both Mizuki and Junmaro expressed considerable displeasure, and even Shiro, who had always been quiet, was a little angry at this time.

But only Yakura and Yoruya thought it was not surprising that Konoha would choose to do this.

The three generations of Hokage are dead, and now the whole of Konoha is in a state of panic, and the only thing that the Konoha high-level can do now is to stabilize people's hearts as soon as possible.

And Konoha, who is currently in internal and external troubles, naturally does not want such high-end combat power as Mist Yin to remain in Konoha.

Especially Yoruya, who still has a previous conviction, is too dangerous for Konoha.

No one can tell what this extremely powerful but unpredictable Mist Ninja wants to do.

Yakura and the others were ready to leave Konoha the next day, and it was Yamashiro Aoba who came to send them a special Shinobi.

"Shidai Mizukage-sama, I'm really sorry, Konoha's current situation, I hope you can understand more.

There is also a thank you to Kirihide Village for helping Konoha this time, and when Lord Mizukage returns to the village, we Konoha will also send a rich reward to thank you. "

What will become of Konoha, Yakura they don't care at all, their strength is developing rapidly, and they don't have the leisure to care about other villages.

"Mizukage-sama, I may have something to leave for a while, and when I was in Konoha before, I saw what you called the 'Xiao Organization'.

I have to investigate this matter, I always feel that the purpose of this group is not simple, and what they are plotting may not be just a ninja village. "

Halfway through the road, Yoruya suddenly spoke.

Said to investigate the "Xiao Organization", in fact, Yeya is ready to leave this world again.

Although I don't know how long it will take to leave this time, it should probably not deviate too much from the main plot.

"Yoya, are you ready to leave again? This time won't be the same as last night Jing said, leaving for more than ten years, right? "

Terumi looked at Yoruya and asked a little uneasily, but she knew that Yoruya had a previous conviction.

Now she is in her twenties, just in the matter of the flower and moon appearance, if Yeya disappears for a few more years, she will be a thirty-year-old leftover girl...

"The purpose of that group of people is really concerning, I will tell her if the night is quiet, you pay attention to your own safety."

Yakura did not refuse Yoruya's request, first made a move on him, the fourth generation of water shadows, and now in the matter of Konoha's three generations of Hokage, there is actually the shadow of the other party, which has to make Yakura care.

If it were someone else, Yakura would also worry about whether he would go back, after all, judging from the strength of being able to easily control him with illusion, he was obviously not an idle person.

But if it's night, Yakura is quite relieved.

After the battle of Konoha, Yoruya once again refreshed Yakura's understanding of him.

And the purpose of the "Xiao Organization" is indeed quite concerning, so he agreed to Yeya's application.

Looking at the backs of Yakura and Terumi and the others who were far away, Yoruya sighed slightly.

The only regret is that he didn't say goodbye to his sister, but if he really said goodbye to Shui Wuyue Yejing in person, the latter would definitely hold on to him and not let him leave.

Consciousness sinks into the system space, and Yoruya chooses to leave this world...

One Punch World, in an uninhabited building in Z City, Yoruya suddenly appears in his room.

This is where he left before he left, Fuyuki rented the room next to Saitama, looking at himself in the mirror, and Yoruya tried to activate his "Sharingan".

But unfortunately, his eyes in the mirror did not change superfluously, and he was still familiar with green pupils.

"Sure enough, the Sharingan can't be opened in other worlds..."

Ye Ya really had such an expression, except for those powers that he had learned, whether it was blood succession or slashing knife and other powers, he really couldn't follow him through.

The "gift of God" was able to follow him through solely because of the system's reward.

"Ice Escape" is because he has a "Ice Escape" skill card, although it is not as powerful as "Double Ice Escape" in the Hokage World, but it can always be used.

Looking at the unoccupied room, he expected that his sister was probably going to carry out heroic activities again, so Yaya planned to use the rest of the card drawing opportunities and strengthen himself first.

Every time he returned to this world, Ye Zai always felt that his strength was still not strong enough.

