
Im Bored

Well, one may think being the sin of sloth is sick af, but it isn't. For the first couple of millennia, it's pretty cool lazing around, sleeping, and chilling on the most comfortable throne, but after some time it's just boring.

[Well, u know what that's it I will fricking isekai myself.]

"Oi Batibat you fat old ugly piece of shit! Get the elevator ready I'm going up to Heaven."

"Are you stupid or just retard-"

"Wow. Dude that's not cool. We are literal Demons but using the R-Word is not cool."

"Anyway, Acedia the elevator is in maintenance, u will have to use the escalator, and going up to heaven is stupid you are getting yourself killed"


[Well, I guess the escalator is not too bad. But I hate people looking at me just because I'm too handsome for anyone to handle. Everybody looks at me as expected they are dazzled.] (Author here he is ugly af look at this picture)

-----Timeskip of 25 Minutes-----

[Finally, the escalator ride is over. Holy Macaroni the pearly gate looks pretty good. So let's walk in there like a boss and request to isekai.]

While going in there like a boss Acedia could out of nowhere lost all his power as one of the seven deadly sins and before he could start thinking about what happened, his body moved on its own and he shoved a mortal soul that just arrived away, which was the last thing he did.

Stayed Tuned for another chapter!!!!

What does the author mean by a mistake?

Find out more in the next chapter of....damn that name is long.