Of course, the main reason is that the shadow brought by a certain bald head is too huge. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

After a few worlds, in fact, there are not many remaining card draw opportunities in the night.

In the Digga world, he belongs to the unconventional traversal, and even the system mission is not activated.

In the slashing sister world, his card drawing opportunity was used up in that world.

So now his remaining card draw opportunities are only the quest rewards obtained in the Hokage World.

And among the missions of the Hokage World, there is also a task that rewards Uchiha's blood succession...

"This is probably the least I have ever gained from crossing the world..."

Yoruya estimated that he probably had three random draws and two limited draws.

If the hero points are counted, he has harvested a lot, and if the bits and pieces add up, it is enough to have two or three thousand points.

But if you want to upgrade the "three-star hero", it is still slightly insufficient, and the main thing is that the number of his plane tasks is too far from the upgrade requirements.

Consciousness entered the system space, and Ye Ya washed his hands, ready to come to a wave of long-lost card drawing sessions.

In the old-fashioned three-choice link, Ye Ya quite skillfully lifted the middle one.

As the son of the walking Emperor of Europe, Yozai means the chosen son, and it is a man like him!


A dazzling light flashed, and the first thing Yeya saw was the one that was the rarest "character card".


"Lao Tzu is indeed the chosen son!"


And when the whole card was lifted, Ye Ya saw the complete card and introduced it, and the face that was originally smiling suddenly froze on his face...


This is completely different from what he had imagined before!


Chapter 473 - Exciting Card Drawing Session!

The characters drawn on Katu are not the Kakarot or Vegeta he dreamed of, nor is it some scribbled bald head.

On the card that was completely lifted at this time, Katu was a chestnut-haired boy with an ordinary appearance and a waste face.

Character card: Kazuma Sato (from blessing for a beautiful other world)

Introduction: An ordinary otaku summoned to the other world by the goddess, because of his own clever behavior, when choosing the plug-in, he chose Akuya, who was "at the peak of IQ", resulting in becoming the weakest traverser.

Skills: Mediocre Assassination Skill, Mediocre Luck, Theft Skill (Advanced)

PS: Become a ghost animal with me!

"Emperor Ou or something, it's really all fake, Sato and Ma, this Nima is probably one of the most wasted protagonists...

Do you dare to give me a reverse sixteen nights, or the Dragon Palace Courtyard Holy Ah! "

Also as the protagonists of the crossing, the latter two not only hang most of the otherworldly protagonists with strength, but also have explosive IQ.

What the hell is Kazuma Sato? Except for that "theft skill" that is a bit of a look, everything else is almost useless for Yoruya...

And if Yoruya remembers correctly, Kazuma Sato's theft skills, only when stealing female cuties, the success rate will become exceptionally high.

It is also because of this that Kazuma has the title of "Axel Ghost Beast Man", and now he wants Yozaya to be a ghost beast like Kazuma?

"Steady, although it is a little wasted, but it is still a character card, which shows that my Ouhuang essence has not changed, and now it is just a little wrong."

Yeya frantically comforted himself, washing hands for the first time will fall, that is normal operation.

Just like in television, the big play is often later.

But the next second consecutive draw tells Yeya with a painful reality that he is not Ou Huang, but a chief from a certain tribe.

The second card is a prop card.

Item Card: Tracking Glasses (from Detective World)

Introduction: The same glasses for the Grim Reaper elementary school student, with the effect of positioning and monitoring.

ps: Ten years ago I was in junior high school, you were in the first grade, ten years later I was already married and had children, why are you still in the first grade!

The useless garbage, after the identification, Yeya was a little tired.

If this glasses come with the function of the god of death of elementary school students, it is an artifact, but unfortunately the ability to monitor and track has almost no effect on him.

The last draw is still a prop card, but an equipment card.

Item Card (Equipment): Asma's lighter (from Hokage World)

Introduction: Konoha's beloved lighter is full of his strong "Will of Fire", which is eventually inherited by his disciple Shikamaru.

Effect: Increases the power of fire ninjutsu by 10%!

PS: Smoking is harmful to health, stay away from the big smoking gun uncle!

Although this card is slightly better than the first two cards, it is quite a chicken thing for Yoruya.

He is not good at fire ninjutsu, so this equipment card is just for him, and it has no effect at all.

If he can change "fire ninjutsu" to "ice ninjutsu", then for him, it is a god card.

Even if it is not "ice ninjutsu", even if it is "water ninjutsu", it can play some role for him.

But now, this card belongs to the kind of goods that can only be thrown in the warehouse.

Several random selections, the night was not harvested, and the things extracted were all things that made him feel painful.

There are only two limited extractions left, but according to today's rhythm, do you want to continue?

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to continue extracting.

It is useless to keep the number of times itself, and strengthening itself is the last word.

And unlike "random draw", limited draw can filter the selected type of card again by consuming "hero points".

Although this will cost a lot of "Hero Points", it will increase the number of cards you want to draw a lot of nights.

Anyway, it is still far from the conditions for upgrading "Samsung Heroes", and the reasonable use of the current "Hero Points" is the most correct.

Yoruya's current hero level is "Two-Star Hero", and there are three card slots for character cards, skill cards, and equipment cards.

Among them, the character cards, Ye Ya, are respectively prepared "dumplings", "Sun Wutian (seven years old)" and "Red Lotus Knight Beast" who have risen to the stars.

In the case of skill cards, Yoruya is equipped with "Ice Escape", "Domineering", and "Medical Ninjutsu".

If you equip the card, Yaya is equipped with "Demon Knife Muramasa", "Gemini Bracelet", and "Elusa's Chest Wrap"...

That's right, originally because of the drawing of Ultraman's transformation necklace, Elusa's chest wrap was eliminated by Yoruya.

But because in the Ultraman world before, the transformation necklace had been completely petrified and lost its effect, so Yeya put on the chest strap with a suffocation again...

With the two "limited draws", Yoruya prefers the "equipment card" in the "skill card" and "item card" category.

To be fair, although the "Character Card" is the rarest of the three types of cards, even if it consumes a large amount of "Hero Points", Yoruya is not too sure to draw cards that are useful at the moment.

There are so many characters in the heavens, and each world is only a small number of people, and there are too many uncertain factors.

And Yeya also feels that the three character cards he is preparing now, although UU reading www.uukanshu.com not the top match, but they are also quite not weak.

Compared with the "character card", Yoruya feels that his "skill card" and "equipment card" are the card slot positions that urgently need to be updated.

In the skill card slot, in addition to "Ice Escape", which Yoroya does not intend to replace, "Domineering" and "Medical Ninjutsu", in fact, Yeya has long learned.

Although bringing the corresponding cards can make "Domineering" and "Medical Ninjutsu" stronger, but Yeya is still absolute, at this time, a new skill card should improve him even more.

If you equip the card slot, the twin necklace is almost no weaker than a powerful character card for Yoruya, and Yoruya does not plan to replace it.

Muramasa, as the weapon that has accompanied Yaya the longest, is still the slashing knife in the world of death, and Yaya does not plan to change it for the time being.

The percentage increase speed of Elusa's chest band, although it seems to be against the sky, is quite limited for the current night.

The most important thing is that he is a big old man, and he can't wrap a girl's chest strap all day...


It's good to say that this wearing clothes is good, if the battle is a little fiercer that day, he is burst by others, and he is seen wrapped in a chest strap, will he be more handsome than his face?


Without a hint of hesitation, Yoruya went straight into the limited extraction mode.


In the first draw, Yoruya specified the "Skill Card" category, and then spent 100 Hero Points for the first screening, selecting "Permanent Skill", excluding the draw of one-time skills.

Then the second screening, which requires ten times the consumption of "hero points", that is, a thousand points...


Chapter 474 - Ice Dragon Killing Magic!

Watching the "Hero Points" accumulated for a long time consume most of them in an instant, the night is also painful.

But there is no way, if the child can't set the wolf, if you don't give it a shot, how can a bicycle become a motorcycle?

With the second screening, three options appeared: "Attack Class", "Reinforcement Class", and "Status Class" for Ye Ya to choose from.

Attack skills, which are roughly the type of turtle school qigong wave, are direct attack skills.

Strengthening-type skills should be skills that can increase one's own ability or physique, such as the ice and domineering on Yeya's body now.

The final state skill may be some benefit skills, such as immunity, regeneration or rebound.

Three categories came out, making Yeya feel that this thousand hero points were worth the flower.

If you do another screening, I am afraid that it will be directly screened to a certain world or a certain character!

Unfortunately, the price paid for each screening is tenfold, and the high price of 10,000 hero points is destined to be something he can only think about at night.

Closer to home, there are three categories of skills, and Yoruya must choose from them.

The first one he eliminated the "attack type" skill without hesitation, he did not lack the means of attack, and now he just wanted to strengthen himself.

As long as his physical fitness is strong enough, even if he just throws an ordinary punch, he can comb the planet like a bald head.

After hesitating for a moment, Yoruya finally chose the "Enhancement" skill.

Although the skills of the "status class" are also good, it is even possible to draw the "regeneration" ability that you dream of at night.

But there are also a lot of skills in this category, and the probability of being able to draw "regeneration" is too low, and if you pump some garbage ability, it is really too much of a loss.

In contrast, the skills of the strengthening class are much more stable, even if you pull out some ordinary ones, then you can strengthen yourself.

After selecting a category, three cards appear again in the system space as usual, for Yoruya to choose from.

Ye Ya didn't have much mood swings, and directly opened one of them...

These three cards are all "enhanced" skills, and the difference is whether you are strong enough to draw stronger skills.

A cartoon is ice blue with a roaring ice dragon depicted by the night.

And after seeing the relevant introduction of the card, Yoriya's mouth almost laughed to the root of his teeth.

Skill Card: Dragon Slayer Magic Ice (from Fairy Tail)

Introduction: Ancient magic taught by dragons in legend, people who learn magic, have the ability to fight dragons.

Effect: 1. Increase the ice system capacity by <>%.

2. Obtain the Ice Dragon Killing Magic Supporting Skills, including the Roar of the Ice Dragon, the Horn Attack of the Ice Dragon, the Spiral Tail of the Ice Dragon, the Claw Strike of the Ice Dragon, and the Dragon Destroyer Ice Breath Winter Gun!

3. When taking ice element materials, you can restore your physical strength and your own magic, and when you take a large amount of energy substances, you can activate the "dragon" strength to increase significantly!

Looking at a large introduction to it, I know that no wonder Yeya laughs like a fool.

Where is this Nima a bicycle into a motorcycle, it is simply a direct transformation into a fighter!

I thought it would be nice to draw a powerful strengthenment skill, but now a card against the sky has appeared.

Although this skill also belongs to the "enhancement category", it is not only a reinforcement class, but a super skill card that includes strengthening, attack, and status!

Ice ability increased by ten percent, this belongs to the enhanced type, the supporting dragon killing magic, this belongs to the attack category.

Finally, being able to "dragonize" and take cold ice to restore physical strength and magic power belongs to the state category.

At this moment, Yoroya felt that he was indeed the chosen son!

The previous "random selection" will not be like that, completely accumulating the European qi accumulated before.

Mari took off the "Medical Ninjutsu" card, and Yaya couldn't wait to replace the "Dragon Killing Magic".

After entering the soul, Yoruya was also full of confidence in the next limited extraction.

Hero Points can continue to be screened twice, this time choosing "Item Cards".

In the first screening, Yoruya consumed 100 Hero Points and selected "Equipment Class" from the item card category.

After the second screening, Yoruya consumed a thousand hero points, and the system gave him three classification options as usual.

Weapons, armor, and accessories, when I saw these three categories, the corners of Yeya's mouth couldn't stop twitching.

He spent a thousand more hero points, and the result was to show him this?

The gap between this Nima and the skill card screening is too big, so he can make an enhancement class and attack class for him to choose ah.

"This thousand hero points, it's a big loss!"

Although the system did help him screen, the problem is that this screening criterion is useless.

In so many worlds of the heavens, weapons may not only be used for attack, and armor may not only be used for defense...

However, although he was pitted, it was too late to regret now, and this time he drew the "dragon killing magic", Yeya felt that he had earned blood, even if the equipment card was almost drawn, he felt that he was not at a loss.

Among the three equipment categories, Yoruya chose the "Trinket Category" with little hesitation.

If he has a weapon, he already has Muramasa, and if he has armor, he has an armed color domineering, and his role is not too big. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

And the category of jewelry, usually add a variety of attributes, choose this ironclad is the most reliable.

Whether it is the "Jade Fragment of Four Souls" or the "Twin Bracelet" that Yaya drew before, they all belong to this category, so Yozai must have the highest shipment rate in this category!

After choosing, the three cards lie quietly on the ground, waiting for Yoruya to make his final choice.

Because he was in the mood of having already returned to his roots, Yeya's mood was quite calm, and he opened one of the cards without any waves.

Kathu is a close-up of a woman's chest with a green crystal pendant hanging from it.






Speaking of the necklace of the original Hokage, then the size of the great shore on the card map, everyone should also know who it is...


However, drawing the original Hokage necklace also made Yaya a little surprised.


Although this card is not very good, it is indeed what he desperately needs at the moment.


This is also a deteriorated version of "creation regeneration", although the setting that a world can only be used once is a bit pitted, and the healing effect is estimated to be not comparable to regeneration, but Yoruya is also quite satisfied.


Chapter 475: Blowing Snow Attacked by a Hungry Wolf

At this point, the harvest before Ye Ya has been completely cleaned up, not only the opportunity to draw cards, but even the hero points have been directly consumed.

But Yeya felt that he was not at all at a loss, because after this wave of card draws, he felt that his strength had risen a lot again.

Now he, even in a normal state, should have the strength of a dragon-level superior.

If it becomes a "Super Saiyan", the strength may be infinitely close to that barrier.

"Now my strength should not be weaker than Sister Tornado..."

After clenching his fist and feeling his own strength, Yeya had a feeling like a world away.

Once upon a time, he couldn't even win a tiger-level middle-level weirdo, and he would even be rubbed on the ground by others.

"Okay, the cards are also drawn, there is nothing to do by staying here, or go and see how my sister is."

Yoruya knows, and if Yoruya is not there, Fuyuki probably won't come back once in a few days.

And he left for a week, before leaving the hungry wolf began to block the people of the hero association, now I don't know what happened to the hungry wolf?

After simply making a layer of disguise, Yeya went out, and if you don't do a disguise, you really can't, because the popularity of Tonight is too high.

Even the Heroes Guild has the idea of packaging it to be a "model hero".

In the Poros incident, Yeya saved a city person, and he is an S-class hero himself, and he has a super good look.

Although people also worship other S-class heroes, but sure enough, no matter what world they are in, people still look at their faces.

Among the many S-class heroes, the most popular are "Trembling Tornado" in the second place of the S-class and "Tyrannical Cold Wind" in the fifth place of the S-class.

Without him, because the siblings belong to the super high-value among the many strange S-class heroes.

What's more, Tornado has a super high attendance rate, almost every day in the newspaper, and Yoruya also has a fairly large fan base as a way to save the entire city.

If he doesn't make a little disguise, as soon as he goes out, he is estimated to be surrounded by ordinary people, after all, in this world, heroes are stars!

On the way to the stronghold of the Blowing Snow Group, Yeya's keen five senses also noticed that the pedestrians on the road were talking about the weirdos who occasionally appeared.

What last night there were heroes attacked again, A-class hero Max they formed a group to challenge the hungry wolf, and they were also defeated, etc...

After the S-class hero "Vest Venerable" was defeated by the hungry wolf, the Hero Association still did not pay attention.

Compared with the "hungry wolf" of humans, the Hero Association is still more worried about the prophecy left by Granny Shihibawa.

And the silver fangs Bungu who is the third in the S rank also said that he has contacted his brother Bonpu to deal with the problem of hungry wolves.

So the Hero Association just symbolically gave the hungry wolf a big bounty, and then ignored it.

Along the way, Yoruya was originally in a non-caring attitude, listening to the small talk of other people around him.

But when he heard the blowing snow of hell and also participated in the alliance of A-class heroes, when they went to fight the hungry wolves together, the night was not calm!

Who is a hungry wolf? Na Nima is the second fierce person to break through his own limiter in addition to the bald head, can anyone challenge?

Although before leaving, Yoruya was paid for teaching ninjutsu and asked Sonic to protect Fuyuki.

But even Sonic, who has learned ninjutsu, is estimated to be fierce when he encounters a hungry wolf whose strength has risen rapidly during this period.

And if Blowing Snow is following the tornado to fight the hungry wolf, then Yeya is not too worried.

Now with the snow-blowing group, follow some A-class and B-class heroes to fight hungry wolves, isn't this clearly to send heads to experience?

In fact, this is not to blame Blowing Snow, how strong the strength of the hungry wolf is, that day Blowing Snow as one of the three A-level heroes who were called to the town field, she was very clear.

But because of Sonic's temporary joining, their Blowing Snow Group has been in the limelight recently, and even the weirdos at the peak of the ghost level have been successfully fought by them.

In short, because of the improvement of her own strength, as well as the joining of Sonic, her own sister Blowing Snow, she has swelled again...

And after Sonic learned ninjutsu, he also said that he could not find a stronger opponent to compete, at this time the hungry wolf of the hunting hero appeared, and as soon as he was persuaded by Blowing Snow, Sonic agreed with great interest.

When she came to the stronghold of the Blowing Snow Group, a little girl from the Blowing Snow Group was first happy when she saw Yeya, but then she was replaced by regret.

"If only Yoruya-sama had come back early, then Fuyuki-sama wouldn't have been hurt."

After hearing the little girl's words, Yeya first looked worried, although he felt relieved.

Because from what he said just now, Yeya heard that although Chuixue was injured, it was not life-threatening at all.

Not to mention that the hungry wolf did not kill anyone, when the hero association decided to gather criminals and use them to eliminate frequent weirdos, the A-level heroes who were called to the town field, the magic hand and Qingyan were killed by the hungry wolf.

The hungry wolf did not kill people, but he did not kill some people who he thought were worthy of the title of "hero".

After learning that Blowixue was hospitalized, Yeya rushed to the hospital non-stop. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

In the past few days, the hospital in City A can be described as extremely hot, because hungry wolves hunt heroes everywhere, and the wards here are almost full of heroes of all levels.

In front of the hospital bed where the snow blows, there are also many people standing at this time, in addition to some people from the snow blowing group, the tornado and bald head at this time are also here.

The bald head who slammed the door brought a bunch of bananas to visit the "undocumented knight", and every hero he knew broke off as a gift for visiting...

The tornado on the side floated in the air, looking at Saitama with a look of disgust, last time I visited Yoya, I brought a bag of bean sprouts, and now I visit my sister, I only brought a banana.

Tornado never understood why he was so off-line, and the brazen bald head had such great power.

"So didn't I say that earlier? Let you stay at home.

You yourself poured well, and took the initiative to run to fight such a dangerous person. "

As a brother control and sister control, after learning that Blowing Snow was injured, the first moment was to twist the hungry wolf into a twist roll.


But the whereabouts of the hungry wolf are erratic, and even if the tornado wants to avenge his sister, he can't find any trace of the other party.


In order to avoid another accident in the blowing snow, the tsundere tornado even pushed off other jobs, that is, specially came to protect the blowing snow.


In her opinion, the "snowblowing group" formed by Blowing Snow is all some waste, and it cannot bear the responsibility of protecting Blowing Snow.


She has also thought about it, when Blowing Snow's injury is slightly better, she will take her home and lock her up, and before the storm of "hero hunting" has passed, Blowing Snow is strictly forbidden to take a step out of the house!